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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. I'm on my 5th or 6th year with my Bluewater Optics... nice & comfortable as well ,,, Excellent guarantee also... broke the frame and it was replaced no problem....
  2. SoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo when is the GTG on Saturday
  3. Aaron, I just knew we could count on you You rock my friend always there for the cause.......
  4. Aaron, does that mean you and Tony were prefishing for the Tyler Event..... Shame on you both... Hopefully see you there if not at the Show 1st.
  5. That's great Chuck... Working on some prizes but wont say what yet
  6. uglyfish... tell Daniel I will see him there ... for a visit
  7. I will be there on Saturday for sure.... look for me or I might find you....
  8. Thank's TJ we will get to break you bank account now I will also be donating my entry fee to the park.......
  9. Elisa that is great news that they will wave the fee... Thanks to Innisfil
  10. Hey Kevin... Like Roy said we think we might just know this dude...
  11. I will see if I can get in touch with Weston Bakery a gain and see what I can do....
  12. Thats great Now we need buns and condiments for this and drinks.... Coffee, Hot Chocolate and water....
  13. Big Cliff is so correct but we could not beat the ones he gets... They were GREAT..... as Tony the tiger would say......
  14. Some body step up to the bat..... For Tyler.... Some body...
  15. Doug 2 possibly 3 big BBQ's coming for sure plus Charcoal..... Tony the chicken breast would be great thank you.. Wings might be hard to do or control.... If you know what I mean..... We will still be in need of Hot Dog, Hamburgs & buns with condiments....
  16. Cliff It was a pleasure to apprentice with you I would be more than willing to continue the tradition I only wish that you could be with us again., but I do promise to make it up to your place this year for sure.
  17. Any one need a ride from Hamilton let me know.. possibly 3 spots bringing the van for sure or as Joey put it when I 1st got it (shaggin wagon)
  18. Big Cliff does that mean you will be taking up cooking again with Doug & myself
  19. Well it looks like Tylers parents took the advise and I will be attending as usual and bringing the 2 new big BBQ's and the Charcoal for the food..... It will go Great I can just feel the love in this group..... OHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  20. I hope that you get in touch with Tyler's mother because she was saying the 13 of Feb because she wanted to know what would be needed for the BBQ's
  21. When Tylers Mother got a hold of me, she said it was going to be the weekend of the Spring Fishing Show Feb 13/10 at Innisfil so I would check 1st as I told them it would be tought to get people out like the problem Maureen had last year. I hope it is for the 20th that way I can attend as usual.
  22. Happy New Years to you both.... New Years Resolution...... Get more Fishing Done For me that is.... You already get enough...............
  23. Have been dealing with Jo's so long he would never steer you wrong or sell anything that is broken unless it was broken in shipping. Call him and he will look after you..
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