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Marc Thorpe

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Everything posted by Marc Thorpe

  1. As you can see Wayne I am getting some Grey hairs Oh ya and my long distance ,pretend occasional part time friend forgot to take my choker off
  2. I used the Frabill Predator and have been very satisfied,very roomy used it for 2 years,still have it My model had the rod storage compartment which is a nice feature You can either use a tow rope or tow bar to pull it around This year will be giving the new Rtec series a try you might even feel snug in it
  3. Tom,yes its has been a great year Wishing you and Mike wonderful holidays and a very merry Xmas Roger,this tune you guys put together is trully in the spirit of Christmas Its like many of the songs when we were tikes,its just sticks with ya be good and do good in the interest of all Most of all be safe during this time of happiness and festivities
  4. Well I guess since the first Official Snow storm is upon us I think this is appropriate for the countdown to Xmas http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-7900362122096756883# Happy and safe holidays and a very Merry Fisherman's Christmas Tks Bpsman for this,my favorite
  5. Hey Wayne Touch Wood,least you did not hit ROCK bottom
  6. Well if opinions stated as facts are death to a thread Let me try my hand at this Guiding or chartering can be a means of earning a living depending on your financial goals. To do well,better spend more time on the water than on dry land Alot of sacrifices have to be made,its a way of life I dont fully agree about a hobby can be ruined by work,it all dependent on how you re-focus your enjoyment If you like catching fish,It may not be the thing for you unless you fish with clients(some do and some dont).If you progress more towards knowing about the fish than catching them and focus on the moments experienced with others then you might succeed. The critical thing in business is setting up a good business plan and have set forecasted goals with an outlaid plan on how to get there.Having a business Policy ,where clients respect those policies in place.Some will respect them and and some wont,those that dont you just move on.(Reminds me of a George Carlin funny,Humans are gonna save the planet but we have yet to learn how to respect one another and love one another). Knowing the possibilities and limitations of such a venture is of great importance Considering long term possibilities is the key to survival also one must consider the importance of knowing and having a first aid course with all the needed equipment in case of a situation. Informing one self about the legalities and liabilities covering this commercial activity Like most business,build it by design and adapt as the curve of evolution in the business evolves I owned a good business for some 15 years and did 100 or so of guiding days a year,I sold it some years ago now and never looked backed. For me ,its not a job,its the way I live One does not run a guide or chartering business or lodge because he is good at it,its because its the way they choose to live Those that dont,I suppose it explains why they are miserable about it Gary2r's I live in Good Earth
  7. along with the sewage and septic seeping filled fish we eat Lets not talk about the medical waste thats dumped in also http://www.scientificamerican.com/article....en-in-waterways http://www.qc.ec.gc.ca/csl/inf/inf058_e.html Have fun researching what we are doing to our waters,its not just 1 thing is a compilation of everything http://www.ec.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&am...=Send#resulttop
  8. Brian if I break a smile,I'd be breaking tradition Then winter would never come from the glow They are only treating partially the river(locks) with Rotenone to work on the electric barriers The entire system needs sterilization It wont solve entirely the problem. Good thing is they are goona shock,remove and preserve what ever game fish they can capture during the process and then re-introduce them and stocking afterward
  9. When the issue broke out,I emailed the biologist in question and I am sure many also invloved thought of the same solution Looks like they are gonna use the solution which may prevent an invasive disater http://www.suburbanchicagonews.com/bolingb...-091114.article
  10. Wow Terry you are connected! Only thing I am trying to figure out ..........is wayne or terry the sheep herder I see Dano is slowly making his progression and transformation to becoming the next Captain Stabbin
