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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. I picked up a 535 portable at ctc green tag sale price for $150,about a year ago.No issues so far with it.I kinda luck out this year,I was going to buy another 535 for boat,so I have a spare screen.I didnt have to.My old 100 base,and power cord matched.All I bought was a transducer and a speed temp sensor.The speed teed temp sensor I could do without,the gps is more accurate.
  2. First off I would like to thank everyone on my last post about this topic.Youve been a great help.My sony camcorder a/v out port doubles as an in port.I didnt know.Searching all this time for an aquaview recorder,havent come across any even on aquaviews site.But anyway it is possibe to go from the view to the cam.But one has said and so did the rep at ehr,sony at times changes their A/V ports on the camcorder.Thanks everyone for your input,cheers and good fishing.Vince.
  3. I picked mine up at either lebarons or fishing world,Black foam handle marked special 8.99.no names on it,but great for the pike.If you want it,i used 2 times 8.99 no tax, you pick up the rod.orig price tag on it.
  4. Ive seen them,and I think there great if your packing them in a tote.I use the one with grip handles and a curly cord.Not sure of the brand name.I wear them around my neck,and put some cork on the ends while traveling on ice.for safety measures.I used to use as an oldman showed me,2 long 3/8" spikes with eyelits welded on the ends,Ayard of rope.This I didnt understand for a while.The steel will freeze to the ice quickly and you have enough rope to pull yourself out.Thanks to the old gents fishing for lakers in front of the windemere house.
  5. Thanks ccmt for the vid,Ive seen it before,but I had my 8yr old daughter watch it for the first time.And we had a small review with the safety gear I bring and how to use it.A yearly thing I do before the first outing on the ice.Thanks again.V
  6. geat to hear you got your motor back.I wonder if these theives hit the hamilton area.My friends new boat had both of his new riggers stolen out of his driveway,and they tried going after mine,until the dogs barked.We live a mile apart in the city.Within a weeks time.good job opp.
  7. nice catch rob d.One more than what I caught.
  8. you probably got them on a bad day,a good day of fishing and there stuck working.I know how it feels.Ive been there.
  9. Lebarons is topr for me when in the area.Good prices and selection.I go elsewhere to a family run bus and get the same.Since its close to me.But as I had mentioned earlier on another post.Bps threw me a doozie.Out shopping for a floater suit,and brought the next years catalogue of lebarons with me for comparison in prices and such.I never showed them but bps were willing to match and beat by 10%.When I showed the following years catalogue and all,guess what.The catalogue is out of date and bps will not match prices.How is it out of date when there is 2 months togo before years end and its next years catalogue.I bought a raven float rod a year earlier.from a family owned bus. when I visited bps,The same rod sold for $30 more than the family run shop a year later.thanks bps for my time and trouble.
  10. I wish I spent a thou,the wife is still beaking off,after a few years about what I spent.
  11. Ill tie him off to a tree.Thats if he comes ice fishing with me. A test pilot perhaps. Hes more than welcome to come along.
  12. Throw the book at them I say.I wonder how many people they would catch poaching,using a mech dear with collars.Those colors and collars are there for a reason.The very last time out hunting I came across a father and very young son hunting.Not seeing them at the time(and no blaze orange on at all)i thought it was a few rabbits running around,playing.Coming closer to me I pointed and thank god I say what I was pointing at.I hope the father learned a leason.The boy was in tears and me,havent been out since.10 yrs....or soThrow the book at them,by all means.We have a few rabbits that frequent my front yard and the neighbours yards.I leave some treats for them at times in the morning.They are our so called pets,and there is no hunting in my area.
  13. Your name is on the list too,executive or luxury suit?
  14. Lebarons will match prices or even beat the competition.Spend the extra$,and get a one piece surival suite as i did.Fishing world has good deals also.Spend the extra you never know.The mustang one piece has been fine for me,even to go pee.
  15. Joking aside irishfield,I would invite all that Ive spoken to, some regs,and all the admins for sure.With that original offer.And my buddies too.
  16. Bayfront park can hold a lot people,thousands.I would invite all I have seen on a reg basis on this forum.The root admins would have luxury suites,Of course.A hut and a coleman black cat. That should bring down the cost.
  17. A killer boat youd be great,I recently had a mercruiser dealer asking me If they could rebuild my motor.Instead of me doing it,and also to install a blower(supercharger).A 140 mercruiser with a blower,Ill eat bassboats with it.That would be a killer on my bowrider.
  18. With a million bucks,ill buy a new boat,truck and toys.Take care of all the bills.Leave some for retirement.Then I would invite everyone on OFC for an all inclusive fishing trip for 2 weeks,all payed for, travel etc.Even wages.Why not.But for now ill buy a round of coffees.T H anyone?
  19. black fury Ive caught some monster pike off of a 2,more on the#3
  20. the#3 aglia would #2 for me
  21. I think ill call the doc and for the assistant to do a house call for an impeller replacement.Shes a cutie. Ill send the wife out for groceries during the procedure.
  22. Mine would be the mepps black fury#2/3.
  23. Sorry to hear that.Afew years back I had bad expeirences,I went back recently for something specific,nothing but good,very good expeirences after that.They have changed,a very friendly atmosphere.Now I mention my name on the phone and there on top of things,even the techs.Though I only go in for parts and advice.But when I need my merc looked at,it will be them for sure.I work as a mobile tech and I can Imagine what they go threw,its hard and fustrating,esp in the busy season,dealing with customers and all.Active engines is another mercruiser dealer,another good bunch.Talk about fishing at the counter and youll see.I had fun.
  24. Maybe they were overfished and couldnt recover.Their time to go perhaps. Im sure some where in erie, or lk O there may be a distinct few.Somewhere.
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