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Everything posted by Banger68

  1. Fixed the links
  2. I was on the upper Saugeen this weekend. It was high for this time of year. Now, this area always has a healthy population of minnows, chubs, and sculpin, but there is probably 1/2 as many again this year. Didn't get a chance to fish for Smallmouth in the area yet this year.
  3. Got out fishing for a few hours with my son on the long weekend. Was able to get out on the water fairly early Didn't take long to get into the 1st smallie. Most were caught on a purple Zoom lizard at the edge of the weeds. Caught two more in 15-20 mins in the same area. Little guy lost about 3 more but he said he was having fun spite not getting them in the boat. The bite slowed a bit so we moved out into the lake into a deeper hole (10' under the boat is deep for this lake) This one grabbed a brown jig bounced on the bottom. Caught one more out deeper on a black twister. It hit the jig when it hit the water. Good show! Little guy lost a couple more. Working on setting the hock a bit better. The bite slowed again so we moved back to the weeds and caught a couple smaller ones, but still a good size. We did pretty good for fishing about 4 hours. Wish I got a couple shot with my son fighting fish, but he lost them before I got the camera out. But he did pretty good taking pictures for me.
  4. Thanks guys. Tell you ... it's way more comfy fishing out of this then my canoe.
  5. I fish for anything that swims (mostly Smallies). Just that the Perch are in 15 mins from home. They were tasty
  6. Yeah, been looking there?
  7. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I was wearing that goofy grin all day.
  8. I definitely wanted to avoid being underpowered. Then they came out with the 125 Optimax based on the same block just after I ordered it. Planning to do a little Perch fishing tomorrow.
  9. I was pretty pumped. Even the guys at the marina commented on how excited I was. I was a big kid ... what can I say.
  10. Yeah, there a several things that are "family" oriented on this boat. But I hope to get riggers on it next year.
  11. It's also so that I can fold up the rear bench while pulling a skier.
  12. I caught all my Musky on spinner baits. The largest being 54" if I remember right.
  13. Very sorry for your loss.
  14. I finally picked up the new boat Sat. Waited about a month for a couple things, but it was worth the wait. Boy was I wired for the drive up Sat morning. Took it it out on Lake Simcoe for a test run. Fun having a boat with a bit of get-up-and-go. Lot more boat then my past ones. Hope to get it out this week for some Perch and see how it fishes.
  15. Went up to the cottage for the long weekend and decided to sneak out Sat evening to get a couple pike. Boy ... were they on! Me and my two nephews caught 17 pike in 4 hours with couple dozen follow ups. They weren't the biggest (largest was 6-7 lbs) but it was a fun evening. Most were caught on bright coloured x-raps. They would hit on the pause in the retrieve every time. Sorry .. no pics. I forgot the camera ... probably why the fishing was so good.
  16. I have been working with Collie Rescue for several years now. There are alot of good dogs out there that need saving. http://collierescuenetwork.com/ There are similar organizations for other breeds.
  17. Thanks, that's what I was hoping. I know they catch some Perch of the break wall in the marina. Got a message today that my boat is done! Yay! Now I just need time to get up there and get it!
  18. Open the cottage on the Saugeen. I hope I can get a little fishing in on the river. Not going to be able to get to the lake pike fishing though.
  19. Thanks for the info. I'm not sure if I'll have down riggers on the boat this year, but hopefully next year. Does the "Lake Erie boil" refer to how fast bad weather arrives?
  20. I've seen several commercial fishing boats just to the east. Anybody do any perch fishing in the area?
  21. I have been using Ugly Sticks for years. I did break the tip off of one and casted the end off once. They replaced both rods. I have a couple 7' Ugly Stick Lite and they are not too bad sensitive wise. I still have my Ugly Stick that I bought at the Sportsman's Show when I was sixteen (let's say that is over 20 years ago ) and is still very usable. Very durable rods with an easy price.
  22. Anybody fish out of Port Glasgow? I should be getting the boat soon and Port Glasgow is only 15-20 mins away.
  23. I've been using a President for little over a year and have been very happy with. I returned my first one the 1st day because of a clicking under load, but the replacement has been no problem. Very smooth cast and retrieve and handled a 7lb largemouth. I like it better then my Sidestab. I picked up another at CT and a Arbor combo to try out.
  24. I had a bit of moisture get into the tray and the salted baits melted into the case. Keep them dry.
  25. MikeTheBassFisher, Those salted baits made a mess out of my last box. Those holding up OK?
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