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Everything posted by Rich

  1. It's called outsourcing. Telemarketing companies were the last to join the corporate club.
  2. It didn't take long to realize fall is not a lot like spring. There are days where the pike are crazy active, seemingly in schools - but those are few and far between, they seem to be any time there is a light rain or just before dark. My question is. Since most of the time it's slow and pike are (seem) scattered, what types of areas should be likely to hold them? The ponds I fish are no more than 20 feet deep and the fish are not in the deep zones, seemingly. Any help would be appreciated!
  3. At LPRCA parks, you can still walk in after the park is closed. Not sure if they have the same policy. You'd be stuck to shore fishing if it is the same though.
  4. I'm pretty sure it was a lake run fish guys. There's usually carp and largemouth sitting where he was in the summer. There are resident browns but really the way the creek gets decimated there aren't many. I'm not saying it wasn't .. but it's a pretty fat chance on this particular stream. Thank you all for the kind words.
  5. I agree with everything but the last part. That'd be a waste of tax money! Just take away their fishing rights.
  6. Rich

    PB ski

    Congrats on the PB! Beast!!
  7. Nice fish! Thanks for sharing!
  8. Great report dude!! Off the charts!
  9. All the most hideous deeds are in the name of profit. Sickening.
  10. Definitely not an atlantic, it was caught the same spot where I caught three other (smaller, MUCH smaller) browns that evening. I wish it was, though I have caught an atlantic from an Erie trib in the past. It was a much different build than this fish, the colors were indeed similar though. Thanks everyone! I have seen bigger ones around so I am hoping to crush this PB this fall!
  11. The biggest trib brown ive ever landed, not big by many standards but a nice step in the right direction for me! Caught bottom bouncing bow skein, erie trib.
  12. No problem boss, let us know how it goes!
  13. Fenelon falls kinda sucks. Grandpas cottage is near there. All i ever got is tiny smallies, big gills and cigar walleyes.
  14. They can both be productive. I'm not a fan of TP in recent years. Closed access put lots of pressure on the few spots left to access.. but it can still be good on occasion.
  15. You can shore fish the pier in Port Rowan. It's between Long Point and Simcoe. Small public fishing pier. really shallow, fish in the channel where they dredged . The boats are mostly out now so you can also fish the dock area by the restaraunt. I dont know about this time of year but at various other times I've caught bass, pike, crappies, bluegills and perch there semi consistently.
  16. Stick to shallower waterbodies. The fish, no matter how inactive, will be forced to seek out shore refuge due to a lack of safe 'deep zones' to winter in. Its the only way ive been able to keep catching warm water species the last two months.
  17. Yeah nothing like crisp spring fresh feeling fresh roe leaves all over your hands. Lol
  18. Not too many good fishing spots in simcoe for anything but some rare (and out of season now) browns and carp/suckers/chubs. There is the waterford ponds nearby. There is panfish in them but crappies are a tough find this time of year. I've been seeing mostly sunfish caught.
  19. People don't vest enough power in the #4 Vibrax Spinner (Blue Fox), especially that firetiger one. All I can say after 6 years of people telling me "that wont work" and "you need a float rod" ... I wish I just tossed that spinner all day.
  20. Most of all, check the regs and see what's open. That will pretty much tell you everywhere to fish.
  21. I tried for 6 years to get my first steelhead over 8lbs. There ain't no shortcuts. The best times I lucked out when I started were because I was a 'dumb noob' and would go at the "wrong times" cuz it was convenient for me. A few of those "wrong times" weren't so wrong after all. I once lost 22 fish in a row, all by myself on a run of the grand. All huge. I was in a t-shirt and wading in shorts and sandals. Go give it a try. Spoons, spinners, hook/sinker/roe bag. Don't do anything fancy until you've caught a few on the basics.
  22. There is guys here running tiny trebles 4" below their bead, I guess thats why I am bias on this. I haven't run into anyone doing it "properly", though i havent seen a salmon come out of the creek that wasn't back hooked for about a week now either. Lol guess I can come around to this bead thing. Makes sense if the hook is within mouth distance.. i guess.
  23. Remember the age old saying, if it's chrome bring it home, if it's black send it back.
  24. Unless you actually watched the trout come out and attack the egg, you know nothing of how it got in his mouth.
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