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Everything posted by douG

  1. Dang, I'm getting hungry. And those snow snakes can be just awful, worse than the black flies. As for Giardiniera, I can find 4 types just across the street at the Italian deli.
  2. Thanks for your report, Uncle Jed. I'm still not bitter.
  3. Great post, Gerritt, thanks. A beauty of a day, looks like. Pikie cleaned up I understand, at least with enough perch for a fish fry. Wish I coulda been there for sure.
  4. Thanks for you post, Joanne. Some nice pictures, wish I'd been there. I had planned to make the drive for lunch, but by the time I lifted my head it was this afternoon already.
  5. That would be smoked meat, fries, coleslaw, a fried egg, tomato between two slices of Italian bread.
  6. Good luck with the learning curve - now is definitely the time to figger out how to use it. Mine is ordered, but I've received nothing other than a Purolator waybill yet. Have fun!
  7. The levelwind has a distinct advantage over the spinning reel, and that's no line twist, apart from that imparted by your lure. My baitcaster is an Abu Record; it has a dynamic brake that is easy to adjust. It also has a 'flipping switch' which is a momentary antireverse release, great for jigging and flipping. It casts musky and pike bucktails a mile, and judicious application of the thumb at the end of the cast tames the overrun spool. Garry2Rs gave me my first lesson on casting - he advocates a neutral wrist position (palm facing down) for a smoother, more natural, more powerful cast. More like throwing a ball than swinging a bat, if that makes any sense.
  8. In past years there has been another G2G for pike in Kemp bay later in March, just outside of a great wing spot. Anyone remember 'Tune' aka Melody?
  9. http://canadianfavourites.com/index.html Imagine no Robertson's marmalade, Kraft dinner, or Mclarens' IMperial cheddar? Or Strubs' full sour dills?
  10. Me bruvvah suggests that a breeding pair of raccoons (raton laveur) be dropped on each cormorant infested island.
  11. We are dropping like hacking flies around here tonight, with RLG and the BigKid all flat on their backs. Instructions have been given to The LittleOne to find another place to crash for a while, with the proviso that she may already have it and will infect others. I have a quarantined area, but it's full of fishing gear, camping stuff, empties, old paint, bicycles, tools and etc. It's also a little chilly, so I guess the garage is out of the question. One of my issues, now that I'm feeling a little better, is that I am way undersmoked, only choked back two and a half smokes all day. Nicorette sorta helps, but I think it gives me gas. Something is doing it right now, that's for sure. PatB, mebbee it's a better thing that you don't pick me up tomorrow morning. Gastric displeasure is not a thing to be shared among friends. Best to you.
  12. Slotted screw , and Phillips / posidrive are crap compared the Robertson drive. Can you believe that they are actually sold in the US as tamper-proof?. Thank Henry Ford himself for this screw-up (he he he). One of the best things about the Robertson screw is that you can drive the screw overhead with only one hand. The screw just sticks on the driver, all by itslef.
  13. Youse guys with a GPS think you are so kewl. You can just pucker up and kiss my hairy pimply ass.
  14. Been off work since Wednesday, the Dr. sez I have puemonia peunomia ponemia infectious bronchitis. How do I know it's infectious? Ask the Resident Love Goddess, but I'd ask you wait a week or so for the sake of marital harmony. He said to use two puffers, take some antibiotics, and use this cough syrup. Let me tell you, this cough syrup if sold on Queen St, could probably pay for the rest of the junk. So no G2G for me . I know you will all have a great time, enjoy. At least this will cut down on the incriminating photos.
  15. I've had a few pms asking where I bought it. It's http://www.gpscity.ca/. If you are thinking about buying a gps, give these folks in Alberta a look. Order online or call 1-800-957-3454 Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 5:30PM MT
  16. I think that only Bookoobeast got the context of this story. The criminal in question was indeed the balcony rapist, and Folks in the neighbourhood were not warned of this guy and Jane Doe was raped. He is being released from prison today.
  17. Part of the problem is that we, collectively, have a reputation as pigs.
  18. I hate that when that happens.
  19. Garmin 76 CSX, floats and waterproof, 1 GB card, case and usb cable, all for $465, base map included. I think the rest of the maps will $100 me to death. These are CAD funds, no tax outa Alberta, shipping included. Best deal I can find.
  20. Chris dekes out the bushes to great effect. Head fake, boom boom boom. He got by that overhanging cedar no problem. The tree hardly even moved.
  21. These posts are great - I enjoy the spirit on this board. Sometimes we all work at fishing, sometimes we all work at another goal, like Motiv8tr's Tyler program. One person really can make a difference; you are a great model for us all, Maureen. I am looking forward to meeting all youse folks, fer sure. Shame on the no shows, like Roy, for e.g.
  22. It is so. But thanks for the info. See you on Saturday?
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