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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. Just wanted to wish all my family members "HAPPY NEW YEAR" Kelvin & Diane
  2. I am deeply saddened by the lose a great friend who will be greatly missed by all he has met & touched... RIP my friend Jack (Nanook)We have lost another to the Spirit in the Sky where he will keep on fishing while we only wish... My Condolences to Jackie & Family. Knowing Jack he fought hard RIP my Friend you will never be forgotten Kelvin & Family
  3. Cliff if you ever need a hand just PM me and let me know I will be there to help... After all you are my friend correct
  4. Thanks Mercman she's a tough girl... got to be, she's had me for 34 yrs I made her that way....
  5. Thanks Lew so for round 1 has been a tough 1 but she will win... Mark my words....
  6. Just wanted to wish all my Family a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and to thank all the well wishers that have sent us wishes. Hope Santa is good to all
  7. Wife starts chemo on Tuesday Dec 14th for 6-8 hrs then again Dec 21 for 4-6 hrs.. then she will get a break for 2 weeks then blood work to see if it had an effect.. We will win...
  8. Yes Henderson just down the street from our house
  9. Well it seems I have you all beat.. Bought I 15 yrs ago and still use it a lot. My driveway, Parking spot in street, 3 neighbors side walks plus mine and 1 extra driveway Ready for this ....1964 Viking(yes Eatons Model) single stage 6 hp 26" cut.. Still working well only replaced belts this year on rebuilt carb... Kids now tell me they have me a new one coming ...Electric Start.. seeing as my back & shoulder are getting worse from Pull Starting it..
  10. Well it seems she has to start Chemo so I will be going with her again on Thursday for another talk with the doctor and find out more on when she will be starting and a few other unanswered questions I still have. Thanks everyone for their concerns and well wishes, I think we are in for a rough ride, But we will WIN
  11. As you know my wife has been told she has Lung Cancer. Well she has been referred to a Specialist at the cancer clinic here in Hamilton. Now waiting for the appointment as to when???Hoping they are wrong because she does not have any of the symptoms that are associated with this cancer???/
  12. Prayers & thoughts as well as good wishes for a speedy recovery
  13. Thanks Wayne.. That's all we can do right now...
  14. Sorry I missed this I hope all goes well for Jack.. He is a great person this is for sure.. Fight it my Friend.. We know you can do it.. Jackie tell him we are all pulling for him...
  15. Thank my friend we might need it...
  16. Good to hear Roy.. now if I get over there for Work some time I will let you know...As long as all goes well here my friend...
  17. Hi All.. Just an update on the wife.. She is set to have a Pet Scan on Wed to see the extent of this Lung Cancer and see if it is Operable or not.. Fingers and what ever else I have crossed.. Will know more by friday I hope.. Thanks to everyone for the Emails and calls..
  18. Thks for your support Wayne,, I am trying to stay positive I need to believe we can beat this and the support we are getting is unbelievable from this board...Thanks again my friend..
  19. Thanks every one for there Prayers and thoughts..The PM's as well I let her see the support that you are all giving us it certainly means alot to us both.Waiting for a Papscan now so this will tell us what they can do and if they can operate or not.. Will keep you all informed.Again I would like to thank you all.
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