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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. I would like to thank every one for the kind words and PM's I have been getting. She was one of a kind and like I said earlier, she was My Sole Mate, My Best Friend & Partner, Beautiful Bride, very personal with other people and always willing to help when She could. Heck she was even involved with an Dog Rescue Group that would take dogs from a Kill Shelter and we would have some here till they found new homes for them.Dame this I am really going to miss her more that I can imagine.Sorry for ranting on. Thanks again to every one Kelvin
  2. Sadly this was not the update I wanted to post Born Nov 15 1954 Passed on Jan 16 2012.. My Sole Mate, My Best friend, Partner & Beautyful Bride passed on after suffering a stroke that took her last breath.. She was everything a person could want as a Friend and I will miss her dearly. This Cancer has to be beaten.. Enough said
  3. Thanks for the kind words of hope from everyone Here as well as the PM's and calls. Little update.. the swelling in her throat has gone down a little so she can breath a little better but still on oxygen and she had a chest xray again today to see if the fluids were out of her lungs.. Very weak and now they have to work on getting her strength back and get her mobile again before namonia(spelling) sets in. Will be slow recovery but she will recover. Hell she's been married to me for 34 years so she is a tuff girl Take care all and will try to keep all updated
  4. Hi All, as you may have noticed I have not been around for a while. Over the Holidays Diane had a lot of problems breathing and not being able to swollow so there fore not being able to eat to much. Well Last Tuesday after waiting for the doctors to call back we took her in to the hospital with this problem. they took Xrays and found out that her Lungs were 3/4 full of fluid and if we had have waited she would have drowned in her own fluid. Right away a tube was inserted to drain the fluid out after 2 days of draining the lungs they took the tube out.. She is still in the hospital and I am there every night till I have to leave and get up the next morning for work. This is the 1st time I have been able to give my friends an update and I hope the next one is that I have here back home and in better shape. Just a little update.
  5. It's a rip off I know. Card was included in your 3 yr payment now we end up paying more again.. Like you say Wayne.. Some might try to get away with out it if the price keeps going in this fashion. They might start to hurt the industry even more now.. will have to wait and find out more..
  6. I want to renew mine the other day and got told that I had to purchase the outdoor card 9.86 and my 3 yr lic for 83.29. Told the guy that I believe he was wrong because when I purchased my lic 3 yrs ago only paid 81.75. Guy said i was wrong and that is what it will cost me Any one else run into this for the 2012 3 yr Sport fishing lic 92.97 seems quite a much for a 3 yr when you consider 11.22 differance in 3 yrs...
  7. Same to you and your Dan.. Sent Ryan o PM that we need bigger Decals for the truck.. Small ones do not get seen as much... What do you all say.....BIG or go home.... What do you think.. more advertisement for sure.. All ready working on support for the new year
  8. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and Sue Cliff.. Hope to get there to see you again soon
  9. Gerritt I can not put into words as to what I have in tears my friend and I know that you know what I mean.. MERRY CHRISTMAS
  10. Good for you Bruce & Merry Christmas to you and your family... I know it will not replace Peanut but it will help fill the void..
  11. Thanks Lew, All the best to you & Diane also as well as your Daughter
  12. I sure hope so my friend.. I sure hope so.. Been following Jen... good influence that's for sure.. hope she keeps it up Send her our best wishes Please
  13. bear skin rug would be nice Roy
  14. The same back to you Richard... Keep up the fight and always BBELIEVE
  15. To All My Friends Hoping every one has a Very Merry Christmas and Good Health to All Kelvin & Diane
  16. Hi all, After some set backs Diane was admitted back in to the Hospital after a reaction to the meds she was on(having trouble breathing and all swollen up) the doctor claims he should have listened to her 4 days ago when she called complaining of difficulty breathing. Admitted Tues at midnight after being there all day. Got up for work again Wednesday at 4.30 am to go to work got home Wed night to go to Hospital to get home 9.pm to pass out on the bed. Finally released again Thursday at 4.30pm and now I have her back home again on meds. At least we have here home now and the doctor wants to see her again in 2 weeks. Hopefully she will not need to call him again till then. Just an update for all
  17. Keep up the fight Richard, I know 1st hand what you are going through as my wife is also fighting Cancer.. 1 year now,,,,
  18. Just thought seeing as I have time right now to drop in and say hi to all my friends. Been away from here for a while because we found out about 6 weeks ago that the cancer had spread to Diane's Head. Found out when I took her to the Hospital after she was complaining of a head ache for over a week and did not say much because she thought she had a sinus infection. Well thats when we found out and she has been taking Radiation for it and just last week they did what they call a Sabre Knife Radiation to hit the last 2 remaining spots there. Claim to have 90% success rate.. I hope they are correct.. Will know more in about 2 weeks as to the success of this as well as still taking chemo for the other small spots still in the lung... Well I will try to get in if possible but don't know when.. Just wanted to let you all know what was going on..
  19. Been away for 10 days with the wife before she starts Radiation Treatment... Now that I have the pics from the kids fishing derby will try to get some moved over to put up on the site in the next few days...
  20. Thanks everyone for their prayers.. Well my wife starts Radiation Treatment tomorrow.. 10 rounds in 10 days... Going to be a tough battle.. Going to beat this thing...
  21. been gone for a while Mike but I hope all is going well for your Dad, Pulling as hard as we can my friend lets hope it works..
  22. Just to let you all know, I did not forget to do the pictures, it is I have been over done with my wife and I just got the pictures sent to me and will try to get them up ASAP. Please bear with me. Thanks
  23. Well just a quick update on my wife... Seems now she has to go through Radiation treatment to try to get rid of the dam Cancer.. Seems that they still found some in the limpnodes(spelling) then after that see how it is then back in for more Chemo.. Sorry for the rant.
  24. Well just to let everybody know... Had a GREAT day with the fishing tournament for the kids yesterday. 43 kids showed up and we had prizes for all. Big Question ( am I going to do it again next year the kids wanted to know.. not who won 1st prize) Man I tell you it felt great that they wanted it done again.. My Answer.. If you want it next year then YES you will have it again next year.. All my Sponsers Better look out because I am coming for donations.. Thanks to the Sponsers for this Year... Joslyn ( Angling Outfitters Woodstock ON. & Pure Fishing which includes Berkley, Abu Garcia Power Pro And other product. Pictures to follow as soon as I get them as my camera failed to work..
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