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Everything posted by bassman87

  1. some require you to bag up the lower unit of the gas motor before it goes into the lake
  2. sounds like it'll be good for arts and crafts. bead bracelet anyone?
  3. heard scugog was doing pretty darn good
  4. start practising with the walist cast, side case will cause line twist and just p you off even mroe when on the river.
  5. personally i dont like that line. try suffix braid, that thing is amazing
  6. oh true true, go to your local tackle shop they'll have some. if youre in the hamilton area i know bills bait has them
  7. Im pretty sure the guide would supply you with them
  8. are you sure the one that got away wasnt 3 lbs?
  9. I'm pretty sure it's an atlantic
  10. you cant keep the walleyes, bass, pikes from binbrook tho just a heads up
  11. seriously you guys should try the suffix braid and you'll cringe at the thought of using powerpro again
  12. anyone else thought it was fishing in pajamas?
  13. switch to suffix braid you wont be disappointed
  14. Can I have the tundra if yorue nto using it
  15. but did you catch any fish?
  16. hopefully tonight is half as good
  17. caught a nice bag of smelt last night here in the sowth
  18. youre good to go at all those places
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