Well as most of you guys and gals know, I took over for loonietoon this year.I did promise him if he needed anything that I would be there for him. So I did, tending the bbqs . Everything went as smooth as pie on saturday, well sort of
But we were on top of things for sure .
I would like to thank Elisa, Terry and maureen,Elisa's neice and another kind lady cooking the hotdogs.
Me and my girls help set up for a bit, once it was under control it was time to fish for a short bit. As I promised my girls We managed a few nibbles but nothing to show for in the short time we had. So back to the lot we went to start the ques . I sent my girls off on a wagon ride that they surely enjoyed. Then it was time for them to go to work and they did I couldnt be more proud of them.
Anyhoo to make a long story short, there are too many good gents to list. It was very nice to finally meet the ofners I chatted with on line and pmed, and always the members that I have met/fished with .
Thank you all for your kind words, I couldnt be any happier to help out and seeing you all out there
One more thing, we finally lucked out on a few whities. And it had to be after the tourney and all ,oh well!
On to a few pics