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Everything posted by Flappn

  1. I wont let these Gas prices stop me from what I want to do. We work to hard during the week and think way to much about what we want to do in our free time to allow The government and Oil Comapies ruin our plans. Yes Gas is more expensive, yes I will walk/bike more often, yes I will be cutting back in other areas to compensate however going up north and fishing are two things I am not giving up. Life is way to depressing as it is. If anyone can think of a good way to protest against this..I'm in. Do I think there is a resolution...no....no one has come up with one yet. Just get out their and enjoy it.....leave the worries behind. It may come to a point one day when most of us really wont be able to afford to do this anymore. So better enjoy it now!
  2. irishfield you always give good feedback....I will thank you for everyone else. I will try what you have recommended. I appreciate the help.
  3. Hello all. I have an older aluminum boat the leaks right in the front seam were the front comes together...I want to call it a crevice were the front joins. Anyway...the boat is old and it doesn't make a lot of sense to spend a lot of money on it, however I use it for the back lakes up north and would prefer not to stand in water anymore when fishing in the front. Is there a good way to stop this leak? I was thinking of filling this crevice with some sort of aluminum sealer. Any one have any other good ideas? Any help would be very much appreciated.
  4. I have a few idea's on ow that could happen...but would love to know how it really did happen. That's interesting.
  5. I have heard rumours there is still Ice floating on Simcoe...is this true..anyone know? As for your questions...you can park at Tud Hope Caming ground..there is a launch right across the street with some parking if you get their early.
  6. Lew, I love H2Optics as well but they are getting harder and harder to find..I think the company has gone out of business and all that is being sold is over stock. I had the same pair for 8 years..loved them till a bud sat on them an cracked them..the glass's aren't the only thing that got cracked that day. Anyway I went to a pair of Bolle Recoil.....garbage. The nose and ear pieces have completely deteriorated. Bolle is going to replace them with another model...good on them..howeever I should have bought Maui Jim's....I have lots of friends who wear them and love them.
  7. Pro X
  8. I used to have a Pro Sport 150 Legend with a four stroke 25 and used to tow it with a Toyota Corolla. I will admit it wasn't the best tow vehicle..however I took it easy...stopped well in advance and never had any problems.
  9. Personally, once a year we do our annual fishing trip...we will keep some for a fish fry. The rest of the year they go back. I really am worried about the walleye population and wish we could get some up to date info on really how healthy the population is. Because I feel it is depleeting rapidly and truly fish for the fun/sport of fishing, I throw them all back. I want to be able to take my kids fishing in the future.
  10. I can't speak during the harwater season as I don't fish the Gog in the winter...but I have noticed over the last five years the action has really slowed down..in the walleye department. We used to be able to go there and catch a good number..all went back..and I think that's the problem. To many people visiting and taking their catch home. I have no problem with taking a few for the frying pan..but when your talking about a lake an hour from Toronto...it should be catch and release only...it just can't handle the pressure..it's not a large lake. The sad news...nothing will be done..and it will get even worse.
  11. Did that Guy Ice Fishing really have to kick the walleye........honestly.
  12. Thank you Lew...to be honest I don't remember it was around 100. I wont worry about.
  13. Quick question and I am sure it's been asked already. How come my personal Post count wasn't transferd from the old site to the new site? Either way doesn't matter was just wondering.
  14. Welcome....great catch...nice looking fish.
  15. That's corporations for you.....
  16. Wow that is an impressive Ice haven......looks like the person that constructed it thought of everything.
  17. Wow some real nice hogs.....beauty fish.
  18. Buy Jap...it's the only way to go...not much more needs to be said.
  19. Great choice. I have a 98 4Runner and absolutely love it. It wont let you down and wont leave you stuck. Great Choice!!
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