Thanks to loonietoon, im hooked on OFC
He has shown me first hand, as a newbie to the board, as to what this community is all about. There is no emotionicon to show how we feel at the vinnimon house. So in that, I decided to return the thank you, this year.
Another special thank you to spincast and frankie65
As to who I fished with through hook ups
hmmm?some I didnt and will mention as well.
Spincast, frankie65, fishhunter,tributaryhunter,bigugli,robd and his bud joey,hthm,tb4me,aaron shirley,slowpoke,skinny,miiler(just met a few weeks back on the ice), my neighbour(just met and fished with),fishnlips, all from the fishing for tyler and the fish a thon,
Gave a lake trout to fisherpetes bro(kinda counts),loonietoon(still to fish with).greg1983s bro, thejay, and a few others.