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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. Speak for yourself Albert... don't get me going )) Everyone is WELCOME Come on Every one
  2. This is so true Albert and then they say we don't do any thing But like you said We had fun with the waitresses keeping her busy
  3. Is this all we are going to have What about Fish Farmer and some of the newbies Johnybot a chance to meet others from the area come on where is every one that says we do not do anything
  4. Happy New Year to my OFC Family may all you new wishs come true and Happy Health to all
  5. It is definatly a go for sure hope to see all there cheap drinks and good food at a reasonable price supporting our veterans for sure. Iron maker we won't keep you up to late we promise
  6. lets see who will come out of the woodwork enough in Hamilton to do it or is it just to colddddddddddddddd
  7. Wayne you and Leah have the greatest gift of all... Merry Christmas to your whole family
  8. Lets do it Jan 3 2014, at the 477 wing in Mount Hope. 3210 Homestead Dr, Mount Hope Ont. 7:30 pm.
  9. bump up to location info 447 to support our veterans Im in for
  10. Cliff you never CEASE TO AMAZE ME you are an excellent person and HONORED TO CALL YOU MY FRIEND MERRY CHRISTMAS BUDDY
  11. I like to watch all that was mentioned but surprised no one mentioned Ernest saves Christmas what a fun movie
  12. I know I have not been around for a while ... buttttt I just wanted to Wish all my friends that I have not spoke with for a while MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL and a safe one to boot
  13. Merry Christmas to you also and welcome to the board.. pull up a chair and stay awhile.. I did and never looked back with all the friends I have made & met
  14. Looks like only 4 of us are getting together yet there are others that live here I know
  15. If everyone is in agreement we can go to the 447 wing or try the Buffalo wing place on 20 hwy .Take a vote..
  16. Thats okay Cliff we will fishing soon together
  17. That will help just don't tell them you know me then.. ) just incase they are still looking for me from the last time..
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