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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. Thanks for the updates Norm & Cliff... We are all pulling for you Jack
  2. Thanks for letting us all know Beans... Jack you are in our prayers and so is Jackie... Get well fast and leave the Nurses alone
  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.... Cliff... whats it now 25 and holding right.....
  4. Will send you the info Mo... It will be tuff for me to handle this year with the crazy times I keep at work.. will see what I can do 1st
  5. Dave, I belong to the Associated Sportsman Club in Hamilton (aka Police Association) was a member of The Golden Horseshoe for 3 yrs (not now) not a very well interested group (personal opinion).. also Member of Millennium Bass Masters 1 Yr (Conservation Director) and was also included with OFBA.. Have more of an Interesting time with the Association and even more fun with OFC As stated the problem with most cubs... no new blood & lots of no new ideas there for loss of members
  6. Gave my boss the dates at work today... Going Fishing again HU... Yep.. as usual
  7. Mo you know I will be there for sure... usual area with Cliff & MR JR.. will also bring Propane tank & hoses... Do you still have the contact for Weston Bakery??? if not I still have it here
  8. Thats what I thought Roy.. Thanks
  9. Need to inform boss as to when I need time off Lakair in June anyone know the date 3rd week in June sound right
  10. Give it time Rick and he will be fine.. Now try to get some rest yourself & Happy New Year
  11. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you as well Lew and to the rest of my Family
  12. HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone on the OFC Family site Be Safe out there tonight Please
  13. Gary... That has to be one of the GREATEST Christmas presents any one could ever ask for.. _smile.gif So very happy for you my friend... MERRY CHRISTMAS
  14. Just wanted to wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS from Our house you yours... Hope everyone gets what they want ... Peace & Happiness as well
  15. Gavin, it is to bad that we did not get a chance to meet when you were up at Pigeon Lake Resort, as it would have been great to spend some time with you and taken you out in my boat for a day when I was there. I would not have left so early in the day and gone fishing with you Maybe next time you are here we can hook up and we can go out in the boat and do some fishing.. Take care and have a safe Flight back home to Merry old England.. I was born and raised in Manchester and came here when I was 10 yrs old and have never been back Been to busy working, but have told my wife, one of these years I will take her over there and show her where I was born Keep in touch with us here and Pics for sure
  16. The room is bright as the window faces north and the TV is on the east side of the room.. Thanks Mike
  17. Thanks everyone for your input... Now I have to decide what size to buy probably a 36" or some thing close as I don't have a lot of room to work with... Hey Lew .. wan't to bring over that new Mitter saw you just got.. need to build a new Table for my TV??????
  18. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Lew & Paul.... Hope you both have a great day
  19. I need to know what is better in a TV LCD or is it LCV or Plasma ???? I have heard bad thing on Plasmas but I don't know the difference??? Still got a 29" stereo TV thats on its way out so would like to by new but don't know what to buy.... Help pls
  20. Correct me if I am wrong??? but was this place not brought up last year for these same things???
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