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Everything posted by jbailey

  1. Les Stroud's documentary about moving off the grid I found it pretty interesting and thought I'd share with anyone who hasn't already seen it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwQxqBBut8s
  2. battle of the goaltenders! exciting game even though its pretty sloppy
  3. Scrooged (With Bill Murray) Christmas Story Christmas Vacation and cannot forget Home Alone 1 & 2!!
  4. Hopefully they cancel it, such a terrible show. A&E and TLC are full of garbage "reality" television. Of the "reality show" genre, I'll stick with Wicked Tuna
  5. world juniors is the best part of the holidays... well and the scotch
  6. Not too mention that influx over 25 years could be a result of the ridiculous population growth of southern Ontario
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6VWcgsM6y4 Durham region: Check this out out. Officer threatens to frame him and constantly threatens him. Just a heads up its very vulgar.
  8. Amazing report! looks like you had a great season
  9. you obviously can't trade up with him but you need to look into the future, realistically there are no moves the leafs can make to make themselves contenders this year, and you move around assests to make that worth it. You don't trade people because they're worthless because you get nothing in return. Unless you want to hold on to someone and left them sell you out like Sundin, or Alfredsson have done.
  10. You will never win a cup with Dion as one of your front men. It has nothing to do with I like him or not. He's just not that qualified. He was more useful when he played 20-21 mins a game.
  11. And you make it sound by shopping Phaneuf and Kadri you get nothing in return. I'm sure it would be surprising to see who teams would be willing to part with. Trading Gardiner and Liles is never going to be enough to obtain a player of significant ability to help the leafs out. Go big or go home.
  12. He's their "#1 D man", he plays about 6 mins more a game then he should, he becomes a liability. On any other team Phaneuf would not be a leaned on nearly as much, and I'm sure there are many teams that would be interested in him for depth, not a #1 D man. More importantly, his contract is running out and if the leafs resign him its going to be for a ridiculous amount of money, wouldn't be worth it, cripples your rookies.
  13. There are 3 Staals in Carolina, and the leafs definitely do not have enough to offer for E.Staal. I say shop Phaneuf and Kadri around the league.
  14. Yea, especially because St. Louis has one of the lowest shots against per game
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