I have seen that before but never posted it.
One day years back, probably 1984ish, I was down in Oshkosh Wisconsin for the annual Experimental Aircraft Association show with my dad and a good friend of his. Tired of the tent breakfasts after 4 days, we took the shuttle to the terminal lounge. While eating breakfast, we noticed an F-14/16??(could have the model wrong now) parked outside. We finished breakfast and walked out to it to look it over while waiting for the shuttle to return. We gave it a good look over. I climbed up to the cockpit and there was a roll of duct tape on the dashboard. Shortly after that, the air force pilot came along, we introduced ourselves and said we hope you didn't mind us taking a closer look at your ride. He was all smiles and said, no problem, can I answer any questions? Immediately I asked him what the duct tape was for, and he replied, "everything, when I inspect my aircraft after landing, and find a small issue, I just tape it up, so that it does not become a larger issue until I can get it properly serviced". We laughed about that. Unfortunately no pictures, I left my SLR locked up in the truck by our tent :wallbash:
We sure could not have done that in today's world now.