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Everything posted by holdfast

  1. Great weekend of fishing. Got my best sized fish of the year. First Id like to thank for the tips on night time walleye. As soon as work was done I wasted no time heading up north. I stopped long enough at the trailer for packing up to camp at Dugout lake. The plan was to fish the evenings and siesta during the Day. So I packed the light boat and headed up the rough trail till I reached the small lake. The Lake was nice and calm and I wanted to set up for the night quickly. Out with the Box of Firewood, as the plan was not to waste time scrounging. I even loaded the fireplace ready for a match. The large trunk has all the utensils stoves flashlights etc and doubles as a table. I even picked up the garbage and did a sweep of the area before last light. Tent was set up. Notice the cheap fly. Pathetic that a market can sell crap. But this $ 10 CT tent is excellent with some ingenuity as it has only two poles. It take seconds to put up. With the Tarp, its is as good as my $200 Bass pro tent as a shelter. You will notice that my sleeping bag zipper is face up in the middle vice flat on the side. In the Military I found it easier and faster to get in and out on your back zipping up or down. Its tricky getting into the mummy bags if your husky and not built like a stick. Time was running out so I trolled a bit and then settled for some still fishing using a minnow. I caught this eater pike but let it go thinking that surely i would catch some walleye. Spike loves the fish and of course the Lures. He even eats the weeds. Hes an amusing dog to say the least. Before I knew it it got dark really fast, and i thought that i would go in and grab a jacket and try it again. Problem is that I spent about 30 min looking for my campsite in the dark. I remember thinking that I should marked it, instead in my haste I made a mental note of the treeline, but the next morning in the daylight I was wrong. Good thing it was a small lake but the problem kept me from going out again that night. The next morning I had a great breakfast with an excellent coffee. the view was gorgeous. Especially with the mist on the Lake. I got the itch to fish without a bite till 10 in the morn. It was getting hot and muggy so I decided to Siesta it in a Hammock till close to the evening. I packed everything up ready to load in the dark and then trolled to try a weed line where I had success before. I anchored in about 15 feet of water and slowly jigged a frozen minnow with a small split shot. I kept missing the hits then i figured out the technique and then finally caught a nice walleye. I put him on ther chain and wood loose him later when I wanted to take a picture. Somehow he un snapped a Snap. To my dissapointment I carried on fishing and then got another hit. Maybe a little bigger, but definately the years best walleye. Notice the Daiwa Ultralight 700 SS and my cheap Walmarts Eagle Claw. This is by far my favorite rig. By far the funnest rig to play a fish on. I would take that $15 dollar rod over my fenwick, Quantums, Uglysticks Berklys and Shimanos anyday. Too bad I cant find any more though. That rod has the action of a noodle it seems. Since it was dark I let this beaut in the water and quickly headed back to the truck to pack up and call it a camping trip. The next day I decided to take my bigger boat to Hackett lake to try for some still fishing for walleye. On the way out I decided to try trolling around this sunken Island where myself and John AB have fished. Im sure Hometownhandyman also fished it with myself as this place rarely lets me down. Boy did I ever hook into a good one. This is the Rig and the lure was the first time using it. My best Jack of the year. I hasted the photo so I could release this Beauty so it can grow larger. I had no time to weigh him so Im game for any guesses
  2. My condolences Albert.
  3. NOW NOW, Id take them over any Eastern band anyday. Even the Hip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUGfNMBS-jY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxOV12hfv2o But YEA, nothing compares to Kiss
  4. I may end up camping next week but chances Ill be fishing after dark. Since Ive only targeted bass or cats at night I'm new to this and also only got the one night. The Lake is small with the only structure is reeds. Shallows are sand or mud. The Lake s deepest would be 30ish feet. Where should I fish, depth, structure and what to use. Should I cast ( What Lures) or slowly retrieve a frozen Minnow with a split shot which works for me in the day, (usually). Its one of those back lakes that Ive been at before. Thanks for any input. Yea Id love to throw a line out from shore, however I think my best cast may put me in 3 feet of water. No drop off at my expected site. I'm thinking that may be a waste, so Ill boat it.
