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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. Now it's on to your Girl my friend... Lets all join together to get ridd of this thing....
  2. Was at the hospital today with Diane, Report from the Doctor is..... He is HAPPY with what he has seen on the CT Scan,,,,Cancer is SHRINKING... so only 2 more sessions then will do another CT Scan then she can have a break if every thing shows good she will be checked again in about 2-3 months to see how things are..... The Godds have been listening to us alllll Thank you all for your Prayers they have been working.. Now lets all work on Jen,,,, Wayne & Lea's Daughter... We have to beat this thing.....
  3. I second that Wayne & Mike.. hopefully it was some one we know
  4. I met this guy in Paris About a year ago.. give him a shout and see...Elwood Philips 519-442-3771 Don't know what he is like but he sound pretty good
  5. T.J you know I do know the owner Kim very well.. How do you think we got the Lucky Strike Hats for the GTG @ Lakair...hint ..hint...I belive I might be able to get some of those lures...
  6. Vince I was proud to have been able to count on you to handle the chore... I owe you 1 cold 1 my friend or 2... It was also great to hear that every one was there to help Tyler... I To you all and am very Humbled & Proud to know you all and also to call you all my friends...Vince it was also great to see that your Kids were there and got to witness what it is to care for and Help another person in need of some help.. I believe this will assist them in their growing up to be fine children.You and your wife should be PROUD as I know you are. A little Update on my wife.. Had A CT Scan done on Thursday and will be at the Doctors with her on Thursday of this week for an update.
  7. Vince, Just like Cliff said... You will be busy mark our words.. you will need some help... Good |Luck and THANKS for filling in for me.. I will be there in Thought & Spirit.. if nothing else.. I am really SORRY not to be able to make it this year.. I know you all will make Tyler's Day go GREAT..
  8. Yes I know what you are saying Lew, Use to get lots of info off that Show, Another Show was Inline Fisherman I believe it was called With Steve & Gus Jojo's, Leo's x partner from his Fish TV show that The other guy is now running with him in it. Can not stand that show... Still miss Old Red though,, What a hoot he was Drunk or Sobber
  9. Any body remember Weekend Fisherman with Frank Papineau. Used to watch that for spots that the average guy could go to.Got to love Dave with his Facts of Fishing.. All Laughts
  10. Hey T.J. Site looks great only sorry I won't be there to help out but I am sure that others will fill in, Just like Vince said he will look after the cooking but I am sure he will need help, you always do... Only to bad you don't have prior pics to put up.
  11. Thank Vince.. If you want you can p/u the Charcoal at my place & Tylers parents have the 2 B B Q"s we used last year.. Let me know???I truly regret not being there.. but like I stated Will be there in Thought & Spirit..if nothing else..
  12. Rick my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family and I also hope that your Grandmother is resting comfortably.. Hope it all gets better soon.
  13. As some of you already know, I will not be attending in body this year but in thought. What I need is for some body to take the Honor of Chef in my place. Pls remember you will not be doing this for me But "Tyler". If any one is coming from Hamilton I will be more than happy to supply the Charcoal, as long as some body is will to pick it up... Remember this is for "Tyler" So pls some body step up and take the Spatuler pls. This is a great cause as T.J. stated this is it's 7th year and started by Maureen. so pls lets make it happen again
  14. Vince I also lost that particular Beno eel in the colors Yellow W/black dots as well as the orange w/black dots as well as the green w/black dots... best lure I ever used.. Dame that company for closing up. Checked with so many different people Told lots of luck trying to find any.. Lost all of mine at Dunnville around the docks..
  15. Hope she gets a patten protection for that Wayne
  16. just like you told me Wayne.. Keep up the battle.. Wife just finishing her 2nd round this Tuesday coming then another short rest then on the round 3 so far she too is eating good.. little off now because she is coming off the anti nausia pills.... Believe just like me it will be beat....You keep telling me this
  17. Aaron, you have made a decision that you will never regret. Rest assure it is the right one... Sure going to miss your shows thou. Good luck with your family
  18. Sorry for your loss Brian but from one dog lover to another, be sure you did the right thing in relieving his discomfort. He is now at peace.You know inside you did the right thing.
  19. Thanks Paul and may this year also be good to you and your family also
  20. Thanks Joey and the same to You & Paul All the best for sure
  21. Same to you and your family .. Vince
  22. Thanks Wayne and believe me it will be... round 2 starts on Tuesday... Hows Jen doing??
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