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Everything posted by landry

  1. My 07 75hp optimax is running fine but today the warning beep stopped beeping as I turn the ignition key. Anyone had this problem or have any idea how I met check this out?? Don't even know where the alarm device is? Thanks Landry
  2. The lakers appeared to be spread out and hard to find for me two weeks ago. I thought I could find some in 30-80' but did not see many on the sonar and lost one only.
  3. I feel bad for his family. I am amazed by the praises he is getting here for his so-called "leadership" and "common man" Bull. Someone dying so young of cancer is always a sad story though.
  4. Omg. Thanks goodness I quit River fishing when I did.
  5. They r both good. Buy the biggest screen for your budget that u can.
  6. I have owned both. Many say Lowrance marks bottom fish better. This is not true. If you turn your sensitivity up too high in a Bird the. Fish will be hard to see and show as bumps. If you turn it down then they will show as green and yellow bumps with a red blip just like a lowrance. The touch screen is better/faster for marking a quick waypoint off to the side on side imaging though.
  7. Thanks for the help guys - especially Bondar and Josh. Went out of Grimsby - went 0 for 2. Lost a laker and a brown at the boat, both on cleos. Was still fun and home by lunch. There were other boats out trolling - not sure how they made out.
  8. Great story though.
  9. Steelheaded every minute I could from age 19-35. Glad I left that all behind. Don't miss it at all.
  10. Freshtrax - if we go I will see ya there:)
  11. HBIRD are known for easy operation and their customer service is excellent. The Helix units are reasonable. I owned a lowrance Elite and liked it too.buy what u feel is the best value - get the biggest screen u can.
  12. Thanks for all of your input guys. Really appreciate it. I like trying new things. Gonna go Saturday if winds are good. The Dalhousie launch is closed on Satirday so I will have to launch elsewhere. Anyone know if the launch by that rusty old ship at Jordan is open??
  13. Anyone here cast for Browns, steelhead, lakers and salmon in the shallows from a boat? Was thinking of launching next week and fishing some shallow trout. Not a fan of trolling and was thinking I could chuck some spoons, swimbaits and jerkbaits near Dalhousie!!?? Would love to hear your experiences/insight of you don't mind. Thanks Landry
  14. You old guys are from a different generation. Times and women have changed. Most work full time and have 50% vote on life plans. Us younger guys missed the good ol days. Having said that - I never ask to go fishing or give a Time when I will be home. But I do try to be a Fair partner. Just because his wife won't move to Flin Flon doesn't mean the guy is whipped. Tough crowd.
  15. I upgraded the ducer for $60. It was easy to mount on my aluminum and needed no adjusting.
  16. It's definitely not a gimmick if u fish deep structure and if u take the time to set it up and learn to use it properly. It is not a necessity though. Sonar and GPS are.
  17. What he said^^^^^^
  18. I have the HB 899 unit. Love it. SI is very useful if you are looking for deep structure, bottom transitions and larger fish like catfish or big walleyes. It is easy to install (use a transducer board) and learn how to use. I would not go smaller than this screen. There are some good deals out ther on these units now. DI is useless on the SI/DI models from HB. The DI on dedicated DI units is far better. This is because the SI models do not have a dedicated DI sonar crystal like Lowrance does. Spend the extra and get a bigger screen or just stick to basic sonar or sonar/DI model though.
  19. That's a great deal. I paid 699 but got a navionics map chip with it. That was the cheapest I could find at that time.
  20. I use the 859 up front. I like it. It marks a 5/8oz bucktail in 100' of water and fish well. Some will tell u lowrance marks fish better. I think not - unless it is a Chirp unit maybe. I like being able to share waypoints between my 899 and 859 via the Ethernet cable.
  21. I have a newer Crestliner. My older 2003 was built way better - sturdier, more features, and no significant (meaning real improvements that aren't just technical babble designed to convince consumers to buy a newer model) hull changes. I think your plan is a good one. Your biggest concern will be the transom - is there any dry rot and is it capable of holding the heavier 4 strokes that became more prevalent after 2000. I know Crestliners in the late 90's/early 2000's had weak transom issues. It won't be easy though because often people overvalue older boats and tend to forget that the motor is almost worthless and could die at any moment possibly. Finding one with a galvanized trailer is a good idea too. Btw - there is a Princecraft Hudson Dlx on Kijiji now. My friend bought a used one last year and it is a great boat - light to tow, clean layout that could be modified easily and WAAAAY more room than my 16' Crestliner Fish hawk. My friend paid 9000 for his with a 70 4 stroke with 200 hours on it and it was a 2000 model. Needed new trailer bunks and had a new 70# trolling motor - as a point of reference. Good luck
  22. More boats will pop up soon in the spring but here are three to compare. Very Nice Boat for same price before negotiations: http://www.kijiji.ca/v-powerboat-motorboat/kawartha-lakes/2011-smokercraft-pro-angler-161-w-50hp-efi-merc/1142503593?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true My friend has this boat. Light to tow and so much room to fish. Make an offer as his price is too high IMO. My buddy paid 9000 for the same rig basically: http://www.kijiji.ca/v-powerboat-motorboat/windsor-area-on/2004-princecraft/1100200271?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true This sold but was a great deal: http://www.kijiji.ca/v-powerboat-motorboat/sudbury/2008-lowe-aluminum-with-2010-mercury-60-hp-sold/1136775545?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
  23. I love the Tuffy 1760 tillers. That is my retirement boat - I hope. Fiberglass.
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