  5. Friday as soon as work was done I headed up North for the 2.5 Hour drive to my trailer. After watching part of the Football game, I decided to cut the grass as it was too late to fish. So I made plans to try two new lakes that I never fished. The First lake is a trout lake called Snell lake. Supposed to have Splake, Rainbows and Brookies. Its a small pretty lake that was easy to get to. The winds were surprisingly strong giving me problems trolling in the Canoe. After trolling and scouting around the lake I was surprised to find that it had 40 foot depths. Kind of a pot hole lake. Shallow and sandy then it drops down and fairly round. After a couple of hours and no bites it was time to move on down the Road to Winthrop Lake. This lake has pike in it but not sure if there is Walleye. There is no Boat Launch and only one trappers cabin on the lake. Lucky him. I found a trail that was too far to drag a light Boat and motor ( Next project/Boat Cart) so out with the Canoe and cart. It was a good ATV trail ( wish I had one) but quite steep. I would make one trip to the lake. Two trips back up hill carrying my hockey Bag separately. I was anticipating a shore lunch so I brought my cooking gear. The Lake was gorgeous. Again it was quite windy. What a beautiful place to camp. Just an awesome place. Two camp fires and not one piece of human evidence. Not even a Butt. I'm alone too. AWESOME Time to set up the Gear. Shelter Relaxing and enjoying the view. Time to head out and see whats in there. I was disappointed in the lake as it was mostly shallow. That wind made trolling unbearable so I sat in one spot and casted. A couple of small pike. But i was sure that a nice walleye had followed. Hopefully it was a walleye other wise I missed a fat Pike which I would of ate. All this trip did for me was, excited me for an overniter camping trip in the back lakes. I think next weekend I'm going to hustle and try to make it for an overnighter in Dugout Lake (I know there is nice Walleye and Pike there) Friday/Saturday with my car top.
  6. Ill second that. Have fun. Oh yea, lots of pics plse
  7. Joko, a couple of jokes for you Buddie as cold as a ---Saskatcewan Summer As cold as---a Pink Slip in a Birthdaty Card As cold as----A doctor before prostate exam Then theres the Coors commercial. Lighten up Buddie, hes joking.
  8. Sorry, the Mods has my PM shut down. All my threads are moderated too. Over half don't make it through. Been like that since before everyone left for Lakeclair or whatever its called. This board is getting more kiddyish by the day it seems. All it takes is a constant complainer to the Mods I guess. Sorry about the so called Redneck rant. Any Hoot The pics shows a canoe, just make it wider for the Boat. There must be away though that you can Bolt Bicycle Wheels to the stern of the boat as per Danbo's picture. I got my Idea from a fabulous cart with the plywood platform like mine, an Axel with Wheel Barrel wheels. Solid
  9. McManus Lake Algonguin Park through the Sandlake gate in Petawawa. Good chance of catching a huge musky. Lots of Kitty cats especially at nite. You can fish from shore where it narrows towards the Military side, but nothing beats a canoe. Best spot to fish is just inside the Military side. Dont worry the Helicopters if they see you wont do anything. Too much of a problem for RangeControl to drive then boat just to tell you to stay out. Trust me.
