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Everything posted by dustink

  1. Great report MB......thanks for sharing! dk
  2. Thanks for all the help......much appreciated! dk
  3. The one boat will have a livewell, so I'm thinking we should just be able to fill it when we get there....throw them in (using the method Wes said), and keep them in there for the duration, and scoop them to the other boat as needed. I think we can charge a battery at the camp, and my buddy has two, so we can swap batteries to keep the livewell water moving a good portion of each day. Don't really know...as I've always had great luck killing the minnows within a day or two.... dk
  4. Some amzaing shots there!! Thanks for sharing.... dk
  5. Thanks, DouG! I was worried I'd have to spend a bunch of time training them! Curious though....are we going to hear about this method in your report that's coming? dk
  6. What is the best / easiest way to keep minnows alive? We're going to be picking some up on our way to Fushimi next month, and we'll need them to last about 4 days. Any suggestions? We camp out on an island, so it's all pretty primitive...so I'm hoping the best solution will be as well. Thanks! Dustin
  7. I'd say they had a great time...some real beauty fish there. Congrats!! dk
  8. Thanks for the info! dk
  9. Thanks, HH. How long does it take an 'eye to bleed out? Sounds like something to do why we're getting the rest of the meal ready, and the oil hot! dk
  10. Just voted, and will every day...... dk
  11. Didn't want to hijack fishnsled's awesome report, but GCD mentioned something about bleeding walleye...... I've never heard of doing that. Could someone explain it to me? Thanks! dk
  12. Congrats on the PB....that's a pig of a smallie! dk
  13. Great pics!! Looks like another great family vacation...... dk
  14. That's what it's all about....glad you had a great day on the water with. I'm sure it's a day he'll never forget. dk
  15. Love seeing these reports with the families.....well done!! dk
  16. Wow.....looks like a great weekend! Toughed through some weather and came out nicely....congrats Bly on the Smallie!! dk
  17. Looks like a great time! Thanks for sharing..... dk
  18. Looks like a great trip with your boy..... dk
  19. Well done.....nice break from work, thanks! dk
  20. yuck.....bats in the house are no fun. Been there, done that! One year coming back from Canada (I was in H.S.), we stopped at St. Ignace, and while the door was open, a bat flew into the van. Only problem was we didn't know about until we were about 20 miles down I-75, and the bat came from the back and slammed into the front window! I was on the ground in the fetal position screaming like a school girl. Luckily the driver got the van stopped and the bat was chased out........ Like I said....yuck! dk
  21. That's what ya' call a dead pull! Funny stuff...
  22. congrats on the PB...and a great story to go with it!! dk
  23. congrats on the PB!! dk
  24. some great pics! dk
  25. Great report....thanks for taking the time to share!! dk
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