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Everything posted by chuckymcd

  1. hummm good points guys, ive looked at the regs already, but forgot about the ice lol
  2. Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I am looking to do a canoe trip to a back lake on the weekend, somewhere maybe an hour or 2 north of barrie. Problem is I have never done this before. might throw up a tent for the night as well. If anyone can help me out on a location or an area to search it would be great. Looking at trout or pike I guess Please pm me with any info please, its a little safer. I have been be doing some research of possible areas online, havent found anything as of yet. or should i just pick a lake of google maps and give it a shot? Thanks for any help it is greatly appreciated Chuck
  3. Good to Know, i live about 2 min from the river. might try it at some point
  4. Sturgen are only in once every three or four years i believe.
  5. There is just hard to catch them lol , resident rainbows, browns, pike and the odd bass in there. im sure theres other stuff in there as well
  6. I agree totally with bassassin about the T5, the only thing different that I would have done Skip is get a fixture that uses 4-foot lamps instead of the 8-footers. only reason is the cost of the 4-foot lamps is a lot lower then then the 8-foot T8's and easier to transport. Something to think about on future purchases Chuck
  7. $.11 is just the standard used in the industry when calculating savings. Some are higher and some are lower,
  8. LOL nope didnt read that part thanks tho!
  9. any update? i want to see this beast on the ice!
  10. I like the Idea but not to sure if it would work, I know in my line of business there is a certin pattern that should be followed, Manufacture to distributer, then distributer to end user. In my opinion the manufactures should not be selling to anybody but a distributer, if we cut out the middle man it means peoples jobs are taken away from them. I know we would be getting the goods for less, but in my opinion it should follow the proper chain. just my 2 cents
  11. sorry for your loss, it is always hard to lose your friend, especially under the circumstanses that happened to peanut.
  12. This thread was very entertaining to read! Good points made on both sides. However, there is still lots of water out there still, so lets not argue and get out and fish.
  13. Thats a big puppy, Congrats
  14. a 250 isnt much power, if I were you the lowest i would go is around a 500 cc. but thats just me. Can find some nice sleds in the $5000.00 range that are a couple of years older, and make sure its good in powder if they already have that much snow haha. Good luck
  15. That is pretty cool coloring
  16. What kinda fish are you fishing for?
  17. deerhurst? pretty nice place but would be expensive.
  18. Habs finally won one last night! good job boys!
  19. I would not do it, cars are ment to be run on straight gas not a mixture, I would not take the chance but thats just me
  20. Hey, i spent last weekend camping on red ceder lake, fished a little bit with minimal success, the word from the local guys was waleye bit was late in the evening and in the shallows, the also said the bass were bitting but i couldnt find them. I also stayed at bever Lodge and fished the string of lakes there, had lots of success with bass around the smaller islands and waleye around points and drop offs. When i was at bever Lodge a bunch of guys were fishing wikstead and had a lot of success. we were fishing mostly rap cranks and spinners. Its a nice area with lots to explore! good luck!
  21. hahaha im trying to stay away from that stuff, Thanks for the responses everyone, looks like we are not going to go to McCrae, but going North!
  22. Thanks for the response NAW, I know it has been posted before but just want some fresh insight on where to go
  23. Hey guys and gals, I was hoping you could help settle an argument between a couple guys, one guy want to go to Mccrea lake for the long weekend and one wants to go to Tomagami. if you could post your insight on both places it would be great Thanks everyone
  24. Hey Everyone, I dont post to many reports so i figured id throw one up for everyone. Was out fishing lake cameron on the weekend, got out nice and early sat morning. The surprise of the day was catching my first musky about half an hour into fishing. ended up catching about 5-6 bass and the musky, all were caught on pink senko (the fish were loving that thing) anyways enjoy the couple of pics
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