  10. Sedona, Just in Luck 79 dollars on sale at CT. If not maybe the Cardinal is still on sale. Good reel for the price.
  11. Hey TG, wondering where youve been at. Thanks
  12. Ha Ha, its fake for sure. The two wimpy Toronto Brothers who couldn't read a map or compass, stuck to trails and ran through Built up Areas supposedly won. Wow they even ran into a family on ATVS. Oh and the lost boys even slept in a TeePee that happened to be set up where they were lost circling all nite. John AB and Albert, you may of noticed that they crossed that main dirt Road ( A Saskatchewan Highway) that we use when fishing Hackett. Ha, They almost got hit by a truck. I love the American Cam Pattern fatigues that they copied off the Canadians that the Office Boys wore. Look mom, no mosquito bites. What a Joke
  13. Wow time really goes so fast that I forgot our 25Th anniversary. Who would ever think that I would still be married all this time to the same woman and my first and only love. I thank her Parents for immigrating to Canada when she was 10 yrs old. He a Palestinian and her Mother an Iraqi both from Iraq in 68. He would be sponsored by the church and a company in Fredericton where his family would learn how to be good Canadians. He would then move his family to St Hubert Quebec where I would meet my future wife whilst walking up the road with my Buddie. Just being English would be a conversation in itself to get to know each other. I found out she was Catholic and I Protestant consequently we were at two different high Schools both just turning 18. It was 1977 and I would ask her out to our first date, a Pink Floyd Concert at the Olympic Stadium, the Animals Tour. Things were not easy at first as I had to sneak behind her Fathers back, as I was told that there was noway he would allow someone to date her daughter who is a High School Drop out and works at the Car Wash making minimum wage. She would graduate from High School and then go to UNB and back to Concordia to finish her graduation in Mtl. In the mean time I promised her that I would change my ways and would Marry her once I was happy and secure. This would take me to Calgary and after about a year I would join the Military. Seven years later we would Marry at a small church in St Hubert. Aug of 84 Our wedding reception would be held at the Brossard Legion of which my Mom was a member. Funny, when I look back now and realize that our Honeymoon was a weekend of Camping at Lake Champlain State Park in North Hero Vt ,as we had no money. I cant remember fishing though. I have to say though, It Takes a really strong woman who has to be independent to be able to stay as long as she endured married to a Military person. So many ups and downs. Thank you Nahla for leading me in the right direction and the wonderful life and children you have given me.
  14. Yea I just seen the show. Man Tracker should of caught those Boys several times. They didn t even know how to read a compass. Lets see, I believe they went from Prince Albert National Park just above Nesslin Lake, SW to Ness Creek also Ness Lake ( The Campground) Tidbit.. on the Long Weekend in August Ness Creek holds a long Weekend Blues Festival. Dance, Songs, Basket weaving, what ever Hippies do. The finish point is the southern Bay at Delaronde lake. That's where myself and John AB hope to fish sometime. What Mantracker let two Wimps from Toronto beat him using trails, getting lost, not knowing how to use a compass, running through campsites and Beaches. almost getting runned over by a truck, running into a family on ATVs. Here's the Kicker, the lost Boys found a TEEPEE while they were lost. PHONEY. But I love their American Fatigues with the Canadian Cam pattern that they copied. Look Mom, my pretty face has no mosquito bites.
  15. It will neat to see these guys track through my fishing stomping grounds. Looks like they'll be somewhere around Nesslin Lake. I guess it was on last night however its on again at 0600 pm SK time on OLN. Man-tracker was back in Big River in July for the opening premiere with the Town Folk. I'm routing for the man Tracker to win this one as well as most.
  16. Ha Ha Ha, this story comes up every five years. Ive heard it when I was posted in Chilliwack, Germany, Petawawa, Wainwright, Petawawa, Borden , and now even in SK. Someone is getting or looking for a Government handout here.
  17. Should be a good game this weekend against SK. Got a feeling your running game is going to defeat us/ heard it was pretty good this year. BTW I stopped watching football way back when the Als became the Concords than folded till I moved here. Its true, The Green machine and the Football craze has rejuvenated me. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW
  18. Dollar store Gloves and the needlenose from a Mastercraft Pliers set for less than 10 dollars. Gloves $ 1 at Dollarama Needlenose $9.99 at CT with bonus wire cutters, lineman pliars, and adjustable that I use for my Boat tool Kit. If not, Bare hands and a rag, but that will be one in every 10 Pike that is lightly hooked.
