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Everything posted by Jewelbee

  1. 44-47
  2. Rick and I will be there Thurs to Sun
  3. I have these 'monsters' in and around my deck every year. Some find their way indoors. I find putting the Ant killer drops down seems to slow them a lot. They take it to the nest so the queen eats it too. In spite of it tho, they are back EVERY year
  4. Actually by my dog... It was creepy...it looked like it was alive, yet not. It's eyes were fixed in a gaze of foreboding doom. Unlike the other 'omen' found in Northern Ontario (which was obviously a mink) this appears to be the real deal....
  5. Rick O and I both have one dog afraid of fireworks. We both find that giving them a "safe place" and acting like nothing is amiss, tends to downplay the behavior. Rick likes Rescue Remedy (health food stores carry it) he says it helps his dog.
  6. LOL! Yup.. that would be him
  7. Maybe consider a rescue site or the pound..lots of wonderful dogs looking for people!
  8. Where's that guy....you know.....the one.....Rick Obanion
  9. ok...Otter or something , but you can tell it's been dead a while...probably fur falling off from the water bloating it.
  10. OMG!!!....Much a due about nothing....It looks like a rotted muskrat....some one will be embarrassed when this all comes to light
  11. I don't know why.....but I'm finding it VERY amusing that sooooo many of you GUYS know how to give a cat a pill! LOL!
  12. OMG!..... You need to get that one into Readers Digest!!!!!
  13. Thanks for the correction!!!!!lol
  14. Dont know what went on here, but the link i posted was the release of a bear attacking a forest ranger...God I dont know what went, but sorry to you all..lol!
  15. WOW..sorry this post was meant to be a bear attack...i dont know what went! I took the link off!
  16. I just had my 2 dogs in for their yearly maintainance: heartworm ,flea controlx2 examinations x2 tick collar x2 blood work x1 vaccinations x2 You DONT want to know the bottom line....LOL! $300 to adopt is is not bad. If you adopt,the pet will already be be altered( This costs between $200 and $600 depending on age and size of pet.) You should only need flea control when you get it and everything else is up to date for a year! Rescues and Humane Societies charge what they do, not only to keep people from adopting on a whim, but to help recover the cost of getting these animals up to date with their health. My dogs are not rescues but ARE dogs that couldn't be placed by the breeder because of considered flaws. Nothing at all wrong with buying and keeping your favorite breed( as long as your careful not to support a puppy mill), but I think adoption is wonderful and congratulations to anybody who gets a pet this way!
  17. She sounds like a person i would have loved to have had the honor of knowing......so sorry to hear you lost such a great friend.
  18. YA...I Know...LOL! always room for one more More for our winter hunt here
  19. Wow! Good job dealing with city wildlife NY!!!!!!!!!!! http://ca.video.yahoo.com/network/100899001?v=7405685&l=5421634 (scroll down to right hand corner,can't get a direct link)
  20. Ummm...............Does this apply????????????
  21. Awesome video..Good Luck!
  22. Well said!!! I have to agree. You hear of cases of deer being hit by cars and local humane societies picking them up to try to save them.(Not that i agree with it) So it's ok to save Bambi.. but not Smokey??? My point is ..Why wasn't relocation even considered? Maybe it's time to reconsider the hunt? I for one would rather NOT have the bears relocate to Southern Ontario. (I live here) I like walking in the woods with my dogs and don't have to worry about encountering bears....(YET)
  23. ***** So sorry to hear of your loss. They are such close friends MEMORIES "Not the least hard thing to bear when they go from us, these quiet friends, is that they carry away with them so many years of our lives. Yet, if they find warmth therein, who would begrudge them those years that they have so guarded? And whatever they take, be sure they have deserved." --- John Galsworthy ---
  24. # # All I Need To Know About Life I Learned From Fishing * There is no such thing as too much equipment. * When in doubt, exaggerate. * If it feels good, it's fishing. * Everyone has a story about the one that got away. * It's good to be at the top of the food chain. * Even the best lines get weak after they've been used a few times. * Sometimes you've really got to squirm to get off the hook. * Cast everything in the best light possible. * Keep one eye on your bobber at all times. * Life is a stream of consciousness thing. * Take time to smell the fishes. * I fish therefore I am. * The way to a fisherman's heart is through his fly. * You never forget your first bite. * A fishing line has a hook at one end and an optimist at the other. * Fish always start to grow after they get away. * Life is a can of worms. * The fishing is always better on the other side of the lake. * Good things come to those who wade. * When the going gets tough, the tough go fishing.
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