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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. No problem Mike.. Need to get together with you in the spring for some fishing though
  2. That's okay Wayne I can get you cleared Have contacts you know :}}
  3. what no one else coming to get together
  4. Any one else in for this... also what about Buffalo Wings on 20 hwy at the QEW might make it closer for some
  5. Sounds good to me nice place was there about 3 weeks ago what food do they have on menu
  6. I was there last yea and ran the BBQ with Charcoal
  7. Are we not having any GTG this year in Hamilton area
  8. Thanks for the offer Cliff as I will take you up on that in the spring or ice fishing for sure--- been to long I hope Iv not lost my touch :]] Now about cooking... when do we participate at Tylers again
  9. Hi Mike.. Sorry for your Loss.. I also just lost a Dear Friend that was also a WWII vet and was a bomber on The Lancaster during that time.. Great loss to all people for sure.. like Pete says THEY ARE ALL HEROES
  10. Thanks for the reminder Norm.. How is the little guy doing anyway.. Hope you guys are also doing good.. Will be back up in the Spring for some Crappie fishing.. Have not done any fishing for a while..
  11. Great to be in here again.. hope to have fun again
  12. Welcome to the play pen.. yes I'm back
  13. heck I have been trying to Sell a 4 Wheel Scooter for my dad for about 4 months now and getting stupid calls
  14. Was at the Funeral home Friday and was not surprised by the amount of friends that came to pay there respects. The slide show that was put on by the family only showed you 1/2 of Denny they could not find all that they wanted to show but it was still a great reminder of what a great friend and mentor Denny Was.. He will be missed... Rest in Peace my Friend and Mentor
  15. Fantastic JOB EVERY BODY.. Sorry I could not make it .. Hopefully next Year as I sure do miss the fun..
  16. Fantastic JOB EVERY BODY.. Sorry I could not make it .. Hopefully next Year as I sure do miss the fun..
  17. Dan you are not to far from my place to Chris's that's for sure
  18. Looks like I am not going to make it again this year.. Son has to go in and have his foot operated on as he broke it 2 weeks ago and it is not healing properly. Any one going that lives in Hamilton can pick up or I can drop off some prizes that I have would be great..
  19. Ryan I have a couple of Canoe or kayak cooler packs to keep the catch fresh coming and a few other things that will kick some Butt
  20. we are making plans to be there this year Ryan.. See you all there
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