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Everything posted by Jewelbee

  1. anYes...Please back to the fish talk......I didn't spend the last three days staring at the back of Rick's head with his face in the computer for nothing..............Please, appreciate all the hard work these guy do for nothing more than the love of the sport. I can vouch that Rick, for one, is NOT wealthy from any revenue for his trouble. Really....The site is still the same..just looks a little different, before you know it, you wont' remember what had you so bent out of shape. Certainly doesn't seem to be with quitting over...Kind of puts me in mind of kids that don't get their own way. So that being said..stay if you want..and if you don't...Your loss!!!!
  2. Hey guys, the new site looks great!!! But I have to admit.....it's nice to see Rick without his computer stuck to his face!!!!
  3. Ummmmmm........Maybe..LOL!!!!!!!!
  4. http://www.wkbw.com/news/87299027.html
  5. No worries TJ...It won't be your fault...I'm taking the snow tires off my van, LOL!!!!
  6. I don't think thinning overpopulation is a bad thing. Coyotes can be a real problem in urban areas. Unfortunatly, they don't try to avoid human contact and they are opportunists, getting themselves into trouble. The only thing that I feel strongly about is making clean kills! While I was out walking my dogs last week, they found a small female that had been shot and curled under a tree to die. She was frozen to the ground and looked as if she was sleeping there. I know sometimes they get away, but I don't like to see any animal suffer a slow death. Just so you guys know.....I used to hunt myself...so I am NOT anti-hunt.
  7. Another good one!!!!
  8. HMMMMMM???? Wouldn't a million dollars buy your freedom???? Buy the way.....Just wanna tell Rick .....Green isn't my favorite color...LOL! But I don't mind fancy mustards .
  9. Cool! I was driving home in that storm, but THIS gives a whole new perspective!
  10. LOL!
  11. Can't wait for spring now!!!!!!!!!!! Cool!!!!!
  12. Oh ya....... I let Rick watch my dog for the weekend and he tries to feed him to the coyotes...LOL!!! Seriously tho, I live rural and we see them all the time. So far I've never had any issues with walking at any time of day. They are very brave tho. At the farm where I keep my horse, we had one sleeping in our arena every night and sleeping on the manure pile to keep warm. She had mange. She would move enough for you to empty a wheel barrel and move right back and lay down when you were done. NO fear. It's most dangerous to people that are oblivious to the fact that they are so close to populated areas. Letting small pets run loose in parks and back yards, only makes a potential meal of them.
  13. Congrats.....
  14. Isn't EVERTHING good with beer??? LOL!
  15. Just wanted to thank all you guys for the congratulations and making me feel so welcome here.
  16. Wow!!! Still excited this morning :)
  17. Hi again guys!! I guess Rick proved his worth as a good fishing guide (Even tho I had to show how it is REALLY done)...LOL!!! Wow what a rush landing this fish...a great way to restart my love for fishing. Hope to see you all out there soon!
  18. Hi Guys..Going fishing with Rick tonight. I guess I'll have to show him how it's done...LOL!
  19. Thanks For The Warm Welcome And Well Wishes To Rick Guys!!!!
  20. Hey everyone..Rick O'Banion's double barrel 44 Wed. Send your best wishes!!
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