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Everything posted by holdfast

  1. All about the money, I remember afterwards an article on Italo being a born again Christian and his new wife ( Sorry if I felt it was cheesy and low). Sorry, doesn't work for me. By the way, whatever happened to that OFNer who's Avatar had him arm and arm like they were good buds. I believe that he even made jigs that seemed to be advertised on the board here. Betcha he still here as an Alias.
  2. some information over load http://www.tackletour.com/reviewshimanocitica200e.html http://www.tackletour.com/reviewshimanocitica200d.html http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=36457 http://reviews.basspro.com/2010/74150/reviews.htm http://www.tackletour.com/reviewquantumenenergyptpower.html Man I'm confused with the Quantum line up. WHATS THE DIFFERENCE between, Kinetic, Energy, Tour and any other PT reel?, Damn advertising. I would stick with my Ambassador, but if I had your choice, the Shimano is proven.
  3. Nice Fish and pics Canucker. Don't let the Know it all get you down. Don't worry , one of your fans quoted me about seven times to make himself look good. By any chance is Lake St Francis in the Mtl area. Notice your a Habs fan, I used to be till they started trading away good players for political reasons. A long list starting with Chelios for Savard
  4. WHoa, nice Pike. What did you catch him on? I wish the weather was better for you. Kind of sucks to go that far and wait that long for crappy weather. Sounds like my fishing is numbered as they are calling snow for us this week.
  5. Ive never used Fluoro, but have used mono quite often. All I can say is that mono companies are funny. I usually test lines out before buying with a simple overhand knot. If it breaks easy, she goes back on the shelf. You would think trilene would be that premiere line but more often than not I find they cant hold a knot that well. But they must make about a dozen brands. When I do test my lines on my reels and find that they dont hold a knot, I will try another knot. Clinch, to the Palomar and if it doesn't work, the double clinch knot. Ive done that often for my 4lb test lines. Then again, lines will rot. I used to buy Daiwa Crystal till CT stopped selling it. Haven't seen that stuff since. I find the Spiderwire OK especially for the price. The other lines though depends on the strengths etc. You just got to test them. Try it, you would be surprised trying the knot test how some hold up, others dont.
  6. Mike, i keep this link on my favorites and I use it quite often, definately they got Revo reviews, not to sure on your Browning http://www.tackletour.com/menureels.html Note.. There is a review of the accurist if you go to the bottom of the page to archives, Dated 3/14/05
  7. holdfast

    NHL 2010

    I agree 100% It was only when Komi was in the Box that the Canadians actually tried to shoot on net, other wise they were getting rid of the puck afraid of getting hurt. But I do like that North American line that the Canadians finally put togeather. Its nice seeing them at least making an attempt to get near the crease. We are Talking Gomez, Gionta and Cammalleri. I like Torontos game though, nice to see some toughness now.
  8. The guy in the flunky shorts kind of reminds me of a male Oh never mind, good Vid
  9. holdfast

    NHL 2010

    NAh Komisarek is with the Leafs. But I will enjoy him kick aaasssing the Habs. Lets face it, he was the only guy to stand up for his team and he is there no more. I say to all leaf fans... Enjoy the grit that Kom will give to you as I'm sure you will realize why he was my favorite player for the Habs. Might of lost that fight, but I like a guy that stand ups for his team. Its instilled in us older guys.
  10. Ah for Pete sakes Doc, worry about your Honeymoon Kid, I just took your advice and googled. Tambos comments hit the nail. Not to stress.....NO WAFER GATE on this one .
  11. My statement has absolutely nothing to do with Harper or a Party, however if you wipe that fog in front of your eyes, you will notice that I stated that the real threat to what you said QUOTE....That our Country has no History of Colonialsim Would be the Spineless, Gutless, Government officials like Andre Jeaneau who is in the position to to uphold our History had the gull to bow down to sovereigntists groups, because they found reliving the re-enactment offensive. BOO HOO I think your Rant should be focused on the real threat to Colonial History in Canada ( if you really care) instead of the Harper Bashing, which I think was your real motive. Unless your like the ( The Sovereigntists) I"ll say it, Its because they are English Haters that are sensitive to true history and will deny or forcefully hide the fact that the Brits beat the French and consequently ruled. Get over it. Also I forgot, it seems that it is a sin in Canada to be proud of your Nation and feel any Nationalism from what I heard. I think there is a real problem here in parts of this country that is spreading like wild fire. Do you think. I haven't heard of your Harper Quote as I'm sure it would of been spewed on the CBC and Toronto's Yahoo because I'm sure the biased press would of sensationalised it. So it sounds fishy to me. Let me check though, it would of been not the first time Harper opened his mouth to the wrong people. LOL, I guess he cant hide his so called hidden agenda.
  12. holdfast

