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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Hey Phil, sorry to hear about your troubles. Hopefully despite that you and your son had a good time! cheers
  2. Wow can't believe I missed that one, thanks!
  3. Here's a response taken from another thread on a different forum discussing the C.O. in question. Just found it interesting... "I was one of the victims involved in having Donny slapped in 2006 at Nungesser Lake.He searched our cabin without permission,tried to bust us for too many fish.We took him to task over it and the crown attourney for the MNR dropped the charges because he searched without permission or a warrant.Under the charter,section 7,8 we have a reasonable expectation of privacy,even in a rented cabin. The crown attourney was even kind enough to personally bring all our confiscated fishing gear from Red Lake to my house in Barrie,1400 miles!They were also supposed to give me 8 fish back but Donny must have ate them himself. So now you all know.Follow the rules,but dont let these overzealous cop wannabees step outside the boundaries,or we will soon lose another right."
  4. Don't really want to see this thread degenarate into a bashing fest, but I have to comment on this. I always fillet the fish in my boat removing the skin completely if they're for immediate consumption up at my camp. What's the letter of law regarding this situation, anyone know for sure? I always assumed that there was some leniency about the patch of skin thing if the fish was for your immediate personal consumption. What if the skinless fillets are in your fridge or freezer at camp (without being transported) for a few days? Regardless, I'll still continue to do what I do, just curious really .
  5. The vinyl that Mike mentioned he has in his Lund is the same thing I have my Lund SSV. It's an insert sold as an accessory by Lund for their boats. This particular insert is solid vinyl (or some kind of hard plastic), and is not wood lined with a sheet of vinyl. It's absolutely amazing. Don't know if these type of inserts are available in generic sizes for other boats, but it would likely be worth looking into. Who knows, maybe the Lund inserts would fit .
  6. Great read really enjoyed that, sounds like you guys had a great trip! And 75$ for a 3 day rental?, that's a price from 25 years ago, heckuva deal. It is a pretty area, a few years back I flew into Florence lake and paddled the river down into Lady Evelyn lake, awesome trip. I pass Mowatts Landing on the way to my cabin on a regular basis and have often thought of a trip just like yours....thanks again for posting.
  7. Congrat's, that's especially impressive on light tackle!
  8. I've heard horror stories about this particular C.O., he sound a bit overzealous to me. What I'd like to know, why does he constantly patrol Nungesser? Don't most C.O.'s have a huge territory these days? Why do you regularly read on the net about this guy busting people on one isolated fly in lake?
  9. Great report Mike, that's some happy looking kids there .
  10. Just like life you take the good with bad, in the case of OFC it's mostly all good. I wouldn't take things too personally.....
  11. 24 for 30? That's amazing, what an incredible day!
  12. Nice to see you're broadening your horizons Cliff, sounds like a fun day!
  13. Tipping over the atv, mink eating your minnows, that's just more quality memories for the rocking chair like my grandad used to say . Great report!
  14. 400 is still the fastest route assuming no traffic. Even being a Friday night the traffic should be okay by the time you get there around 7:30 or 8.
  15. You're a man of many talents Cliff, that was great!
  16. Mighty generous of you Cliff, that's a pretty nice gesture. Good luck with your business!
  17. Just now had time to sit down and read your report. Thanks for posting that was a great read!
  18. Cancer is a terrible disease. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  19. Hey cool, that's great Cliff! I'll be looking forward to seeing how you guys make out now that you're fully rigged.
