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Everything posted by hendrix

  1. lots of hendrix, zeppelin and pink floyd
  2. great fish, hopefully going to get out on the ice later this week i think simcoe is like fully frozen
  3. tough morning for me as well, after walking for 20 minutes on the ice wee realized we forgot the reels in the car, my friend forgot his new license at home, and the auger was barely working. and yes, skunked again at least i know we're not alone
  4. happy belated! wish you everything you would wish yourself yeah mine is on the 30th...
  5. jigging walleye
  6. thanks, probably going to pick one up
  7. good vibes his way
  8. whities for sure, hopefully walleye and lakers crappie is always good too
  9. i always get skunked during a full moon
  10. some people believe that would be the humane thing to do...
  11. *drooling* :worthy:
  12. nice fish man still kush'd
  13. that fish looks delicious
  14. now im soo hungry
  15. first of all thank you for this thread, lots of useful info for noobs, and being one of them i have a question:P should i use a thin invisible leader if i am casting spoons or spinners? i hear steelhead can see very well, so this might seem like a good idea?
  16. successful troll is successful?
  17. definitely, those rods are awesome
  18. this is awesome thanks you guys eh
  19. i think a harsher punishment is in order, if these "fishermen" were afraid - they wouldn't even try catching the poor fish
  20. facepalm
  21. hardy har har.. if you catch them on a lure, off a pier, they are still pretty damn feisty. you should try it some time
  22. throw shiny things off the piers, seems to work pretty well
  23. only kind of fish i remember catching after sundown is walleye carp and catfish. the walleye was in like october or november even, offshore, when we were certain that there were plenty of them in the area
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