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Everything posted by holdfast

  1. Breaking News: New World Record Rainbow Trout caught fishingsaskatchewan.ca has confirmed that a new all tackle world record Rainbow Trout has been caught, and officially weighed in at the Fishin' Hole in Saskatoon at 48 lbs. This eclipses the old mark by nearly 5 lbs. The monster measured 42" x 32", and was caught by Sean Konrad of Saskatoon on a Rapala crankbait. Pictures and more details will be provided before the end of the day. Sean is the twin brother (Fishinggeeks) of the former record holder. The trout was caught in Lake Diefenbaker. These guys are incredible.
  2. You got the wrong Dude. I never painted anything in my life except my house, especially a picture of a poor little cub sleeping or Dying on his Mummy's lifeless, drowned, floating body. I'm not the poster boy for P3TA yet. However I did make an attempt. Not bad eh, pretty cool eh. Its not made up Either. Do you think P3TA will take my Painting?
  3. Oh Boy, Now I'm going to off myself. A polar Bear cub Floating on His drowned Mother because the Ice Suddenly melted. I'm With Chris on this one. Good thing we arent back in time for Orson Wells War of the Worlds, youd be Painting Space Monsters. Maybe you should read up on the Polar Bears, they can swim for Hundreds of Miles and do in search of food. Maybe you want to stop the Inuit from hunting them too. Are you a P3TA Fan????Nothing wrong with them, its a free speach Country, Right. I just wont call them Stupid or Idiots, the new and Improved and Politically correct me, will just say, they are not smart.
  4. And then there is this letter to the senate from the Former Boss of NASA debunking the Global Warming. I think it might have more relevance than, The Seed, or THE UNDERGROUND NETWORK http://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?Fus...ed-ecd53cd3d320 Why do you think they call it Climate change NOW.
  5. Yea and the magnetic north pole is slowly moving towards Russia. So, are you gonna Panic
  6. Yea and the magnetic north pole is slowly moving towards Russia. So, are you gonna Panic.
  7. Ahh the Jesus freaks Links!!!!!!!!!!! Your global warming is proving to be a myth, however the Al Gores and the likes will not debate the subject. Gore is a Populist and not a scientist anyways. Too bad that the schools got horny and started showing the the movies to our kids before there was even a debate. I would concentrate on our water pollution than the world ending because the ice is melting. Like I said, a myth, you can pay any so called environmental taxes because of this scare tactic, but not icky Bob here isn't. By the way, why bring this up, oh I get it, you smell an election. Oh here we go again. NA HA HA HA HA What a joke, you are quoting a story by THE UNDERGROUND WEATHER NETWORK a wonder-blog by DR Whatever his name. come on now. Didn'T your Daddy teach you not to believe everything on the Internet. For that matter Newspapers, and the CBC. hey Pigeon Troller, your not getting sucked in, are ya. Ha Ha Ha Get a load of his links http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/1622..._Global_Warming http://www.taxpayerblog.com/2008/05/32000-...al-warming.html
  8. Ahh I see, now all I can think of now, WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE RUNAWAY. No lets just pay a higher taxes. Thatll save the world. Boy am I ever glad I dont live in the Netherlands, Id be stressed.
  9. Say Hi to my buddy in High Level. By the way, where abouts is the Picture of the Peace. Closest city or town, just curious.
  10. No, but is that a Bad word??????
  11. What? The water is Rising because of melting ice. Lets see, I have a glass of water with ice cubes, when they melt, will I have my glass overflowing. Humm, interesting.
  12. That's the thing with pacifists. If you disagree or challenge them, when backed to a corner, they first revert to name calling, and if that doesn't work, the Human rights or other forms of litigation. The Red necks, well, just laugh it off. LOL
  13. There's always the bright side. More water, less Ice. Hey we can build a Seaport in Churchill, now you guys can visit the Poor Polar Bears that are drowning, oops I mean swimming from ice sheet to ice sheet. And lastly, instead of reading about it, maybe you can actually see them for yourselves since you care so much. In the mean time Ill let you guys worry about it, as I got more important things to dwell on. Ill just check on whats the next Doomer on the CBC.
  14. Yup littering disgusts me too. I always bring a Garbage Bag, because, I absolutely cannot sit in front a nice fire looking at cigarette buts, Cans, Bottle caps tissue Paper that is on the ground. Out comes my work gloves and a Garbage bag and Ill do an area sweep. I'm just glad that I fish allot of the out of the way places. But, there is still litter.
  15. Yea, to think I was Banded from going into the USA for two years because I got caught by two American MPs in Fort Bragg just for Peeing outside their Mess at closing time. Glad I wasnt Poaching The only problem is, When I heard someone yell at me, And I told them to take a hike, I met two of the Biggest Gorillas with my pecker still in my hand. Ouch and jail; time till my officer bailed me.
  16. You betcha, When I lived in Quebec, I always gave you Americans the wrong Directions to fishing lakes. Also the Skin Bars in Mtl. I always wondered what they thought when they entered the LimeLight by mistake. For got to tell them it was a Boy Bar.
  17. Oh, Yea Coach! Well I heard, Its only Crazy Canucks that actually shoot Americans in Vermont during the Hunting season. So There.
  18. What is the Limit per person, also say it is 3 fish per pers does that mean that one person can keep 21 Fish for one week when they leave home. I mean can you accumulate? By the way, when they opened up the Petawawa Training area for fishing after being closed forever, I heard of a pers (Probably a Soldier or Civilian Employee, caught by Range Control with 56 Bass in their Trunk. What Part of Canada they were from I will not say. But they were definitely not from the Province of Ontario. And they were charged in Civilian Court as well as Military. Probably a Military catch all Section 129 ( In that he acted unprofessionally in that he knowingly broke the law by Illegally harvesting Fish on DND Property) or something to that effect.
  19. Id like to say thanks for your support on my Posts that did make it through. Special Thanks to SplashHopper, for your inititive and also to Roy for locking up Splashes Topic as the snakes were starting to crawl out of their Holes knowing I was, well- say- tied up. Coach keep up the good work as you really do amuse me. Now Ill just wipe that Brown stuff off my nose. Rob
  20. He was from Big River First Nation fighting for the Americans. I know there is a History of our First Nations fighting for the US Marines. Just a tiny story on the CBC website http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2009/08/24/soldier-death.html
  21. No, just bend the tip on some of these rods that they sell now a days, especially the Shimano rods. You will be surprised how easy they snap. But I really like their reels if you think I have a hatred for Shimano
  22. Wow kind of gives me Memories of fishing for Salmon on the Vedder River in BC. One side is DND property where I was, on the other side Public. Seems people fish the holes and they have names. Well I watched a great scrap and the guy I was voting for got the fish and won the fight. He lands a salmon, and brings it back from shore to take the hook out and his neighbor parks himself at the very spot the fish catcher caught his fish. After some yelling a good fight broke out and the smaller guy just laid it into him. That kind of fishing doesn't turn me on, I like Solitude, Peace and quiet, but mostly fish that bite to eat. No Im with you though, I would never thing of fishing where my rod may chuck someone in the mouth.
  23. Yea I figure also in that category, it was thick, but then again the last thing I want to do is brag, so I figure let the forum be the judge. The important thing is it is back in that lake and hopefully producing others
  24. Not a problem, I dont intend on moving, however you may have a problem PMing me. Ive been handcuffed for my speak my mind remarks that hurt the sensitive and complainers
  25. That's so funny, but you do have a point. I think Coach batched himself up of too potent of moonshine. The Hallucinated type. Did He say he was working? Huh
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