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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. She looks like a great pup, have you thought about calling her bud or spud!LOL http://<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNEg65rlnu4?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.c...rlnu4?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>
  2. Good job aaron I dont know how many hours Ive spent trolling for those toothy critters, only to have one nibble and spit this season! But the trout gear always comes along for a ride as well
  3. <object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcWVL4B-4pI?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcWVL4B-4pI?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object> Still to this day! Its a great tune!
  4. Determination payed off! If you go back out again, ive got the perfect tool for the ice!
  5. Glad to see you back MJ!
  6. Dropping the limits to two in both Lake O and Lake E tribs, now that I can go for! As for the lakes, a lot of good gents spend a lot of money on their boats, charters etc. If they dropped the lakes limit to 3 or4, that would be ok with me! There is one eerie trib I love to hit in the early winter. But now I only C & R. It was a great fshery and within 15 yrs the trout numbers in that trib dwindled quit a bit. Enough to not even take a handfull of roe from a hen!
  7. And this is Peter now! My link Peter griffins top ten things he wants to tell america
  8. Received a call back! It was reported on the 4rth, no tragedies! Washed down river! Thank God!
  9. 8 am picks in dunville!This am! And another. Not sure if can see the gulls feeding in this pic.Top right dots are gulls!
  10. You are absolutely correct! I lucked out this summer, after a 1/2 hour of tugging and to drag something down stream. A log from what I felt! The tug was done by my engine! Next time I will cut the rope!A persons life is worth more than saving an anchor and rope. I always has the engine running and my hand on the throttle. I have also been that close in a canoe with some fear in the back of my mind! But not much worries.
  11. Theres probably no need, Im sure they know already! Theres an old age apartment complex there, and all the balconies and windows face the dam.
  12. They will probably be out the same time as the card renewalls are available, at the bait shops. Another next week or so!
  13. I made my first stop for walters today,and to my surprise this is what stared me in the face! I surely hope these folks are Ok! Im sure a lot of you guys have been here fishing. I dont know what happened,but whatever did, I hope their safe! At this time of year belwwood, conestoga and all the rest of the resevoirs open up their dams to lower the water levels. Dont be a fool or a static. Be safe! I recall a while back(20 yrs or so)taking my little cousin out to caledonia in early spring for some fishing. Low and behold there were firemen,grapling hooks and a hovercraft in search of three men the were tossed into the river. The water was high, and they were fishing out of a tinner at the face of the Dam in early spring. Be Safe Folks, the river is fast and furious!
  14. Thanks Randy, Ive forgotten about that! Always loved to watch the short vids. Too funny
  15. I hope your not lloyds travel agent!
  16. I had the pleasure to chat with this guy for an hour or so, didnt recognize him till well after. After his last concert in the hammer at a burger joint! I guess he cant repay me for the smokes he bummed off me that night.
  17. Congrats Dave You deserve it!
  18. Good old fashioned chicken soup!Pluck it and boil! The others that has been mentioned works as well!
  19. I found 3 in north bay and grimsby bait is looking as well! OUCH!!!!!! with NB prices for 2 I can buy a new electric rigger! On the one I have,I think the main gear is worn, the other the motor, windings are going for the carper!
  20. vinnimon


    Everythings fine so far! The only time Im having issues is if Im playing mafia wars! Then go to OFC! Then things go for the carper!
  21. Does anyone here know where I can get new motors in the hamilton or gta area! One is on its way out,and the other isnt performing up to par! Is bay distributors in north bay still around? Thanks in advance
  22. Our thoughts and prayers are with ya Bud!
  23. Ditto that and some!Least I can do for an ofner!
  24. Happy B day HH!
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