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Everything posted by Flappn

  1. Hawks Hawks Hawks. Tonight will be a very interesting game!
  2. Shouldn't the police in every situation assume there are Guns inside or a threat Guns could be inside? The people who tend to shoot police officers usually don't have their guns registered.
  3. What do you do if you can't afford it?
  4. Make sure the Price is right!! Here's my dad's perspective on home buying. A house is not an investment if you take into consideration property tax, maintenance blah blah blah over the time you own it. So you have to make sure up front your not over paying. His rule of thumb after reading a library of investment books and seeing this stated over and over is you should never pay more that 15 years of rent for a home. Meaning...find out what the rent would be if you where to rent and multiply it over 15 years. Easier way, take the rent amount of say $2000 per month and multiply it by 150 (there are 150 months in 15 years) = 300,000.00. If your paying more than the calculation your paying to much. This applies to any city or township in North America.
  5. speechless. Awesome job!
  6. I wouldn't sign a 12 year contract unless they are giving you 12 years free. That's way to long to be locked in to an internet service. In 12 years I am sure the delivery of internet service will be much different.
  7. I live about 5K from Tottenham and my neighbor across the street has been using the Rogers Rocket Mobile hotspot and says it's been amazing. My neighbor next door just bought it as well and is very happy. I'm in the process of getting it my self. We all had ZING broad band wireless and it's as useless as a screen door on a submarine. You can use up to 5 devices with the rocket mobile hotspot.
  8. Good to know, I think I might call the Ministry just to double check before I start firing paint balls.
  9. Ya eat something else! My grandparents are Italian and some of the things they eat....I tell them to east something else. We don't need accidents so someone can enjoy a meal.
  10. I have spoken out of line then. Even still...just keep them out of here. Eat something else. We don't need accidents.
  11. Do people really have to eat Asian carp. There are so many other fish to chose from. Why would you risk your business over Asian carp. Oh I know why...cause the penalty is a slap on the wrist. These people know what the ramifications are of getting caught. It must be worth their time or they wouldn't do it.
  12. I had two on my lawn last night. I often wonder if shooting them with a paint ball gun would deter them from coming around. It's my understanding this is what's used in some US city's.
  13. Did you hear today a transport company was fined $20,000 for trying to bring Asian Carp over the Canadian border? What's the matter with people?
  14. I have heard and can not confirm that the bottle the "vapor nicotine" comes in has a skull and bones on it and says do not ingest?
  15. He probably put up the Camera's to watch his sketchy neighbors who have given him trouble in the past..makes sense to me don't see what's fishy. They tried to burn his house down with him in it...I can imagine Mr. Thompson prb had a few more incidents with these wacky neighbors where he felt surveillance was required. I hope to never be in his position because I not only have a shot gun but a hatchet and axe accessible at all times and Jail would be inevitable. The scene would be me running out the front door with the shot gun strapped to my back and axe and hatchet swinging...someone would have gotten hurt...Hatchets and bullets flying. You don't mess with a Man's family no matter what the situation is. End of Story. And this crap in our law system where there are no exceptions is archaic way of thinking and needs to change. There are always exceptions. This is one. I don't care what Mr. Thompson did to his neighbor...it couldn't have possible warranted them trying to burn down his house with him and his family in it...really come on.
  16. What's the plan to get off the electronic Cig? That's the part I don't understand...if it has nicotine in it...your still addicted? I used champix like lookinforwalleye and it worked although even after two and a hlaf years...I still miss the little sexy white sticks daily. Oh well at least I can fight the attraction now. It's like that old girl friend in high school that was no good for you....but man was she ever fun!
  17. Only issue I see with rollers....is making sure you don't take the secure line off before you dip the boat in the water. I have seen a few boats laying on boat launches feet from the water. The security line is everything with a roller trailer.
  18. Bob's the best. Great Job guys!
  19. So much mentioned about the CRV.....how about a look at the Toyota Rav4 V6 sport. We have one...tones of room...tones of power and can pull 4K no prb..we do it. 4 adults no issue...and the cargo space is unbelievable.
  20. The "don't show up" will work. Your going to tell me 100% of the seats are owned by Corporations? Let the corporate clowns show up...there only there for an hour anyway. I would estimate that only 30-40% of the seats are owned by corporations. ACC starts only filling up by half or less....changes will be made. I wont go even if I get free tickets....by the time you pay parking/food/booze I would much rather spend that money on a nice dinner at home watching the Black Hawks...a real team...that funny enough sucked bad earlier on in the 2000's but rebuilt and won the cup. Enough is enough with the Leafs.
  21. Bottom line is the leafs suck and it's unacceptable for such a hockey town like Toronto. Screw the waffles....DON'T SHOW UP it's the only thing that will work!!
  22. I would have gotten ride of them when the first set came in wrong. Seems with companies if they can't do it right from the start the rest is always a complete nightmare. I'm in sales for a very large organization and none of my customers have or will put up with what happened to you. We have financial penalties for incorrect design/consulting/implementation no questions asked. I treat everyone that does work for me the way I get treated at work and let me tell you it's extra work being on top of things and being harsh...but you get the result you expect. Business is business being harsh is part of business if required.
  23. Wow now that is crazy. Great Vid!!
  24. I have moved to a new place where the driveway is 4 times the size of my old one...and I had a little 22" 2 stage 189CC MTD...just didn't cut it. Sears had a sale on one of their Flag Ship blowers it's the CRAFTSMAN®/MD 305cc, 27'' Dual Stage Mid Frame Snow Blower...power steering(not really but close), hand warmers, hydrostatic drive...it's $1,499.00 regular price and I picked it up on sale for $999...me and 34 other people..ha ha so it arrives tomorrow...I hope. A friend of mine told me not to sell my old unit till I got the new one...but someone made me an offer I couldn't refuse so it's gone.
  25. and I don't get my new one till Thur....and let me tell you....it's snowing like crazy in Tottenham, On right now...ugh.
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