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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. Art you don't want to admitt that in public
  2. Pigeon Lake Resort a bunch of use stay there for a week in Sept for Muskie. Like others have said great family that run the place and will make sure you are happy Beans is only 3 mins away to
  3. Flyer says $15.00 at the door but I don't care going anyway
  4. like Albert says Speil has friends Oh No he must be buying them
  5. I'm set for April 4th at the Stelco Meeting hope others will come there. Been before and always have a great time.. Albert, myself who else come on guys this will be fun I know
  6. Got to agree with you Roy... Joey is a Classy Lady Sorry Hon Paul don't hit me plssssssss
  7. Ya but do they have WINGSSSSSSSSSSS If the others want I'm game
  8. What no one else.. same old same old well at least we know who wants to GTG lets set date for Friday April 11 say around 8 or Saturday April 12 or any other date
  9. Come on Cliff we all know that is not true Older than a Rock Yes Heck of a good man yes the other 2 ask MB about that
  10. I was thinking more like Buffalo Wings this time off 20 hwy
  11. I believe it might be time for another GTG in the Hammer....any one in for it ??????
  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend hope you have a fantastic day will be up soon for crappies my treat
  13. Bruce I cant help my self Im going nuttttttttttttts
  14. Bruce a great THANK YOU for the box of jigs you gave me yesterday for the Kids Fishing Derby i do. ...did you have to make them so GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOd I am having a hard time putting them back in the box. THANKS AGAIN BRUCE
  15. Happy Birthday Jen always thinking and praying for you
  16. I am so peeeeeeed that I was not able to make it out to do what I said I was going to do....flip burgers and dogs... dame back just not what it should be.. still not moving to much Hope every one had a great time
  17. will be there tomorrow at the Toronto Outdoor Store stop by and say hi if you can find me also there on Sunday also meeting old friends
  18. I agree let them say no to Tyler then they can suck never mind
  19. It is the least I can and besides this is where I have the most fun and meet all my friends that on ice I would miss
  20. Neither am I Roy I enjoy the fun of it all and I always end up at the grill with Big Cliff and Vinny and a few others helping out was I suppose to FISH someone forgot to tell me )
  21. Yes Roy forgot the camera.. great to meet Leaf4 and Bass_man great to see Speil (Chris) Fish Farmer (Dave) Big Ugli (Bruce his wife Judy & Son Rob) Albert Christopher K It was a fun time for sure.. now to plan the next GTG when Guys and where this time..
  22. I know what I will be doing 1 flip 2 drop OH you were not suppose to see that was only there 1 second LOL
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