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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. Congrats, Dom Paolo
  2. Thats wonderful news kelvin. I had no doubt that good news was on the way, you can surely see it in her my friend
  3. Thank you kindly guys and gals for your kind words. But its loonietoon that should be thanked for showing me what a great community this really is Elisa was kind enough to send me a few more pics I totally forgot about it until now Well for all you folks that havent met me, well! Thats me on the left(black jacket and a snap on hat), my friend next to me, Dan of coarse, and his bud. It was very nice to see everyone again On to the pics
  4. Add me in as well A truley great event
  5. Congrats to you and your family Ryan
  6. Thats one giant whopper of a wiper
  7. Happy bday
  8. Nice fish Bill
  9. Jacques The smile on your face must be as big as mine Cingrats to your daughter If it makes you feel better I get out fished as well, most of the time KIDS!!!!
  10. Nice bows
  11. Thanks guys I would do again in a heart beat, but loonietoon is the master of the bbques. Im only the obeying peasant
  12. A few more pics for you guys.
  13. Well as most of you guys and gals know, I took over for loonietoon this year.I did promise him if he needed anything that I would be there for him. So I did, tending the bbqs . Everything went as smooth as pie on saturday, well sort of But we were on top of things for sure . I would like to thank Elisa, Terry and maureen,Elisa's neice and another kind lady cooking the hotdogs. Me and my girls help set up for a bit, once it was under control it was time to fish for a short bit. As I promised my girls We managed a few nibbles but nothing to show for in the short time we had. So back to the lot we went to start the ques . I sent my girls off on a wagon ride that they surely enjoyed. Then it was time for them to go to work and they did I couldnt be more proud of them. Anyhoo to make a long story short, there are too many good gents to list. It was very nice to finally meet the ofners I chatted with on line and pmed, and always the members that I have met/fished with . Thank you all for your kind words, I couldnt be any happier to help out and seeing you all out there One more thing, we finally lucked out on a few whities. And it had to be after the tourney and all ,oh well! On to a few pics
  14. Probably the same rookie that was disciplined after my little go threw an amber light episode. He made a 6yr old cry and peed off his elders in the force on the same morning
  15. Lucky duck
  16. Back home safe and sound. The girls are happy as can be for this awesome event. And we finally caught fish after the tourney Thats ok
  17. Nice fish B Nice to finally meet you
  18. Awesome pics joey It was nice to finally meet you guys in person
  19. But only for a short term, Im teaching my youngins as well, very close to shore.
  20. Welcome to the board
  21. If you asked them to have it tracked, then a tracking#will appear on the receipt.I made a really bad mistake last year with a money order, sent it off as is, because I didnt want to pay the extra fee. Guess what, IT WAS LOST aparently . Never received either.HMMMMM! I never want to go threw that again with canada post. I just sent one out last week to another ofner, and it was received on time and the package was signed for.
  22. Your welcome Kelvin. And mark my words, lol. 3 holes will be drilled and my youngins will be fishing I promised them
  23. Sign up is at the t&h supply company on inisville beach rd, 5:45 sharp. A list will be there waiting for you lloyd
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