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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Nice report. Some decent sized cats you guys cought there.
  2. Are you hiking in, or taking a quad or boat? If hiking, you’re going to want to pack as light as possible. I would suggest a water purifying system, rather then carrying bottled water. You can get them at crappy tire. You’re going to need lots of wood, and if hiking, you can't bring it with you. You’ll need a good saw and maybe an axe. Depending on where you go, you may not be able to fall trees for fire wood. Definitely bring a first aid kit, rope and bug spray. (all other standard camping gear – flashlights, fire starting device, etc..) You’ll need lots of beer too. I could go on and on. There are tones of camping gadgets out there to make long stays in the woods more comfortable.
  3. So my wife and I are taking a road trip to the East Coast for two weeks. I've been their once before, and still regret not going out on a chartered fishing trip while I was there. I am in need of a little info, and was wondering if anyone here could help me out. 1. What species of fish can be caught out there? My cousins go mackerel fishing there. But it seems they're no more then glorified perch. I want a big, long fight. Any suggestions? 2. Can anyone recommend a good guide that I can contact in PEI or Halifax to take me out on the water? Any help would be great. I realize that I could just research this stuff on-line, but nothing beats personal experience. Thanks,
  4. I'm going to try a little Canada Day fishing out of Waubaushene tomorrow morning. Does anyone know of free public launches and parking in the area. I currently launch from a trailer park on the north side, off duck bay rd. But they charge me to use the launch. A free one would be great. Any tips on lures and depths would be helpfull too. I have never fished their before, only duck hunted. I'd love to catch a few eyes for Canada Day dinner. Herd you can catch'em trolling/casting by the Wab. town dock. Thanks,
  5. Wow, The guy holding that wolf if really small eh! Like wallybass said, the wolf is big, but not freakishly big.
  6. The fish looks scared to death. Must have been one ugly fisherman who caught it.
  7. look at the forehead on that thing eh. Nice fish.,
  8. Looks like fun. Lots of painfull wipeouts if I where to try it though.
  9. I watched a full season of the show on Rogers on Demand. I didn't mind it. I found it pretty funny to watch. Didn't learn anything though.
  10. That's an increadible fish man. Congrets.
  11. That's a good one. Funny stuf. Might cause some issues with the whole harasement thing though. I'll keep that one in my back pocket for the people that I know are eating lots of sausage at night!!
  12. Can anyone tell me when the Carp complete their spawning. Specifically on Cooks Bay. I would imagine it will rely on many factors. I just don't know what they are! Any comments, or links to good articles would be great. I want to learn more about these tanks. Thanks, F-is-H
  13. Thanks for all the comments! I'm not the type of person to back down when someone calls me a murdered, or questions my morals. With that in mind, I’m not the type of person to bash this lady for having strong feelings about animal rights. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You all have given me some good (some hilarious) comments to use when she questions me about my hobbies. I’ll be sure to throw some of these her way the next time we get talking about the subject. Thanks Again! F-is-H
  14. Good idea about the fishing magazines. Now you have to get the little floresent postet notes, and start marking pages with good vactioning spots, and gift ideas. If that's not obvious, I don't know what it.
  15. I have a co-worker who is always riding me about hunting. You know, killing Bamby, and Daffy Duck. She is always trying to make me out as a horrible person for what I do. This isn’t anything new though, there is lots of people who are vocally against hunters, and I’ve learned to deal with that. I thought she was only like this with regards to hunting. However, she is now starting to trash talk fisherman/woman for killing and eating fish. (she doesn't eat fish herself) I have a large repertoire to defend myself against anti hunters. But I have never had to defend myself from someone who doesn't agree with fishing, and the act of cleaning, and eating a fish. (Which has been a part of my life since I could hold a fishing rod) I need some good responses to tell her, and I can't think of any good ones. There's lots of summer left, and I'm going to have to deal with this every time I talk about fishing in the office. I don't want to offend anyone in the office, but I do need some good ammo to protect myself from the anti-fishing people that are trying to turn a good thing, into a debate on morals. Any good ideas??
  16. Yikes, Thanks for all the cool pics guys. I'm going to be a little more carfull now that i've seen all of these pics. Don't want to waste good fishing time sitting in the ER.
  17. At the beginning of the year when the water level was real high, I could launch and still have my front tires on the asphalt! No worries about spinning out then. It's a little different with a 14' tinner though.
  18. The free launch at the end of 89 can be fun. I launch there all the time in my volkswagon golf + 14 tinny, and have never come close to getting stuck. But I've seen guys backing empy trailers in to pick up their boats, and they get stuck on the way into the water (even in 4 wheel drive). They couldn't even get the trailer in far enought to pull the boat out. You really have to watch it their. It's super soft this year for some reason. Wasn't like that last fall when I started using the launch. I've been skunked every time out for pike this year on Simcoe. Can't figure em out.
  19. I personally prefer to use a nickname. I find humor in it. Like others have mentioned, posting pictures of your self is just like using your real name. A picture says a thousand words right. I think there's a foot ball league out there that you can have a nickname on your jersy, rather then your real name (maybe not any more). I guess it's "fun" to give yourself a cool nickname rather then your real name. Either way, I think the choice should be up to the user. If the policies where changed, and we were "forced" to use our real name, I would comply.
  20. 10Lb is small for a carp. Imagine what a 40lb'er would have done to your tension. There's not much you can do with big fish, and light line, other then keep holdin on, and let them tire out. If your going to try to hand bomb the line, then you have to let some line out as the fish pulls. If you just hang onto the line, and don't release some line as the fish pulls, then you're gunna snap it for sure. Personally, I wouldn't be hand bombing 6lb line if there's a big fish on the other end. Let the equipment do the work for you.
  21. Wherever you decide to place your components, make sure there is some way to mount your battery so that it won't flip over. Some bateries leak when flipped over, and they're all heavy enough to cause damage to your gear. I broke my favorite rod this year becuase I didn't strap down the battery (in a rush to hit the water). The bat. bounced off the shelf it was sitting on, and landed on my rod. SNAP!! I personally run my bat. up in the nose of my boat, and the tank in the rear, both on the port size. Every boat is a little different, depending on style, motor size, ballance, etc.. You'll find something that works for you. Then strap er down!!
  22. So many different opinions out there eh. Keep the song every morning! The kids need it. I was pretty steamed when I first heard about this issue a few months back.
  23. I've never caught a minnow before. I was ice fishing last winter, and caught someones line that they had left down over night (night lining!) Had a 12 Lb Laker on it, that was swimming in circles under the hole. He eventually pulled enough line out, and got tangled around my line. Free fish. Gotta love it.
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