  19. No Jigging, just a light sinker and a slow retrieve.
  20. Its been over three years since I had Holidays, March Break 2006 Camp Borden On. ( Not one day sick ,thank you very much) So I got a weeks Holiday, and off to Big River, 3 hours North ,to my Trailer. The first few days was spent with my daughter, and the rest of the week ,Im going to try some back lakes. Upon looking at the Topo, I decided to try Mirosty Lake some 100 kms North towards LaRonge. So far so good as I found a trail to the lake that I was sure my truck would not get stuck. One steep part so Ill keep in mind in case it rains. No traffic here, no phone reception, Id be in trouble if I was stuck. Beautiful lake and looks like a good site to Camp. So off the gear went, camp and boat set up. Good to go. SO I THOUGHT I got out to the lake and was not impressed, Average 6 feet and choked with weeds. An absolute shallow unfishable Lake. So I packed it in and headed back to Big River. The next day I decided that I would use a canoe and try an unnamed lake that Ive fished before in the Spring. About a 20 minute canoe cart on a little known ATV trail. Its a beautiful small lake, just perfect for the ultralight Wow, might of caught one of my smallest pike ever Well at least I was alone, and the lake was quiet except for the loons It was getting late but there was a commotion near shore by the wood pile. First cast, a hit and a loss. A second cast, a hit but lost my walleye diver lure to a fish. A few casts later I landed a 4 lb-er which was the biggest pike in this lake that I caught, but alas, my rope stringer and fish dissapeared before a picture was taken, thanks to not tying it on anything solid. The next night I decided to camp out at Baxter lake with only one walleye to show for for my effort. However Dugout lake a day later would be my favorite for the trip. Trolling was futile, not even a bite. However I stopped at one spot 16 feet of water and was catching pike after Pike with the ultra lite. This is a small lake also. Last year I seen a wolf drinking in front of me and today I would see a beautiful buck also drinking. After a time a could see the bottom and watched as Walleye started cruising towards the shallows. I dangled a minnow and they ignored it. Till I caught this beaut on a cast. All fish were released as soon as the picture was taken and unharmed to grow for another year,
  21. This would be our second Annual fishing trip. she traveled from Calgary to N Btlford then to Big River which would encompass about 8.5 hours. Of course the day would start off Cold and Rainy, however with the right rain gear we were at the Boat launch Hackett Lake. The fishing was not nearly as good as last year, as me and Terrie were nailing Walleye on almost every cast. This time we had to work hard. even the trolling was slow, at best for this lake. as usual a couple of small Pike to make things a bit interesting However Spike was alert as usual. Hes got to learn though not to get too close to the Hooks and teeth. Finally Terrie was catching them. Do you like our one Dollar Fish Gloves. The Dollar store is good for something at least. We decided to stop and Bait fish with frozen minnows and had better luck. Finally Terrie caught a nice Walleye as the light was going down. In the end it actually got to be a good day, a little cool, However nothing can beat the time together with my Daughter. Luv you Terrie!
  22. What you say about Jamaica is true as I have a Buddie that has Laisoned Military training there for the Jamaicans and he says its an extremely Dangerous country with lots of murders. However, can you say the same for Burmuda/Bahamas Like I said do your Homework. Too Bad that you cant go, say, a week ,with a sponser to make the decision. If your on a tedder todder, may be you can demand a house, hunting trip prior, or tell them its a No GO. Its your life.
  23. To tell ya the truth, I love the Arctic, been there on 6 occassions including 4 days and 3 nights holding a tent pole and rationing heat (Fuel), no comms, till the Canadian Rangers rescued us from the Storm of the Century in Palutuk. Cant beat that, luved it, as we survived 130Km plus winds. great experiences. try to get your self on some Caribou Hunts, my favorite meat.
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