    NHL 2010

    East - Clearly not the Habs, However I do think that Toronto may have as good of defense of Boston. So its up for grabs - its the worst Div West- Calgary
  13. It has everything to do with what you said in your opening sentence. Only I am not bashing My Prime Minister in public with innuendo. My statement is a fact. http://www.thestar.com/News/Canada/article/588670 Whos the Racist anyways and what are the Racist comments. Its getting too easy pulling that card out eh.
  14. Doc why dont you direct your Attention and Rant to the Battlefields Commission Andrea Jeaneau spinelessly backing down to a few Sovereigntists from having the Plains of Abraham Re-enacted on its Birthday. If this keeps up, well never even know what our roots and history is. There are some people that actually want to change or hide our History. Its Happening and obviously working. By the way, I think Harpo is doing a great job considering half of his Bills are being blocked. Just my opinion. At least you listen to some of the news. Not all CBC I hope.
  15. Sorry, I had no Idea you were a Truck Driver or Mover. Ill try not to be too eager to help without doing some homework. Truely no harm was meant.
  16. Stoty, heres a great link for you. Check out the Urban Angling title. Its all about fishing around Calgary. Also the discussion forum will help. But the Bow is also a great spinner fishery besides Fly Fishing. Let us know how you do. Oh yea, you must check out a flames game just for the Experience. I hear theyre even better than last year. Might see Jerome in a fight. http://www.fishalberta.com/
  17. Connie, good to hear from you. Give us a post on your Red Lake adventure. Lots of pics plse . Maybe the ticket is semi retirement. Retire and then find a job that is stress free. Kind of puts you in a different frame of mind. I dont have to worry about timings, 40 people under my command, accidents, death, physical fitness, or sleepless nights wondering if I done the right thing or if I'm ready for my next hurdle. Of course money is an issue, but with my lifestyle I just need a job over minimum wage to keep my same lifestyle. Now its a pleasure to work, just got to show up, if I'm late Ill make it up, I work out because I want to, and just worry that I keep and look busy. In 2 years Ill be even in a better position when I'm mortgage free. I figured I better enjoy my Military pension sooner than later, hence retiring at 25yrs vice 35yrs because Ill lose it when the old age pension kicks in. Plus at my age, it was time for the next generation to take over. I wasnt keeping up with change.
  18. Congrads LOL there is optimism for us ugly ducklings. You got a beautiful wife.
  19. Good to see ya back.
  20. Not sure if you got movers moving you but in case, a few tips. - Try to label/Group the Boxes as close to the rooms as you can for the other end - Pay attention to what the packers put down for the condition of your effects on their Itinerary, they will over exaggerate for their benefit in case of damage - when they take things apart, insure they tape the bolts, nuts etc to the Item, Ive had movers pack the hardware in different boxes that were labeled as some thing else. Its a nightmare as the unpackers usually can't find anything or plane ole dont even know how to put it back together. Anything made of press-wood, good luck putting it together - All your important documents, bring them with you filed, in a file folder - Book hotels as I learned the hard way during Rodeo season in Montana with a bad case of food Poisoning and hallucinations, nice to have a second driver - Find room for a Jerry can of gas, just in case. Bring Maps - On the other end, you never have time to go through every article that you own to check for condition insurance purposes. Whatever is precious make sure you check before the move and during unpacking. REPORT IMMEDIATELY as the UN PACKER is your witness. - Make sure all your boxes are in the right rooms and leave room for unpacking. - Set Bed first, nice to have a good sleep. Then do room to room Before moving set up your Phone, TV, Gas, Hydro etc for the other end. Hope this helps and have a happy journey, make it a mini holiday. Ive moved about eight time with my family including Germany. Important. Make sure you go to the city and make sure your Property Taxes, Water etc is in order as Lawyers have a tendency to neglect or take their time. At the same time, get a phone book, contact Welcome Wagon, find out on Garbage and Recycle timings.
  21. WOW,awesome story. Although you are proud of your dad, I can imagine the terror going through your head of losing your dad during the ordeal. Thanks for the good read. your dad sounds like a great selfless man, I hope for the best for him.
  22. LOL I wouldnt drop anything in front of those two if I were you. My uncle is the drivers Captain for the series as well as their movie. Great stories about the actors.
  23. Good Call
  24. Excellent, Cant wait till he does a show in the City of Bridges, Saskatoon
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