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Marc Thorpe

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Everything posted by Marc Thorpe

  1. and he is coming back Roy,your friendship is honored by many I think I speak for all with this statement I have to say, fished with many of em Bob and Big Jim prob the most caring ,generous ones I know Pete,just an awesome person and a gas to fish with Gillespie and Mercer probably the 2 hardest working dudes in the business Jp offers technical info like no other Aaron most pleasant to be around and very dedicated to the resource In a way they all are very special in their own way Its what I have admired in each and every one of em
  2. Spiel we need you to lead the troops Here is to a speedy recovery
  3. Wow,May the power of above lead to a speedy recovery un-real sometimes the circumstance and events some go through If I may use a Dano saying "Take it like a man Dano",I know you can Dude here is to speedy recovery and truly wishing you the best man
  4. Thank You Wishing Everyone a Healthy prosperous New Year
  5. Bonne Fete
  6. The Mod Squad
  7. Wow,congrats I am sure after all his Ceasar Milan classes,he will make this pack Calm and Submissive with No affection
  8. Very interesting,I did quite allot of bee keeping when I was younger with my dad ,up to 50 hives. I suspect this maybe a domesticated swarm that established itself in this manner during later summer. Generally wild bees build nests/hives in hollow trees and laid down tree tree trunks or non exposed areas although they can if swarming occurs in the late season create such a nest but not a common occurrence,given the size,I suspect a domesticated swarm Chances are it will freeze over winter due to lack of weather protection very cool picture and find
  9. That is wonderful news
  10. Tks Wayne the Fitting song for that moment is "Basket Case" by Green Day Darren ,for some of us ,we still get to experience those memories,for others its no longer physically possible. In hopes those not able, enjoyed the "moments" captured through the lens and shared go far beyond any fish Joey the most fitting line " The screaming filled my head all day" Many songs are fitting for the moment and others tell the story of those moments The fish like many will be forgotten ,but the memories will be engraved in Time Tks glad you enjoyed
  11. Steve I dont catch any,What I catch is the memories Tks for the kind words ,glad you appreciated moments in my life
  12. Tks Roy My life is truly a Journey of wonderful moments You being part of it with many others A Release message shot through the lens of a camera Treat Big Evil with care
  13. Just thought I would share some memories in the moments of my life what a Journey
  14. Once again Roy and Joey,Paul and the Big Man ......Adam, for providing memories in my life
  15. You did ????? Wheres was I all kidding aside,Loic is a friend of a long time friends Mike Seguin and Mark Kruppa (Bjorn Magnusson). All this came together and its funny how 18 years go by and the stories of yesteryear are shared once again. Hopefully together we can lend a helping hand to Loic and possibly give the product a try I figured OFC would be a good place to introduce the product to the rest of Canada. As Roy mentioned the 8ft trout rod I most enjoyed for lakers ,specks,browns and rainbows and used the 6 footers for trolling walleyes. The walleye Jig Master is one to consider Something else to consider be well marc
  16. Great report Only one things! Why does Roy have to Monkey around
  17. Tom,you bet,this one is memorable for me do good and good will follow If folks only understood the meaning power of karma
  18. Tks Roy,Mon Chum I have had the honor of fishing with Big Jim prior but all trolling/never filming. This time we casted and he and I took part in tagging and DNA collection in collaboration with QMNR/OMNR AND University of Syracus (DR John Ferrel) Neat thing is allot of info about the fish and what are MNR's are doing by being involved will be highlighted. Most of all,it was a wonderful moment to capture Big Jim and Cam and I, The man is Larger than life. Undeniably the most generous and kind hearted person in fishing A memory to last a lifetime with the man that has impact most of us if not the most in the fishing industry I experience wonderful things and people in life This one meant allot to me (Merci Mon Chum) the greatest advice for all Dont take life for granted Big Jim,you never cease to amaze me Show should air this winter Like the large himself says often" Vient icit mon Chum" and they did The Big man shined like no other
  19. Nice pics guys,keep the wildlife pics coming Paul You most certainly have a Knack for capturing lifes moments
  20. Jat we were running the baits down around 10 to 15 feet,adding weight when the bite was deep and removing the weight as the bite rose. Roy,that plate looks delicious,even I would want to eat fish Tybo,I think they mistook my truck for a Chevy actually,got side window hit by a rock twice in the same week,the second one did the damage,weird way Just got back from fishing not 1 but 2 snow storms,brutal to say the least Looks nice for this weekend,Oh Royyyyyyyyyyyyyy anyway of getting out of push cart Duty
  21. Before Tybo makes a comment about the cracked Dodge window Its from all the drive by's,I have bullet proof glass Truly was a wonderful day
  22. No but you Rhomosaurus Now have A Friend My life was peaceful ..........................till you started it Its not fish heads you should eat but fish brains hahahahahahaha Matt "This only applies to ignorant owners/parents, I've come across awesome dogs and calm children" Not everyone teach respect of others and thats what he was saying Consideration for others goes a long way
  23. Looks like its blowing like a bus load or ice load of fairies to me
  24. I am no expert but have some understanding of living things you would say,very intrigued by all animal behavior. Having 3 large different breeds(Golden,Lab,Tamaskan-Husky mix) and having owned Rottweilers( the true test of patience ) You have a strong/working breed,Sheppard,Roths,Husky,Bulldogs and so on have distinct behaviors and learning processes. They all seem to know what they represent and project in each breeds unique way (behavioral characteristics and postures) One thing you must assert is Dominance in a non aggressive way practice laying her on her side with you over her once a day,this is a dominance position which is natural in the animal world,its body language,you will see obedience set back in withing a couple of weeks. Has the dog been spaded or nutured is important,without fixing they have behaviors which are somewhat harder to break and qwarky. When she is playing,allow stop time or down time during the play period,this asserts when things are to be and not to be but mostly you decide what you want .... not the dog. Its an exercise in controlling all situations and time ,whether play time or walk time or just being in the moment I suspect You are going through a disobedience period,somewhat like adolescence,it needs to be re-asserted in a firm but non aggressive way. Generally large breeds ,depending on the intellectual capacity of each individual dog (not all individual dogs have the same smarts or ability to learn quickly and mature,its all in the eyes ,when you talk to them or address command,those that have facial an eye expression are generally quick maturing dogs,quite smart too) ,the response and aging in maturity will vary like Jewelbee said up to 18 months but in reality it can be as much as 4 years. The dog is at an age where energy levels are high,take her for a bike ride teach her tricks,1 a week,once or twice a day,feed her mind In regards to other dogs,I suggest you expose her to as many dogs as you can,socializing is the most important factor in attaining full cooperation from commands. especially have the dog lay while been in an environment with multiple dogs,this will instill peace within the dog when amongst others Teaching a dog to respect commands is a constant exercise and they will always test your limits no matter what age after all they are animals and know our sentimental attachment,read it much better than you or I could ever Like Randy said,watch Ceasar,he has taped into behavioral language and how to utilize this in attaining wanted behavior from our dogs I applies to most all living things animals are not objects,they are living things with minds of their own if any of it makes sense to you Good luck,Sheppard are trully magnificent dogs,highly intellectual when you tap into their starving minds
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