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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. Hitting Rice Lake next weekend for the opener, hope it is good weather wise
  2. Hey you old buzzard where you been hidein.... Have not been there in years Gerritt and l believe if you use ontario.ca/fishonline it will answer your question....
  3. I believe Fish Farmer launched out of Grimsby a few weeks back... at a Forbes Marina I believe its called
  4. Seems to me as this is a tackle shop....do you have permissions to sell like this
  5. Looking great Wayne... was up your way today.... Could not find the runway for my GMC to land on....
  6. Congatulations to Rob and Family... You to Bruce more to break a foot over
  7. 4 Muskie Lures 1 KC Bucktail, 2 Grim Reapers, 1 Manic Bow $20.00 each... 2nd picture Bucktails $15.00 Each... Pics Too large to post... location in Hamilton but will meet up.... 905-541-4344 or [email protected]
  8. Happy to see you back little buddy Hope all is well
  9. Hope it fixes the problem Art so l can get back in on my favorites
  10. I also can not get in from my favorites tells me message 404 ???? have to go and enter it from google
  11. I do not know why part of this post is missing.??? I posted that with Cliff inside how would a person like me get in there also. and Bruces reply is also missing
  12. Cliff, how in the world do you get in a Toyota Corrolla
  13. Wayne, Jen was a different type of gal, like her mother she knew how she wanted things done.... look at you lol
  14. I remember that call Use it all the time.... sometimes works ... Sometimes ?
  15. Happy to see you are back and doing well my friend...
  16. Same back to you Dax and all the best in the new year
  17. Same to you Lew & Diane also...And the rest of your Family
  18. Well Dave, I know there is a real Santa he just has to let me get back to fishing again. Got to try out those new lures he mad me last year... remember Santa
  19. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my FAMILY here at OFC ... May you all celebrate in Peace and Happiness..... Kelvin AKA Loonietoon
  20. All the Best Bruce to you and your Lovely Family Santa Looks a Lot Like You
  21. Well said and put Dan. Like you said they will come back with a LAWYER OH YA
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