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Everything posted by BucktownAngler

  1. Has anybody seen/have or know anything about this lure? Its called a Burmek B1, theres not too much information to be found on google about it. I believe its from the 70's I picked it up at the sportsmen show in one of the bargain bins, as part of a 5/$20 deal. The price tag on it is $30 I figured id give it a try, especially because i havent seen it anywhere else before
  2. Mepps Senkos Original Floating Rapala Jitterbug Wally diver
  3. anybody know Mitchell/Canal conditions?
  4. anybody have any info on Mitchell, Canal, or Balsam? would like to get into some pike action
  5. Looking for some feedback on this line. Saw it in a magazine, but havent seen any local stores who carry it. its to be used as a main line, no leader http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Sufix_Invisiline_Castable_Fluorocarbon/descpage-SCF.html
  6. Was also considering this lake for a summer trip. Was speaking with some outfitters at the Fishing show, they mentioned some back lakes (portage) that hold some monster bass & pike. Has anybody tried these back lakes?
  7. yup you got it!
  8. awesome Tiger! what lake is that from?
  9. prefer MH 7" range
  10. anybody care to recommend a good bassin' rod with normal sized guides? Lightweight is key, looking for something in the $100-$150 range will be using it mostly with senkos, booyahs (jigs), swim baits, etc
  11. Next time ask, "Can anybody provide additional information?" lol
  12. Does anybody notice the difference in small guides and normal sized guides? What exactly is the purpose of the smaller guides? does it improve casting accuracy/distance? I normally use a braid/flouro leader setup, but am wondering how the smaller guides will affect my casting with the knot i use to join the 2 lines. i like to use a 2 ft lead approx im shopping for a new bass rod, and really like the new Quantum Exo rod, so lightweight and felt great in my hand. Id like something 7ft MH any reccomendations?
  13. why is ebay so much cheaper? i was looking at a new baitcaster, and i can get it way cheaper on ebay as opposed to anywhere else. id prefer to buy local
  14. i agree with that. but thats because this site isnt private. it should be viewable by members only. anybody could search Steelhead Report on Google and the very first link is a direct post on OFC i bet most of the views are non registered lurkers. i know a few personally who love to read, but will not register
  15. thanks guys
  16. id also like to get out on Cooks bay this weekend. where is there safe ice? pm me if neccessary
  17. are the bearings the same for the LH version of the reels?
  18. @jeffdabossplaya spelt it wrong in my original post
  19. ill be using a heavy rod in a rod holder outside the hut
  20. i have a heavy rod set up for pike and was using some power pro on it this weekend, and it froze up and got stiff. hard to reel in etc. what line do you guys use for pike through the ice?
  21. was using a little buddy heater Saturday on simcoe, in a double wide 6 man popup. It was giving suffient heat through out the day. Was able to take off the jacket. As it got colder after 3pm, we started feeling it in the hut. im thinking this should be good for the 4 man, as its almost half the size
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