  20. With everyones schedule so busy, it's usually next to impossible to arrange trips to the cottage with any of my extended family. This most recent trip was supposed to be myself, my wife Joanne and my young daughter heading up. My mother kindly offered to watch our 9 month old son while we were gone (more of a holliday for Joanne), so we were set. Then last Friday evening at virtually the last second my brother in law called to say he'd like to join us, along with my 13 year old nephew Ryan and my mother in law. Great, the more the merrier! The main reason they came up was because I've got an old beater 14' aluminum up there that I promised to my nephew. I'm guessing that he bugged his dad to death 'till he finally gave in and agreed to come up to collect the old boat and bring it home. The kid is a fishing fanatic and I'm sure he'll have that old tub all fixed up and fishing with it in no time... Anyhow, when we arrived last Saturday it was unbelievably hot, humid and calm. Pretty much everyone except my mother in law jumped in the lake for a swim after unloading to cool off. All the comotion attracted our resident family of ducks which Riley likes to feed. This time her uncle Dale helped her. Before dinner I brought Ryan out for a quick fish along with Riley and Joanne. Ryan managed one pike trolling a worm harness. Don't have any pic's (I wasn't in the boat), but after dinner Dale and Ryan went out for a troll right at dusk and managed to pick up 8 small walleye, so they were pretty stoked. Me?, I just relaxed on the deck with drink after driving all day, unloading, then cooking for 6 people . Next morning I brought Dale and Ryan to one of my "spots". We were looking for meat as everyone wanted a fish fry that night. We managed a handful of eater sized walleye like this one here. Then something VERY cool happened. We had a few fish on the stringer, and I was fighting another one when suddenly a pretty large pike grabbed my fish and wouldn't let go. I've had that happen before, but I had this fish on for at least 10 minutes. He'd let go, then attack the fish again repeatedly. Not a great shot, but you can see the pike with my walleye in it's mouth sideways. After a while he lost interest in the fish on the end of my line and started attacking the fish on the stringer . Most definitely a hungry fish! After that episide we headed back to camp, piled everyone in the boat and headed to the beach in the n/w corner of the lake, about 10km away. My wife and her mother enjoying the day. Riley managed to make a new friend while we were there . We needed a couple more eaters for our fish fry, so I took Ryan over to a nearby spot and with some coaching he managed to get a few more fish. All on jigs (the kids definitely a fast learner and already has a real touch with the jigging rod) After our feast that night Ryan wanted to go out again, so Dale went with him and snapped this pic Dale has never been up before and was pretty impressed with the lake. So much so that he asked me if there was anything available on the lake for sale . Well, it just so happens that my next door neighbours on the lake are thinking of selling. The place isn't listed, but I talked with them about it last month. So we went over and had a look. The place definitely needs work, but if it can be had cheaply enough I think Dale's going to pursue it. That would be amazing, although it would mean a lot of unexpected work for me . Here's a couple shots of the place. The next day my in laws had to leave, with my old tin boat in the back of Dales truck...(Ryan was ecstatic). Wish they could have stayed a bit longer, but at least they made it up. That afternoon Riley and Jo played together on the pump dock. Me? I pretty much just sat on the deck with a drink in my hand . The next day I had big plans to take my 2 girls on a major fishing expedition to try some new spots that have intrigued me for a while. Of course it was cool, windy with rain imminent, but we packed a cooler and off we went. Here we are approaching a narrows which opens up into a fairly substantial back bay, almost a lake in itself really. Started off trolling harnesses and I scored first with this decent 'eye Riley got in the act (with mommys help ) and landed another decent walleye. I managed another decent fish shortly afterwards, this one on a jig. We really started slamming them (I think I found another honey hole ), then the skies opened up! It was a cold, hard driving rain with no let up in sight. We stuck it out for 1/2 an hour hoping it would pass over, but it only got worse, so back to the cottage it was. Stoked up the woodstove, made some hot chocolate and after a looong time finally warmed up. My daughter Riley insisted I post these pic's in the report. She took them herself, and wanted them included, so here they are . View from the deck Wild flowers That's basically it. I had big plans to take the squareback canoe into a new back lake this past trip, but with our extra guests coming along it just wasn't possible. Not complaining though, it was great having them, and we had a ton of fun! (the back lakes will still be there in September ) cheers, Mike
  21. Great report Mike! Just got back from the cabin earlier tonight. The scrabble pic is more fitting than you think, I had the in laws up this time and we had a marathon every night .
  22. Sounds great Lew have a good one! I'm headed to the cabin later today for 6 days, this time with the family. Hopefully get a chance to fish a new back lake one day.
  23. Actually bud, that's not a sundog, just a simple halo around the sun. You'll often see them around the moon as well. This is actually a very common phenomenon, and similar to sundogs or contrails hanging in the sky are usually an indicator of weather on the way... BTW, thanks for the input Marc!
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