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Everything posted by Gregoire

  1. I'm surprised no one has blamed the teachers yet...wait a mimute they don't own the team anymore.
  2. If the bait are stacked in shore I might be tempted to chuck a spoon this weekend. I'm also going to be spending part of the summer on the big lake. Last year we did alright, this year we are hoping to break the 30lb barrier and maybe make it on the board one week.
  3. This reminds of why time I was fishing for Pike using a large Husky Jerk. I landed 2 nice largemouth from a very close location. I moved a little and hooked into something else large. I was a little pissed as it was not fighting like a Pike. I told myself if it was another bass I would pack up and head home, as I was fishing from shore. To my great excitement I hooked into a large Pike. Sorry for the aside. To answer your question I do not think that they would charge you if you only hook one fish, but if they witness you pulling in bass after bass than I think you should be charged. If it is obvious that you are in an area where OOS fish are present than it is your responsibility to move. Having said that you also might get charged if you take a while to release the fish while taking multiple pics, in which case you would also deserve the charge.
  4. I'm going to try and keep realistic and say an PB musky (currently my PB is 43) and PB pike (currently 40). I am heading to lake of the woods so I am hoping I can get these on the same trip. I also would like to spend 10+ days outside of my trip chasing ski's closer to home. I would also like to break the 40" or 30lb barrier for salmon. However those are just numbers that are somewhat irrelevant as my most important goal is to get out with my brother in law at least twice and maybe convince my father in law to go fishing for the first time in years. For some reason I think that a few days fishing with these two guys would mean more to me than a new PB. One of these years I will also make time to go visit my bro and put the custom fly rod that he built me to work on the bow river.
  5. A lot of good advice is being given here, but as was pointed out the problem is that kids are using the good gear.
  6. He has started working out. On his twitter account he tweets about his runs. An excellent lifestyle choice. I wonder if he was prompted by a health scare like diabetes. Either way it is not an easy thing to do.
  7. One of the problems with spending money on good stuff is that it breaks if you abuse it. Sometimes as in the case of rods they can be more brittle than lower end stuff. My advice would be to get a few ugly stick combos and let the kids use that. Those rods are virtually indestructable and the reels are ok.
  8. I beleive you can watch Musky Hunter episodes on-line for a fee. I think it is something like 2.99$. As far as the seminar at the show, it was pretty good, but dominated by Gord Pyzer, who shared a lot of useful information with the crowd.
  9. Your best bet is to drill a bunch of holes all along the ledge from shallow to deep.
  10. I meant that they are both built by the same company. At similar price points you are basically getting the same thing with a different label
  11. Going from Abu to Pflueger is like going from a Pontiac to a Chevy
  12. I don't disagree that you should know that the light comming at you is on a boat, I just find the phrasing to be poor. By the way I just wrote and passed the test 98% I wonder which question I got wrong.
  13. Definitely way harder than I ythough it would be. The module tests are very complicated questions thay are far too detail oriented in my opinion. Hopefully I'll be done module 7 in a few minutes and will pass the module test so that I can write the real test.
  14. I'm not arguing that I do not need to know what the masthead is, rather I am trying to make the point that not many boaters who have their boating card will have any idea what this is. I am just frustrated that I have to go through this process.
  15. Example of the most rediculous question yet: "what is the name of the white navigation light that shows in an unbroken light over an arc of 225 degrees dead ahead and 22.5 degrees abaft on both sides of the vessel"
  16. You can also adde weighted hooks. I have never done it, but it is another option.
  17. Failed module 4...I'm calling it a night. This test not relevant and overly detailed in it's nature.
  18. I did not read the book beforehand. I am guessing that most people would not pass the module tests without studying. You need an 8/10 for each module before you can move on. On a positive I am done module 3
  19. no witness needed for the boatsmart anymore...at least that is what I was told. If I am wrong I'll just use my girlfriend. I do not feel good about module 2
  20. I was there and I missed it...when did this happen?
  21. I just passd module 1..and Merc if I was in Montreal I would give you 20
  22. I was at the whole seminat and don't remember any talk of quinte musky. I am sure they are there, but probably not in any large number.
  23. The only thing I will say about the patriarch it that it is pretty fragile and glued together in parts. My handle broke and a metal piece fell in the water, and getting replacement parts is not easy. That is why I am moving over to shimano. I have a stradic and a sustain and I have far more confidence in them lasting longer and being easier to fix than the pflueger. Having said that my partriarch is the smoothest reel I own. If you are going to baby your reel and constantly maintain it than a pflueger is great, but if you are like me and abuse your reels I think a shimano is better.
  24. Still 8 minutes till I can take the test
  25. Oh and 25 minutes to do the readings...even if I were to have to learn brail and read the pages it wouldn't take so long. By the time I can take the practice test I have forgotten everything...stupid ADD.
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