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Everything posted by Banger68

  1. LOL Got it.
  2. When do you hold them?
  3. Too late ... booked already Gather your on the lake.
  4. Nobody fishing this lake? Not looking for your hot spots. Just a general idea for the quality of fishing in the lake.
  5. Caught a Koi once.
  6. I was thinking of trying something a little different for the fun of it. Anybody try the Carrot Stix? I know Shimano is popular but I have not done well with there stuff. Mind you it was all $40 reels and $50 rods. My old Sidestab is still going. Their Compre rods seem like one of the better deals out there.
  7. I have no problem with practicing I was getting better with the old setup, even caught a 54" Musky with it. But started having problems with the drag and magnetic brake and just let it sit. But always had problems throwing lighter lures.
  8. Cool finish!
  9. I'm pretty open on this one. Spec wise the BPS Siganture Series sounds good, but seeing if anybody has used them.
  10. I've always been a spinning rig guy. I tried a baicasting reel several years ago with not the best results. But after throwing some bigger baits last year on the spinning gear and it was wearing me out. Got me was thinking about trying it again. Heard that they are alot easier to use now then the older reels. I'm looking at the $150-$250 range for rod and reel. Setup for throwing the bigger baits for Pike (maybe the odd Musky). I've had a good experience with the Pflueger spinning reels the past few years and was wondering if that passsed over into their baitcasters? Others I am looking at: BPS Johnny Morris Signature Series: reels are built at the same plant as the Pflueger, heard some good things. Shimano Curado: A little more $$$ and are they smaller in the lower price range? Would leave me less $$ for the rod. I was thinking or a 7' Heavy/fast action rod for this. But I'm lost in the sea of options. Are the rods matched with the BPS reels any good? I presume a St Croix or Shimano Compre are in this price range. Spend more on the reel VS rod? Other way around? I know this has been discussed before, but thought I would look for some fresh opinions.
  11. I'm doing a family trip to Moira Lake this year in mid July. How was the fishing up there last summer? Heard there is good Musky fishing in the fall, but not much about the summer. There many Walleye in the lake?
  12. I've used fish the Tyneside Road bridge and used to catch tons of good Crappie and some Pike in the spring with minnow and bobber. In the summer we would get some Largemouth around the wood there too.(couple in the 5 lb range). I haven't fished there in several years, but I was told they did a poisoning to try and kill the Carp and screwed up the fishing. Anybody can confirm?
  13. There is one rock bar, more like moss on fist size gravel that is only 14' long in 5' water. The rest is different weeds, no wood. The 1st 10 fish were caught in the same weed bed around that bar. Can't explain the colour difference, other they seem to be darker/browner the bigger they are. But the lighter ones were out on a deeper weed flat. I know that sounds backwards, but this lake always seems a little different. I catch the bigger fish on 6" Plum Lizard ... guess they think they are LB.
  14. When fishing for eats I go for Perch or Walleye. Even then I only keep enough for a couple meals. I can buy frozen fish. I also keep the odd Pike, trout, and Salmon, but not often (Pain cleaning Pike, don't get many Trout or Salmon) I let all my Bass and Musky go. Have eaten a couple gill hooked bass ... not my fav. In order of preference to me Walleye Perch Pike (but like I said ... pain to clean) Crappie, but haven't fished for them for years.
  15. Beleive it or not ... it was hooked in the tongue. I had another do this last time I was at this lake. I kept an eye on it when released. I would have kept it for the table if was in any distress when put back. All the structure is weeds. But they vary from 5' of water to about 12'.
  16. I've had pike grab my perch before. But the oddest has to be being attacked by two swans when I was Largemouth fishing with my wife. They were hitting the side of the canoe so hard that I thought something was was broken for sure. Their wingspan was huge! I had to fight them back with a paddle so we could get away. I gather they had a nest in the reeds nearby.
  17. I got back out with my son Smallie fishing again and brought my nephew along. The fish were a little smaller this time, but more of them. And the little guy hooked into them this time. We headed out to lake about 5PM and crap ... there were boats tubing all over. Never seen this many boats on this small lake. Launched out and hoped the fish were not spooked. It was encouraging when I got this one 1st cast My son had alot of fun with this one. It jumped at least 4 times and was more then a body length above the surface. An new PB for my son. He was really enjoying this trip. They gave me some ribbing on this one. It wasn't much bigger then the lure. We caught a few more but it pretty much shut down as the sun started to set and a storm rolling in. The next morning we decided to get a couple more hours in after the storm passed. The action wasn't like the day before but still some decent fish.
  18. I heard that they what $200 to recycle it.
  19. I tried the Kijiji ... no takers. She floats ... just nothing to sit on, including no floor. Might aswell try again.
  20. Guess that would help. It's fiberglass, sort of cuddy cabin style.
  21. I have an old 19' Sangstercraft that the interior got screwed up. I was trying to give it away to somebody as a project to no avail. Where would I scrap something like this?
  22. When I was looking for my boat the Legend priced out the same when you optioned it up. I liked the look of the Legend but ended up with a Sylvan mainly because of the interior layout.
  23. Silver Leaf Lodge on Rice Lake http://www.silverleaflodge.com/ Bensfort Bridge Resort on the Otanabee River http://www.bensfortbridgeresort.com/ I've used both before.
  24. It has been very reliable and is at 350K kms now. There have been electrical gremlins (blend door and a couple switches) but nothing that made it unusable. The best I can get is about 22 mpg. Usually averages around 17 mpg. I believe the newer 4.7 version is a bit better on gas ... but not alot. It is a very capable vehicle and I have never been stuck
  25. I have an older Grand Cherokee with the 318. Will pull the load your talking with ease. My Dad has used it to tow his 25" cuddy cabin, but that is pushing it brake wise. Power wise ... no problem.
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