I made my first stop for walters today,and to my surprise this is what stared me in the face! I surely hope these folks are Ok!
Im sure a lot of you guys have been here fishing. I dont know what happened,but whatever did, I hope their safe!
At this time of year belwwood, conestoga and all the rest of the resevoirs open up their dams to lower the water levels.
Dont be a fool or a static. Be safe!
I recall a while back(20 yrs or so)taking my little cousin out to caledonia in early spring for some fishing. Low and behold there were firemen,grapling hooks and a hovercraft in search of three men the were tossed into the river. The water was high, and they were fishing out of a tinner at the face of the Dam in early spring.
Be Safe Folks, the river is fast and furious!