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Everything posted by Jewelbee

  1. You should absolutely LOVE this park. I used to spend a lot of time up there... summer and winter(snowmobiling). It is a gorgeous place on a beautiful lake. I know the ice fishing is great there but can't tell you much about the summer. I would recommend it to anyone. Can't get near it on a long weekend tho, so if you don't like crowds, that would be the only time not to go. If you go, I hope you like it as much as I did!
  2. Nope...Nothing wrong here!
  3. Thank you so much! I also lost my step mom to lung cancer 12 yrs ago. I'm so grateful that cancer research has given me Rick
  4. Hi Guys, Rick O and I have a friend with 2 young(4&7yr old) boys that have let their hair grow long so that they can cut it to donate for wigs for chemo patients. They are doing a fund raiser for Cancer and have a goal of only $300.00. Anybody out there willing to help? I think this horrible disease has touched all of us at some point. Anything you might want to give...(no matter how small) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot For checking this out. Happy fishing!!! Click the link to make your donations. http://convio.cancer.ca/site/TR/Thirdpartyevent/IFE_ON_CommunityPartnerships_?px=1685079&pg=personal&fr_id=6600&fl=en_CA&et=7sq1OEchie2YP23i9W9lFA..&s_tafId=131002
  5. http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/366959/Crack+kills/
  6. I had my Piranha for 10 yrs! Yes they will jump form the tank. Any tank should be covered anyway, so that you don't have the water evaporating so fast. They are not really very exciting except at feeding time and even then they may choose to eat when your not looking..LOL. I personally enjoyed having Betas as pets (you can only have 1 in a tank tho).They don't need a big tank and they are every bit as interested in you as you are in them! Good Luck!
  7. Very well said!!!Sound advice from a knowledgeable dog owner!
  8. Hi again. Once a dog (especially the working breeds) reaches 1 yr to 18 mths they will usually slip back on the things that you think they have learned successfully. It's a lot to do with maturity and some to do with learning curve. I have discovered that about every 6 weeks or so during training a young dog, they seem to forget all that you were so certain they had down pat! Then...bang...they remember My young dog is very high energy and I look back now and wonder how I survived the 1st year with him. Don't give up!
  9. I have competition dogs and although I understand not everyone wants to be that involved with dog training, ,a 1 yr old is still a very immature dog. Just a word of advice...1 series of classes is not enough, and dogs learn from repetition...so remember, practice with your dog a little bit (1/2 hr) every day. Keep it fun for her/him. And most of all be patient! Also... make sure your dog gets enough excercise daily (makes them a lot easier to live with) Good Luck and don't give up.
  10. I didn't hear about this sight until I met Rick O. I think there are a great bunch of guys here. Cant wait to meet some of you guys this summer
  11. ok..ok...for those of you who want pics..here you go
  12. I really did have a good idea this would be a popular subject! All a girl has to do is say "naked" and all hell breaks loose! LOL
  13. Crap!!! Wish I'd of thought of that!
  14. Oh WHAT a stroke of luck!
  15. Hey Guys...Beware.... Early tick season this year. Last week, picked one off the dog already!
  16. My driveway would have been the sweet spot this morning..lol
  17. Good for you...It was Pike that got me hooked Even the little ones give such a good fight!!!!
  18. OMG>>>I love it, you know your famous when somebody puts you on cardboard. LOL!
  19. Your right about the deer..it is a muley. Can't believe I didn't notice. This was sent to me and I just thought it would be fun to post and see what you guys had to say. The best comment by far is the "Cougars in Toronto" comment. Love you guys...made me LOL!!!!!!! Jewelbee
  20. LOL!!!! No Doubt in my mind
  21. Just word of mouth so......
  22. Ever been walking through the woods at night and had the sensation that something was following....... It appears the deer does not even know it's behind him. This picture is from the Peterborough area, where someone set out a motion sensor camera to see if any big bucks were passing in the area. It's a one in a million shot! WOW!!! scary to see such a big cat . PRETTY GOOD EVIDENCE THAT WE DO HAVE COUGARS IN ONTARIO
  23. Too bad Rick has to work all weekend...Looks like we jumped right into summer. Could be out fishing....
  24. Still lookn at the back of Rick's head..LOL It sure is looking good tho :
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