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Everything posted by Banger68

  1. 4 of us plus my son (10)
  2. Anybody suggest a good Walleye charter on Erie down Pelee Island / Leamington way for June sometime?
  3. Or the guy asking for the Dave's shirt. Hope he likes the water bottle.
  4. I was there with my son. He was telling my wife the minnow bucket story this morning.
  5. Caught several Walleye off points from the islands in the west end of Ahmic jig fishing. My PB is 7.5lbs caught there. Some good perch too.
  6. I stayed a couple times at Bensford Bridge Resort on the Otanabee River. I was fishing out of my canoe then. Lots of Bass, several Walleye, and Muskie in paddling distance. Was a decent price and a good family park. There are sites a stone throw from the water. But it's been a few years since I was there.
  7. Tnx, ditto Post up when you get her top speed on flat water. I'm curious now if was worth getting a bit bigger motor.
  8. I use a hitch lock and in a locked garage (i hope on the garage). Should keep away all but the serious crook. But if they want it bad enough, they will get it.
  9. Nice boat. Great getting a new boat. I got a similar boat last year but a Sylvan. I get 40-41 in a chop and 45-46 on flat water with a 115 Opti. So there probably isn't much difference in the top end of 90 VS 115. Maybe a bit more bottom end.
  10. Do not over extend yourself. Try and keep a comfortable budget. If it's too tight it makes ownership miserable. Be honest with yourself.
  11. If anybody is looking for the Sufix in London go to the east store on Dundas. The line is hidden under the display. They had several spools still.
  12. I went for a full windsheild aswell. For the same reason as the video above and that it doubles as a family/watersport boat.
  13. A couple good mousers will take care of those. But then you have to put up with the cats screwing around at 4:00 in the morning.
  14. LOL Live long and prosper.
  15. My condolences Cliff ... I was in the same situation a couple years ago. They are definately part of the family.
  16. I picked up a MH Compre for one reel and looking for one of the Compre crankbait rods for the other. New stuff gives a person the itch.
  17. I like the smoothness on mine. It was a little stiff when new, but it is fine now.
  18. How did you get all the replacement labels and decals? Looks real good.
  19. Nope Enough already ugly stik haters.
  20. I would agree with others and stick with the spinning gear for now. I will add a third thumbs up for an Ugly Stik. Can't beat it for the money and it will survive getting beat around in the trunk (I have one rod for 20yrs and would still be usable). I still use Ugly Stik lite for a few things and have no complaints.
  21. The grounds on the receptacles is a safety device to prevent users from getting electocuted from faulty devices. You can add 3 prong receptacles without the ground and the socket will work. There is no use installing GFI's without ground conductors.
  22. Any ideas why the JM Signature Reel in the daily specials is a different pic then the regular section of the site? Are there two different signature reels?
  23. Batteries shouldn't freeze when they are charged. But they will if they go flat.
  24. Thanks all your input guys. I appreciate it. I ended up getting a Pflueger Patriarch with the wide spool. Found a good deal and couldn't resist. Depending on where you read it is supposed to have a good strong drag system and everything on the reel is smooth. I also picked up 7' MH Shimano Compre. They have the rods on sale at the London boat show and no tax. Plus the rebate right now. Hope I don't regret going lighter (MH vs H) but the heavy seemed a little too stiff for casting Raps all day. I'll put up some feedback when I get some casting time.
  25. I had intermittent problems yesterday.
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