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Everything posted by LucG

  1. Haha well maybe we can arrange a meal at the ice shack this year.
  2. Thanks Leechman! I can definitely say I will be utilizing them more often. I just don't want to over do it. How do you use them? Quiet or loud? Short sessions or long? I've read and watch plenty of video. I tried to picture two deer sparring and imitate what I though it would sounds like. Often starting with a loud impact sound, then grinding.
  3. Good Job! He looks tasty! Can't wait for mine to get back from the butcher.
  4. This year's deer hunt started off with great optimism, since for several weeks prior to opener, I was getting on average 400 pics per day on my two trail cameras. There was countless numbers of does and fawns, several small bucks and 3 big bucks. And of course few non-target species showed their faces as well. With several tags to fill this year, I was fairly confident we could have a good year. A few nuissance animals The bucks I'm after. The season started off great with 2 deer taken on the first night. A doe and a small 4 point buck. Satisfied with having some great meat for the freezer, I decided that from that point on, I would hold off for the big bucks. This decision made this one of the most interesting and exciting hunts of my life. Throughout the rest of the week, I passed on over a dozen deer, both does and bucks. I learned so much about how they react to each other, to the environment, and also how they react to my calls. Most of the time, I had deer within 10-20 yards all around me. To stay undetected felt amazing. I really made an effort to conceal my scent this year, and I think it really paid off. Here is one of many deer that I passed on waiting for the big buck. I was surprised I could get the camera out and snap some pictures without alerting her at all. This is where I spent my week. Late in the week one morning, while checking our trail cams we cam upon big buck tracks and a massive scrape. The big one was back in the area!! With all the does around, I was surprised he had even left. I knew that seeing this buck during the day was going to be a tough task. So that afternoon I decided to try a new tactic. I had bought antler rattles in a bag last year, but never used them. It was time to put them to the test. I got to the stand with the hope of luring in the big one, and after my first short rattle session, I though I scared everything within a 2 km radius away. lol But within minutes I hear sticks breaking and leaves crunching. Then, out comes this little 4 pointer. Trots right up to my stand with what looks like no worries in the world. He circles around the area for a while, eats a few apples then was on his way. I continued my rattling sessions for about 30 seconds at about every 30 minutes. I'd also throw in a few grunts mixed in. The rest of the afternoon was too quiet, I though that maybe the rattling wasn’t such a good idea. But with about half hour of daylight left, I gave it one last shot. Then once again, I hear a deer coming in, and coming in fast. I though for sure that it was that 4 pointer again, but raised my gun anyways. The next thing I saw were antlers coming through the brush. Without hesitation, the buck that I had waited for all week came straight for me. He must have got a whiff of me cause at about 30 yards he stopped dead, put his nose as high as we could. I didn’t hesitate and took him right there. The shot couldn’t have been place better; the only piece of wasted meat was the heart. My father looks happier than me in this one. All in all I had a great time. Hunting and fishing are one of the few things I do with my father, so it was great to be able to spend the week doing what we love. I also though I'd share a bit of advice regarding safety. My cousin had setup a ground blind to hunt out of and this year we have a couple windy days. One morning when getting to his blind, this is what he found. A large tree nearly flattened his blind. Could have been closer, could have been in it... So always lookout for these hazards when setting up. Good luck and stay safe!
  5. I wouldn't sell it even if I had to get it to the water by hand! lol
  6. I never though of that. I'm sure I'll be able to buy one for next to nothing. Thanks Guys!
  7. http://hamilton.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-boats-watercraft-powerboats-motorboats-Own-the-Dave-Mercer-2011-Facts-of-Fishing-Subway-Boat-W0QQAdIdZ326940749
  8. Good job! Allways nice when it works out that way. I usually have to sit in the tree stand for two weekd in the pouring rain before my buck is down. lol Where's the pics????
  9. Excatly! My phone is the HTC Desire. I have the same feature, but when I tried testing it, I was still able to send receive calls/texts.
  10. At first glance I though you were holding up a smallie lol
  11. I use this technic as well. Works good!
  12. Oh yeah, forgot one thing? Anyone know any hot spots to fish in Beijing? lol
  13. This question is for all you guys that own smart phones (or any data phone for that matter) and do alot of traveling. I am going to Beijing in January for work, and want to bring my phone to utilize its features such as wifi, camera, aps etc... Since I don't want to run up an enormous bill by roaming, I am afraid of bringing it with me. I know how to turn off the network connection, but am unsure if this will prevent any charges. Just so I am clear, I dont intend on using it to make calls/texts. Any advice is apreciated. Thanks in advance!
  14. Great post chad! Well here's my contribution to the other species post. These guys sure put up a fight on the light action walleye rods.
  15. Nice job! Can't wait to get out!
  16. Nice tipups for sure! But since you forgot to include the OFC Sign in your pic, that cat wont qualifty for the OFC Tourny.
  17. lol...Not only is it one less burden, but think about how much money it was burning. I read somewhere just a few days ago, (might have even been on here) that the gov't was spending 100x times more than what it said it was going to cost when it was first established.
  18. Scrap the registry!
  19. Watching that gave me goose bumps!!! Congrats to the winner!
  20. Good job buddy! Sorry I couldnt make it!
  21. Sounds like a good time! Life does sound great.
  22. I like using other creature baits like beavers and such, but what I really like about the chigger craw is that it also has a great swimming action. The claws move no nicely in the water, I believe this is what drive the pike crazy.
  23. Its funny you mentioned that. Last weekend while pike fishing, I would flip the odd lilly pad with a Texas Rigged chigger craw in attemps to catch some buckets. Ended up catching more pike then bass...lol
  24. Fall pike fishing is great! I think spinnerbaits are key this time of year. If the water is dingy, use something with bright colours.
  25. Hey John, This is a good place to find fishing buddies for sure! But you might get more responses if you tell us a little about yourself, what kind of fishing you like to do and your location.
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