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Everything posted by bassman87

  1. yeah i just saw the flyer. its not the xplore ones. i cant comment on these
  2. is it the xplore waders? they are HORRIBLE, i had a pair leak on my 2nd trip at the seam where the boots are. i dont know if it was just a bad pair but i returned it and invested in some simms
  3. cool video, maybe i should stop drinking cola.
  4. lol fine tuning my game for trout opener
  5. i didnt really see anyone. i was float fishing so pinning seemed logical to me
  6. of the puckermouthed variety. Saw hundreds of suckers and caught at least 40 myself. Here's a pic of them bunched up, don't know if you can see them clearly (Blackberry Camera). Also took a pic of the first sucker I caught. Nice little surprise, pulled like a macktruck and even gave me a jump. We'll call him a whisker trout Get out there and enjoy.
  7. goodjob man, i was actually at that exact spot last friday lol
  8. read all teh facts while at work, why not post it in the main forum? thanks tho
  9. wouldnt hte finished get messed up once you catch your first muskie on it anyways
  10. tie giant carp roe bags and use them like waterballoons
  11. yu didnt state a price range so im gonna have to suggest a daiwa steez or shimano calais dc
  12. sweet, buy 2 packs of fishing line get a free nail clipper
  13. gasoline should cover up that smell real nice
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