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Everything posted by Sudzy

  1. 63 and 147
  2. I agree it now is... I got mine right when it came out - had to take the test in a classroom. Anyone can get one now that you can do it online with a "supervisor".
  3. I caught a monster carp in the Hamilton harbor years ago trolling with big spoons for trout. I would think it would be a rare thing to happen though - not sure how a CO would treat that one, always thought the not "targeting: OOS fish was kinda a fuzzy regulation.
  4. lol exactly.
  5. You probably will be charged duty. Just have to weigh the cost of shipping ,duty as well as your coupon code against the costs of gas/time driving down to the store and see what works out better.
  6. Amazing pics..thanks!
  7. Great looking fish. The fish from up north always seem to have stronger coloring than the southern Ontario fish.
  8. SAYAL Electronics is a retail store correct? I've been in there once I think, and they have tons of stuff.
  9. Great, any recommendation on who has the best prices? I live in Burlington, thinking bass pro might be the best bet.
  10. Thanks guys, making you own does seem like a good idea. But to be honest I would be willing to pay a little extra to just have it all ready to go. I will probably be using it on various styles of boats. So need some pretty versatile. If anyone knows of any place that has a good price on them, let me know, thanks!
  11. Lots of nightcrawlers out tonight for those who need em

  12. Thanks for the reviews guys. Thats what I saw it for $219 at bass pro on sale. Not sure what the regular price is. It looked like a solid unit, I like the pack design as it would be nice to take ice fishing as well. Cannuckjack - Does the transducer just suction to the side of the boat? I'm complety new to fishfinders.
  13. I was looking at the hummingbird 570. http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/SportsRec/Marine/FishFinders/PRD~0793906P/Humminbird%252B570%252BPortable%252BFish%252BFinder.jsp Not necessarily at Canadian Tire, I think I saw it at Bass pro for under $200. Anyone use that model?
  14. Looking for a portable fish finder for this upcoming season. Any recommendations on what unit to pick up / where to get it? Might be fishing some deeper waters for lakers - so something with decent range would be best. Thanks! Sudz
  15. It Binbrook open this time of year? I guess the only fish open would be panfish?
  16. Never really targeted them, but I used to catch the odd big one when fishinh for bass in the Ausable river where it goes into Lake Huron,so they are there.
  17. Destroy do not return to water - as per the regs.
  18. Nice feature! Never seen that before on any other boards, very cool.
  19. I ran into the same issue a while back. Looked into it as well, and decided my best option was just to buy a new one. Maybe sell the old one on kijiji to put towards the new one.
  20. 70 turns Chuck Norris today.
  21. Very sad to hear... I wonder what the details were? How deep was he into woods? did he get injured and not make it out?
  22. This exactly! lol
  23. Only applies in certain situations I think (ie. Topwater fishing) Otherwise I agree.
  24. Was on Rousseau this past week, got on to some good lakers, nothing huge but decent amount. Props to Captain John for the hut rental, it was a good time.
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