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Everything posted by Marko

  1. Marko

    Odd PM's

    i got one asking me to join a carp board.
  2. I was in Glen Allen month and a half ago and the water did not look too good. Murky and stale, catfish biting on every live bait that you throw in there. 15 other people fishing right bellow the bridge and every one of them using jigs.
  3. there are pike and bass in there. Lots of little cat fish as well that i have seen. Never had much luck there for some reason. Fished bellow the dam couple of times with no luck. I know they stock browns in Conestoga river couple of miles below the dam and I`ve heard that some walleye as well have been caught. So good luck!
  4. The biggest salmon run i have ever seen was in Owen Sound and the whole creek was full of dark salmon. It was so thick you could amost walk across the river on them and not get your feet wet. It snowed that day and it was really late in the season, week 6 or 7 in nfl i think.
  5. Just voted for you man Best of luck!! The sign looks prety darn good too, i must have taken that exit 200 times by now.
  6. There is some info on here how to do it. http://www.pdfzone.com/c/a/Tips/Converting...Microsoft-Word/ Also there is some info on here on how to copy and paste from PDF into a word file so you dont have to convert whole pdf files to word. http://www.pdfzone.com/c/a/Tips/Copying-an...nto-a-New-File/ Good luck
  7. That second fish looks like a rock bass. Great pics tho, nice trout!
  8. thank you. Never would have thought that the skein would make a good bait.
  9. I fish bronte pier and used to go to Owen Sound quite a bit back in the day when there used to be fish. I preffer going to creeks and fish for them in deep holes floating eggs and chucking little mepps spinners. I find it that the green and black ones work the best. I heard people talk about fishing them using Fish skiens, whats a fish Skien. Is that just like a piece of skin or?? Sorry if that is a dumb question lol i just have no clue what it is and would like to try it this fall Thank you
  10. So they are killing carp to save suckers LOL That does not make any sense
  11. Great looking fish buddy. Glad to hear you had fun! Thank you for posting
  12. Have big spools with lots of line on there? The only fish that came close to spooling me was salmon, but eventually caught up to it. I see people get spooled on Piers quite frequent.
  13. Not once in my life did I weigh fish. Take a quick pick and measure it if its really big or if it is my PB. A person can be 6'7 and a 40 inch pike will look like a 25 inch pike in his hands, so it can really be deceiving. If you really want people to see how long your fish is and matter to you that much just take a pic with the measuring tape right next to it. From the length most experienced fishermen will roughly know how much does the fish weigh. I hope couple of negative comments wont push you away and stop you from posting.
  14. Maxima Ultragreen 8lb mono
  15. You get us a musky and I`ll get us a salmon. They are starting to come in slowly, read some reports already so its getting there. Good luck at St Lawrence, hope you catch a 50 incher!
  16. Great report MIke, Good to see you and the kids had fun and caught some fish. I was looking for a musky in there but i see you had no luck
  17. Black Sabbath Rocks! Just seen Heaven and Hell on Metal Masters in Toronto. Dio can sing much better then Ozzy but still gotta love Ozzy, as crazy as they come
  18. Ahh thanks Cliff. Key word there is a shore anglers. Have u gone salmon fishing yet?? Or you are still after the carp haha
  19. As it gets cooler and cooler, do the pike move into shallow waters again to feed or do they go down in much deeper holes and hunt there. Just wondering what is the best way to catch a fall pike.
  20. I am in Kitchener myself, should be available this fall to go fish on and off and plus i have a car lol. Some good carp fishing around Let me know guys if you wanna hook up one day or something along those lines
  21. Great Looking fish man. You are lucky to have lakes up there that are not as fished as some down here.
  22. Great fish Love the song!
  23. Have you even seen any jump around? Maybe you should try walking up the creek of the trib you are fishing and look for them, if you see some at least you`ll know some of the fish is there. I personally think its still to early.
  24. Awesome pics and an awesome bear story! I think i`d pass out if i had a bear scratching on my trailer and me being in it.
  25. I`ve had much better luck before the storm when the weather gets all hot and muggy. I think thundering spooks fish, like Greencoachdog said.
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