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Everything posted by holdfast

  1. Yup and your pretty good at it too I recall. Now Im being very nice to you, and its so Hard.
  2. 72 years old and he offed himself, couldnt of been over a woman.
  3. Awesome, Go For it
  4. That is why I think that they should cut Taxes and give us that money to Spend on the Economy. More Pocket money, more chance you may spend it on Clothes, TVs, maybe even a car. (by the way, people have stopped buying cars that the Car Companies keep pushing out). lets see, Ill take my money back from, Unemployment( Parts of it) Insurance I payed 25 years for in the Military but was not allowed to Draw from it, The Arts, Immigration( Parts of it), CBC, Equalization/Health Care to a Province that does not want to stay in Canada or be a part of, Salaries to a Party that sits in Parliament for no re3ason but to Separate and only work on behalf of their Province, oh and Stimulus Packages, especially for certain Companies in Certain Provinces.
  5. If you don't like slime, Grab the Jack by the eyes then take a picture and send it to P3TA. Daddy always told me it doesn't hurt the Pike. Then again hes the guy that told me Horse Radish came from the Horses ears.
  6. Again Harpo had no choice in the matter. This is Totally Political to Throw a Stimulus Package into GM. Political suicide if he didn't. You got the two Leaches waiting and crying more money into their Ridings or , lets say Southern Ontario. Its all Politics that this money is going into GM or any other Car manufacturer. Remember when there was a problem with the Cattle Industry. That is big Business out West and affected a lot more than employment. It affected the Livelihood of Hard working Westerner Canadians who cattled for Generations. If you compare the two, the Stimulus package should of went to the Cattlemen. But NO, who cares, It wasn't political suicide or Ontario/Quebec.
  7. Got this in the E-Mail today as I had asked for the Picture of Father and Son with the Jack. Hackett Lake 19 LBS 39 inches Caught on a Fire Tiger Rapala
  8. How does that answer my Question. Let me ask you then. So You think Harper who Represents Canada should of not put one cent into the Company, while the Americans put 30 Billion Plus. What if!!!! GM gets back on their feet as a smaller Company owned by whoever. Does that give them the Right or incentive to set up shop in Canada. What if they said No way Canada. What keeps Ford here. Then again we can always say to the USA, you pull out your Industry here, we will sell you no Oil. So Question is. DID He have a choice and was it the right one? I say he had no Choice as the American Government set the tone by Stimulating it on their behalf like it or not. We can now call it Government Motors. By the way. Mr Obama is dictating how a car will be made, so I'm Giving Government Motors low odds on making money as we all know, the government has a way of not making, but sinking money into anything.
  9. You Guys are missing my point completely. The USA is Obviously doing their share, and putting their share into the Company. Its a done Deal. If Harper Doesnt, Dont Kid yourself, the USA will pull every GM Plant out of Canada. Yup and they are good at other things as Payback. Maybe Ford plants, CocaCola etc, Etc How about this then, Did he have a Choice, Was it the right choice? under the circumstances Lets not try to make this an election issue, as others also want to Spend, Spend.
  10. How about this, A Canadian Icon gets his TV start thanks to this interview. Or this is pretty Historic. Listen to some of the names involved. This may of been the first game ever where Russians actually tried a Canadian Tradition by fighting or at least trying to.
  11. This is a hard one. The Candy-man (Obama) puts in Billions into GM an American Company. Harper says he has no choice. If he doesnt there will definately be closures in Canada to the USA. For good reason I may add. Also if he doesn't it could lead to other repercussions. When you look at the big picture, what he put into GM was Aproximately $400,000 per working Canadian GM worker. As a side note, there were more layoffs in the Gas and Oil industry in Canada than the Auto Industry. Question, Was he right putting in the 10.5 Billion on Behalf of Canada.
  12. All I can say is WOW, I already give to Cancer. Cant afford now to give to animals. Not sure what to think about this article. At first I thought it was exposing Greed and misappropriation of funds, to a Give to Humane Society. Kind of a Red Herring article.
  13. You got to get out more as I can see you lead a sheltered life. Watch some Junior vs Russia/USA games before you tell me how good this series is.
  14. Come on now. This reminds me of Watching the old 12 team Leagues. The Canadians Playing St Louis. Remember those awful games. Just like now. Like I said, looks like a rec league game. Lack of hitting, Lots of Jawing, some Biting and Girly slaps and the odd pinch in the scrum. Just like the European and women's leagues. Then again, look at what you got for a team. Too bad the good teams played each other and due to attrition we end up with LOL Pittsburgh and Detroit. Too tell ya the truth, I think the only interest in these Games are in Southern Ontario, Detroit and Pittsburgh. Otherwise, I don't think the ratings get any better anywhere else.
  15. Don't quote me on this, but I thought I heard that GM has 2016 to pay the loan. So Harper says he doubts we will see the money. Loan my Aaasssss. Its a give away. No more Bailouts. Cut Taxes and put them back in my pocket and Ill spend it to Boost Economy. Not the jackasses that call themselves Canadian Politicians. Its about time they had a BBQ with the working Person, 92% of us so we can tell them >>>>STOP>>> putting my Grand Kids in Debt. Just like the Carbon Tax, Global Warming and all the other Alarmist crap that's recently being played out. Stop the Cheap drugs. What a bunch of CRACKERS
  16. Thats funny but true. Our guys are even worse unfortunately.
  17. All I got to say are the NHL's Best teams are out. This is Boring again. What we are watching is not a Stanley Cup. But a QMJHL game. Just the way Crosby and the Europeans like it. Gad Fleury, Crosby, Malkin, Datsyuk, on and on and on and on. We are witnessing the two weakest Stanley Cup finalists in the past two years. This is Brutal watching this Malarkey.
  18. Wouldnt you want to be the Conservation Officer that heard this Clowny make this statement. How many of you would forgo the warning and Ding Him. Oh BABY, it would be my Pleasure and Clowny would of made my Day.
  19. Forgot to tell ya about those Poisonous Tent Catapillars that Ravage the prairies every seven years.
  20. I like the first Video. By far the easiest for the first timers. If you can remember how to take the Y Bones out, using this Video, your a better man than me. OR I TRI THE BEST I DU TABERNACK http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v679/lla...ikeFrench-1.flv
  21. I ate a worm once. But Carp and Sheephead. MORE WHISKEY PLEASE
  22. Because he is a Pretty Boy. Should be playing Soccer
  23. Another weak and Boring Stanely Cup. Two years in a Row now. Don Cherry sumed it up at the End. Pittsburg could not control their own Crease. Reminds me of ther Cowardly Habs. Goes to show how weak the East is. Wake me up when its over.
  24. The Fish are not Snagged and yes Dawg Pike are notorious for T- Boning, getting caught in the mouth by one hook and the others snagging the rest of the pike. These were caught or snagged ( if you like by accident) while trolling. Yes , its the camera angles. The dog is indeed a Jack Russel with what I heard beagle mix possibly. Definitely The temperament and energy of a Jack Russel. My new outdoor activity now is roller Skating with the dog on a retractable leash. He loves to run and has unbelievably muscular back legs for a small dog.
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