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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. Don't need it Chris, They had 6 yrs to make that offer.. There loss My Gain for sure. I know some of the drivers have my number and are looking to follow me. We will see thats for eure
  2. All my Drivers were raising pure Hell along with some of the staff that know what I do for the drivers as well as protecting them and the company.. They don't know how they are going to replace me for the wages they were paying that is for sure.
  3. We I made a decision Friday after weeks of debate and Quite my job after 6 yrs with the same company. I have not had a raise in 6 yrs even though I had asked on numerous occasions and nothing can, I was approached by the owner of a company that I do some consulting for to come work directly for him. We came to a wage we could both live with and Friday was my last day for the company that I did 6 yrs work for. Monday (on my Birthday) I start my new job. Time to move on. 20 min from home 40 min each day compared to 2.5 plus hrs per day.. Win Win situation... Just thought I would share with my friends (Family)
  4. Paul, I do not need to tell you how I feel, I think you know.. Be strong my friend as you have said to me.. Like others have said and you have said to me.. Remember all the good times and cherish them always
  5. I need the change count me in
  6. Well she was diagnosed about 1.1/2 years ago with this and we had her on meds and the said about a month ago she was doing great. then 2 weeks ago she did not want to eat much then started walking like she was drunk (hell thats my job) then stopped taking her pills and throwing up. We knew then it was time. Got her cremated and put in a urn and my daughter knows when I go she is to be put with her mother & me when they open it up.
  7. Thanks all for the emails been busy Sorry I did not get back to you all till now, not been to good around here, Had to put the little dog down last week Kidney Failure (my wifes baby and mine also)But on a good note start a new job next week for another trucking company close to home going back into dispatching for a while so hopefully I can be around more
  8. Thanks Mo and the same to you as well.. Hows your mom and my friend Beans doing???/ How is big Cliff been off here to long I know
  9. Thanks Rich..hope all is well with you guys....just trying to get things done still... it will take a while to get all these problems solved.. had to hire a lawyer to handle the government with there crap. Have not even been out fishing at all this year.. total whip out.. got to try to work with my son to get him to trust the boat so I can get him in it.. just wants to stay on shore he does.
  10. Just wanted to let you all know that things are going as well as can be expected. To All HAPPY THANKSGIVING...
  11. I am very pleased to see that this event went very well again.. Hats off to Ryan & Dan for this event and every one else that participated in it.... Albert I know you did excellent on the grill Hopefully next year I will be back. Till then Born to Fish.. Forced to Work
  12. Will be there around 7.00am bringing both boats with 3 extra friends so should be a good time. Don't forget Albert I'm helping with the BBQ again and the beer that I owe you. See every one there and got to stop by Bills Bait to p/u prizes he promised me
  13. Thanks Dan she was suppose to have 1 for me at the Sportsman Show but forgot
  14. If any one knows how to get a hold of Maureen that does the t shirts let her know that I am still waiting for my Pickeral tee shirt. thanks
  15. Made some flyers and dropped some of at Bill's Bait & Tackle on Upper James St in Hamilton this evening and spoke with Greg and he put them up and he said that he will be making up some prizes for me to pick up next week. Also started getting cash Donations from drivers & staff where I work... Can't wait to meet up with every body again.. GET HER DONE
  16. I will be there for sure suppose to be bringing 3 other people so I will have to bring the 2nd boat so we will all have room. Good job it's the 12 ft can flip it into to other boat
  17. Will be there for sure.. might have a few more people with me also,,,, Albert I will assist at the BBQ and the Beer Run Remember I owe you a few.. See every one there ... Got to go now no time for myself
  18. Just wanted to drop in and say that I am still around, just busy with legal things and still trying to come with reality as some would put it. Hope every one is doing well. Will be in and out as I get time.. Looking after my son and working take up a lot of time. Daughter and future son in law are moving in this weekend so I have been busy redoing the basement.
  19. With deep regret I will not be there but my thoughts will be with every one.. Do good for Tyler and make us all proud.. Have fun and be safe
  20. Just wanted to thank all of my friends for the kind words and PM's sent to me and my family in our time of Loss. Diane will greatly be missed for all of her Love and her Great Friendship she had with the children and myself.. She was not a mother to our children but a great friend to them both. They are also having a hard time and I have been there steady for them.. Again thank you all Kelvin Words alone can not express what I want to say
  21. Jedi, you should be able to bet the ticket if you had the headlight in the vehicle and you have a receipt that you can take with you to the courts to show the times of purchase and they should throw it out. You can prove that you had the light in your possession and your intentions were to fix it.
  22. Thanks Paul for the Kind Words and I do believe in what you are saying.
  23. Yes Wayne, the front porch was finished in June 3.5 weeks from start and she would sit on it all day and would be waiting there till I pulled into the driveway. I am going to miss that. She said when it was finished she Loved it and appreciated all that I sacrificed to get it done for the summer for her.
  24. Well the Funeral Service was yesterday and I got to take the Urn to put it in the wall and I had a hard time giving her up.Finally put her in to the spot then did not want to leave. Man it was hard to leave her there.Now on to the legal thing that have to be followed up. Taking another week of work.
  25. Wayne, Give Jen a big hug from myself and tell her I am so happy she is doing good.
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