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Everything posted by NAW

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL8CD8PjVmA&feature=related The guy is still doing it!
  2. No kidding. For 10 minutes straight
  3. That's a great Video! I had to stop watching it once the drummer started really givin'er. I'm at work, and don't want to bust a gut laughing!!
  4. That's the one!! Thanks very much man
  5. No. But that's hillarious.. I think the video I'm looking for is from a long time ago. 80's maybe? The guys on stage. Profesional video.
  6. I need a hand digging up an old thread from a few years back. I’ve tried, but I can seem to find it. It was a video of a guy singing a song. He was super happy in the video. Eastern European guy. Smiles from ear to ear. I don’t think there where lyrics, just this guy humming, or yodeling. Whatever he was singing, he was so friggen happy when he was doing it. One of my friends is going through a tough time, and I thought this video would cheer her up. If anyone knows where to find this video, can you post a link?
  7. Cool video man. I've never seen a bass do that before. It looked like she really grabbed on for a second there!
  8. Ya, that a great video. Not just to people doing the stunts, but the people behind the cameras. I'm sure some of the people in this video are either dead, or in wheelchairs by now.
  9. I really needed that laugh man. Hillarious stuff right there
  10. Same thing happens to me. I click the little down arrow, and it stays up for about 5 seconds, the vanishes. Even if you can click the PM icon before the menu disapears, it only takes you to the profile page. IE9. Real pain in the If someone sends me a PM, I read it, and reply. Chrome is all I use at home, and have never had an issue.
  11. I'm still at work. I aint gunna power nothin down. Let the dang thing fry!!!
  12. I've done a few different generic first aid coarses over the years. Red Cross, St. Johns. Also completed the Wilderness First Aid coarse with WMA. Camping in the backwoods two years ago. Guy jumped off a cliff into the water. Hit a rock. He was so drunk and high he didn't know how bad it was. I tried to take care of him a little, but he was playing tough guy. Finished off the weekend, and the 5 hour canoe trip out. Went to the hospital on the way home. Broken tail bone.
  13. That's great Simon. Cheers to the next 17 to come.
  14. I don't think theirs much "Oil" in WD40.. Lots of other nasty stuff though I'm sure. WD stands for water displacement. On the WD40 website, they discourage people from using it as an attractant. http://www.wd40.com/about-us/myths-legends-fun-facts/
  15. I enjoy bumming around the Honey Harbour / Beausoleil Island area casting and trolling for Pike. Had decent luck with #12 Huskey Jerks, and big Panther Marten Spinners. For pickerel, I usually stick to the Wauboushene Channel / Port Severn area trolling a slow death rig near bottom, or a worm harness. Really Really slow. I've never had any luck jigging walleyes in the Sound. It's a very large area, with tons of water, and a ridiculous amount of rocks and shaols. Have fun out there, and be careful. The water level was down a bunch the last few times I was out. If you havn't already, give John a call. He knows every back bay in the sound.
  16. That's great news Mike.! Good job man
  17. It's a great area for fishing and exploring. Lots of good pike fishing spots. Lost a beast of a pike boatside earlier this year. A little to much boat traffic on the weekends for my liking. Good luck with the purchase if you do end up going for it!
  18. x2 on the bucktails, the do look great. Awesome report as usual!
  19. I’m terribly sorry to hear about your accident Dan. But come on Billybob. I know your not one to ever back down from a pissing match, which you tent to get into all the time on OFC. I don't expect you to agree to anything I'm saying. Infact, I expect a nasty reply. But are you really trying to tell me that you set your cruise at exactly, or slightly less then the posted speed limit, then drive in the middle lane? That’s just not using common courtesy, and there is no argument there. http://www.roadrules.ca/content/%E2%80%9Cslower-traffic-keep-right
  20. If your cruise is set at 120, then that's ok. If not, then you are one of my biggest pet peeves..
  21. Don't laugh. I've done that many times on Simcoe. Head out on the ice for Whitefish, but don't get any hits all morning. Go set up on the perch and 1/2 limit out in an hour. Head home a happy camper.
  22. $80.?? Where are you shopping for rod holders? Tiffany's You can get a combo pack with two rod holders for about $20 on sale. I actually thought you where joking around in this post.
  23. Looks sharp Lew. I was thinking along the same lines as Brian. Aluminum fatigues over time/use, and eventually could fail at the bend. How did you mount that to your boat?
  24. They are openning a new plant in Tennessee..
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