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Everything posted by backbay

  1. WHOA!!! Where were you where they served Fullers, Wayne? Best ale ever!
  2. I use itunes for downloading and to create play lists. Upload your cds to your itunes library, you'll learn to love it. I don't do "free" downloading much anymore, especially for artists that are less-known, or new. I don't have the heart to take their hard work for free.
  3. I'll pack it in the second weekend of November when it's time to close the cottage....
  4. Still digging this guy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ5koSEtN7s&ob=av2e
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVPEaL4_6c4 Great music to travel north by.....
  6. A Zara Spook, perch-coloured x-rap, watermelon senko, Berkley leeches, so many choices!
  7. I was working on the 53rd floor of Scotia Plaza at the time. I was a little late for work; my dad passed away on the 6th, and I was still numb from it all. I remember walking out from the subway and passing a tv in a food court in the underground that showed a building on fire, and hustled upstairs to my office. It wasn't long before we all called it a day and bolted....
  8. Good to know, because the Storm lure I favour has been discontinued, and this is a close facsimlie.
  9. Tough to say just one, but a black Super Spook for top water, and a Storm Shallow Thunder 15 for jerkbaits
  10. That's a pretty cool write-up. I take my hat off to those who accept the responsibility of teaching my kids. Meanwhile, I wonder how my folks raised five kids in the sixties, and non of us ever ended up in jail, or worse! So I just do my best to keep in touch with my boys. Fishing helps.
  11. The Massasauga is boat-access only, although they would be able to water-taxi to their site. Great sites, beautiful scenery, and good fishing. Here's a website with a bunch of info: The Massasauga
  12. Prayers and healing vibes for your Dad, Mike.
  13. Holy Crap, Just tripped over this guy, and he's playing at the Rivoli on the 19th!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECbgzgvfG4Y
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBpw1sdFu2w
  15. Haven't been to PQ to visit Sail so I can't comment, but I have to say I'm trying to rearrange my schedule to get out to Gagnons's tomorrow!
  16. I've been to this store several times, but didn't include it simply because it's south of your destination, but may well be on the way for some of your group. Indeed, you're supporting a young lad in a small town who is working hard to make a go out of it. That said, I think I've had better luck than you with Tony's stock, Slayer.
  17. Another vote for Diver's Nook. I've found Tony to be friendly, he has good live bait and most anything you would need fishing-wise.
  18. I still love watching these old farts play... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tO2aLtDNe20&feature=related
  19. I'm chillin' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLe8URSzDgg
  20. He is obviously very ill. I've never seen eye to eye with him politically, but have just gained profound respect for him and the way he has conducted himself not just now, but in the last several months. I am pulling for him.
  21. They're there, just not in 3 feet of water theses days, msp!
  22. Gosh, that's fantastic!
  23. The design of the oil dictates the ratio: not the engine itself. Just follow the directions on the container, that'll keep you out of trouble.
  24. This report is from the first two weeks in May. Never got around to posting it, so here goes: Not being a hard-water fisherman, I was pretty keen to get out again after a long winter. It was a good thing the season opened on a Sunday, though, because there was lots of plumbing, carpentry, stacking of firewood, and the usual chores that need to be done to get my pal's cottage opened up. I keep the place running, and in return, he is very generous in making it available to me to use. Chores done, a beautiful morning greeted my first day of fishing: My first hit of the year! Things got busier. Besides quite a few OOS footballs, the pike were on. These guys made it to the fryer: I found a beaver dam I hadn't noticed before: The pond looked great for bucket mouths! I got to try out my new Veritas; a great rod with stout, but even flex. This one's a 7' MH; a medium is in my future, I think. The next week was warmer, and featured bigger, if somewhat fewer fish. Being out on my own meant the obligatory self-shot with this 40 incher Friday afternoon: Saturday, another good fish ate my perch X-Rap, a pb 41 incher: It was a great couple of weekends to open the season. Since then, the bass have taken over from the pike in some of my spots, but I'll save that story for next time. Hope you enjoyed the pics, Chris
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