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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. Regional Municipality of Durham - all waters between Hwy. 2 and the southerly limit of the C.N.R. right-of-way is this it not familiar with the area so my bad !
  2. I just re-read all of zone 17 and still don't see what your talking about duffins isn't named in any exeptions to the rule am i blind ? just put it up so i can see what your talking about and there are only 3 pages in the PDF file .
  3. just to state the obvious no you can't fish it salmon closes the same day as trout in that zone and I could not find any extended season for duffins.
  4. Thanks for the PM mike and GF I will e-mail them but looks like I'm going to be saving for awhile because I have 4 fish 2 bass and 2 bluegills 1 bass is 6.5 lbs and the other is 6.69 lbs prolly looking at a grand or more. Thanks again guys.
  5. I would be curious as to the price I have 2 LMB that are a touch lighter than yours that I have been considering getting a replica made of both with the 2 of them chaseing a few blue gills but I'm scared to know what it would cost feel free to PM if you don't want to put it on here .
  6. Did your bow have any clipped fins? looks like a stocker but like said before a wild resident will have nice fall colours either way beauty first bow .High drifter thats a sweet little chromer might be a small spawner looks like it's big for a "shaker" .good stuff getting the pin out this weekend last fish I caught on it was a big pumkin seed LOL can't wait
  7. but they still hit. I fish the Lake O. tribs every year and usually get into quite a few and very seldom are they hooked outside the mouth ,that being said I also dont run a 10' lead in 2' water and I don't hook 50 a day like the floss and pop guys do .Salmon hit out of aggresion and the instinct to feed it's been proven they stop feeding during there spawn and I have seen it with my own eyes (cleaned a Lake Erie nook with it's stomach shriveled up and empty) I have also seen tonnes of nooks/ho's move clear across a hole to smash a roe bag aggresion/instinct? personally I dont care as long as they hit they are fun to fight when fresh and ya never know if it's a steely when the float goes down .
  8. are you suggesting that salmon don't hit in the river
  9. BTW wait till the fishing show at the western fair grounds if it's for next year lots of good deals think it's in feb.
  10. I picked up a shimano claraus rod this year and I have been really happy with it and it was under $100 taxes in . welcome to the board if your new to the london area there's lots of fishing in and around the city .
  11. Youngs is quite small and absolutely full of wood fishing can be good but right now you you will just get a lot of bag biters and lose a lot of tackle it gets better later in the fall I would suggest you try a bigger river in the area like big creek but its still early for this area I've done some walking and its not looking good so far weather is starting to look good for fall trib fishing good luck.
  12. Hey mike don't be afraid to use a bigger hook I use a 4/0 wacky worm hook all the time I find the bigger hook doesn't doesn't affect how many hits I get but the smaller hooks do affect positive hook sets a lot get off with the smaller hooks mind you these are not circle hooks but can't see size making any difference considering FLW pros use offset worm hooks for wacky rigging and cash huge cheques if ya can get a few sizes.
  13. Although it is usually accurate it can be wrong I have been using the flow charts for several years and have been burned a few times. I left home pumped to slam some maitland chromers and got there to see the river just about at flood stage and looked like a double double was a total waste.
  14. Nice one your 1 up on me now still haven't landed 1 yet outta there. Going next weekend to chase some big lake erie browns if it stays cool after the rains were supposed to get.
  15. hey mike I have the same reel and it works just fine I'm at the end of my 2nd season with it and have had no problems I prefer my curados by far but I do use the diawa in tournies to have the extra set up in the boat . when I got my first BC it was a cheap BPS extreme but with practice in the house flippin a bell sinker or in the driveway with a busted spinner bait(your nieghbors give ya funny looks)but it was well worth it to learn off the water instead of fighting with birds nests and not fishing. it sounds like your picking it up pretty good on your own but give the flipping to a small target in the yard/basement a try it will make a huge diff in your accuracy and confidence to fire a jig right into a fallen tree without a second thought or a birdsnest have fun and don't get to ticked when you birdsnest anyone that says they don't get them is fibbing .
  16. I can't sleep the nite before a tourny or a big fishin trip so those energy drinks really come in handy but I only use the 5 hour ones because I've heard they era not as bad as most of them with taurine in them and they work great your not all jittery and you don't feel like crap when it wears of you just feel tired again .works for me.
  17. hears a little caption straight from the section of 08/09 fishing regs entitled it is illegal to. • Abandon fish or permit the flesh to spoil.so basicly your admiting to breaking the law which your buddies post on the other board contradicts as he said "she was still full of life" you steve-o are a real clown and should appologize for your stupidity . Tonyb awesome win and beauty fish make sure ya post a pic of the boat when you get it.
  18. I get small ones biggest was 5lbs on the flipping jig all the time caught a 10lber on a black texas rigged worm last year. They are just mean its in there nature to kill stuff.
  19. is that a silver bass ? it's huge if it is only get 12" mabye a pound around here
  20. LOL I wouldn't say whipped I just choose my battles it takes along time to explain why I need 18 different rods@reels and bags full of tackle I don't even use.
  21. When I ordered them they weren't available in Canada only BPS had them I did the math they just added that extra $15 for ??? Didn't say why I won't do it again that's for sure besides the wife always gets the credit card bills in the mail so she really knows what I spent and we can't have that
  22. yeah I ordered 4 packs of yum swim baits and buy the time I payed duty/shiping and a unnamed fee of 15$ US it worked out to 23$ CAD per pack which sells at BPS T.O for $8.99 could have made the 1.5hour drive to BPS and still saved a few bucks and BTW I have yet to catch a fish with them lol.stick to Canadian sites or your local tackle shop.
  23. LOL I love that it P-ed you off so much that you even took a pic ! I won't buy them like that anymore pain in the butt.
  24. I run into them all the time with longpoint being my home waters there are thousands of them in the spring the closest I have come is sight fishing for pike I came around a small reed point and there were 3 of them and 1 spooked as soon as it saw me and flew right at me I could have touched as it flew over the boat (if I wasn't covering my head on the floor of the boat )these were tundra swans they are massive birds scared the crap out of me I definitely wouldn't wanna wrestle with one to try and remove a hook.
  25. just curious what you base this on fish that are caught in bass tournements are usually better off when released depending on the live release boat they go into a oxygen enriched tanks and the mortality is very low. When a boat full of 8 guys goes out on LPB and all catch their limit thats 48 dead fish with a mortality of 100% more bass killed in 1 afternoon than prolly all bass tournies the hole season on LPB and I fish most of them and you don't see many floaters most fisheries that have organized bass tournies have thriving populations of healthy bass and see little to no impact from tournies just look at how many are on simcoe and cooch and there world class fisheries.As far as the scale thing goes I have a rapala that I payed $9.99 at BPS and it is accurate from what I have wieghed to test it wouldn't bet money on it but I do use it for culling unless it's real close than I go with the better looking fish
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