  11. Doesn't OFC all ready have an online competitive event involving all those who wish to enter in a team?
  12. Its been great from its very conception to the transition to ONFC I enjoy the reports from the many anglers who share them Its what I look forward to reading
  13. Just amputate You will never have a problem with a cut hand again
  14. Little trick I learned Mix 3 in 1 oil with Dura Lube: 1/2 + 1/2 works pretty good
  15. Wow never knew a Fruit could grow vegetables Can you grow Poutine Nice garden GCD Lets just say the ground is a little tight here nowadays to grow very much I like a good garden also,good fresh veggie
  16. Ya Mom always liked him better than me,She also told me to make him tap out when he steps out of line Loic, Your wife pack your lunch too when you go fishing Well my stats were as good as yours At least you got to troll the couch Mine did get better Ya I think you should go to Gan,Actually why dont you move there (hahahahahahahahaha) I"ll even help ya find a Kennel for yourself I know 2 us wont miss ya
  17. I seldom participate in this sort of thread I agree with JPD,allow your immune system to defend itself,I also think the more medicated we progress ourselves socialy the more complex medically the disease and viruses may become. I certainly do not think its a conspiracy but more so the transformation and mutation of these virus and diseases due to our evolving pharmaceutical development But.......... In 2005 I contracted True Strain Influenza and was hopitalized. A entire process of tracking its origins and people I contacted ensued but nothing was ever identified. I short,I was transported to the hospital by ambulance and upon checking my pressure at the hospital,i went into ceasure,at the time they thought its was cardiaque arrest but soon figured out I was contagious with influenza.Generally a form of true strain influenza is low in all provinces. Basically had I not gone to the hospital,the follow day was unsure to the doctors what the outcome may have been,it had progressed quite far and hospitalized for 2 days. I was prescribed Tamiflu which I took for 3 days out of 10,I had to cease due to severe intolerance to the product. The flu is common and kills some every year,influenza in its many true strains(not the flu),Hong Kong, Spanish,Avian and now H1N1 are virus that do weaken us to the point of failure. Having been through the entire ordeal,I can assure all its,un-pleasant. Having said that,I do believe its sensationalized by the media I do believe in awareness of the potential targeted age groups and types My best advice keep yourself healthy and clean Just because you get a cold or the flu,does not mean H1 N1 Be aware of the symptoms A flu that is not taking care of,can become a bad flu too
  18. its obvious neither of you have been out in a while when the last time you saw sun fairweather fisherman I see none of you Rhomos out Just one other idiot like me I'll give you pat on the back for your sunny day fair weather fish Nice fish dude
  19. The intent and purpose of my post was not to give credibility or diss-credit any of the recent captures. If anyone would like to discuss some of the recent captures on ANOTHER THREAD,I will gladly share my observations on the physical features of those captures and explain why those fish are of certain weights in my opinion and why they have attained maximum growth rate at the pinnacle of their evolutionary growth rate in their life. Many of the explanation are within my post,The evolutionary growth in length and in girth were mathematically calculated and based on my observations throughout the years and considering many of the recent captures. Along with information on many of the fish that are un-known to be caught but were weighed with measurements taken. The numbers seem to indicate my beliefs the purpose of the post is to give folks some idea of the limitation and potentials that trully exist in the growth of muskies. Unlike humans,animals generally cease eating when they are full Digestion can take up to 3 days during summer months given the high metabolism and surrounding water temps and every 5 days or more during cold water periods. Feeding periods is generally an individualistic thing,they do not all feed at once and may not feed for days on end,maybe even weeks,weather does not trigger all fish to eat,but I suspect as they attained a certain size or age,they individually feed according to individual physical and metabolic needs. Mutation or altered genetics generally do not occur naturally causing excessive growth but more so abnormalities in physical features of most animals: 3 toes,2 arms,stub arms,stub legs and so on Gigantism is disease which affects growth hormones from functioning adequately,generally associated to humans and very few other mammals Acceleration of growth rates generally leads to shorter life expectancy in most living animal Utilization of air in the swim bladder is mostly used for laying on the bottom or laying on the bottom in fast current. I have witnessed on several occasions muskies coming up to the surface to take a Gulp of air and have witnessed and experienced air in-trapped in fish while fishing high current areas including the 1000 islands region. The Williamson fish display the very specific characteristics and physical features I described. Obrien fish like someone mention was a small guy and the picture we see,the fish head was cut so separating it from the body gives the allusion of a giant head. It was also take with a wide angles lens thus distorting the actual size of the subject. A great big fish some of the recent captures that attained 60 inches,did not surpass 54 pounds or mid 50 pounds,some were harvested and weighed. The original measurement were inaccurate also Like I said,may of the great big fish captured in this decade may have had discrepancies in the methods of measuring the girth Cram I suspect many of the fish using the st Lawrence do not go out to lake Ontario,I suspect they spend their summers in Chaumont Bay and Quinty, certain percentage of them leave the st Lawrence once spawning has been done to spend their summers these 2 large diverse habitat areas. The others from what I have read remain in the river as resident populations. Most muskies come within proximity of structure and can be captured.Muskies are lazy by nature and will come withing close proximity to areas where they can be captured,they generally just don't hover in the water,simply because this physical effort consumes energy,most living matter on earth conserves energy for feeding and traveling/migratory purposes.Most migratory fish tend to utilize allot of the energy that would allow for more fat retention and weight gain,thus migratory fish would generally show characteristics of being lean. each region posses varied densities The purpose an intent is to give some understanding and potentials and limitations to the species the main factors to retain are evolutionary growth periods and evolution life growth cycles and physical features and make up of the species from various regions the secondary factor is whether the fish was girth ed In Water or Out of Water which in my observations has shown discrepancies in the accuracy of weight speculation for Out of Water measured fish. Fish girth ed in the water seem to display a closer proximity in weight to generally guest estimate calculations. Tks for the comments and I am glad that this may be informative in the limitations and potentials regarding the species
  20. Rainbows are triploids which equates to genetically altered fish bass do get to 20 pounds in certain southern states,mainly Texas and California
  21. You have a point,Keep in mind,its been mathematically calculated and biologically viewed with actual and factual growth rates and assessments of physical characteristics related to various regions. seems many in the scientific field share my views Here is one em "Wow! Excellent post! That's going to be pretty difficult to argue against. I think a lot of people simply want to think there is a fish out there that could break the record so that they might have a chance to do it someday. Clearly they don't quite understand the limitations of these fish. The Casselman and Crossman was supposed to show that even these famous biologists "appear" to think that it is a stretch (unless a fish was abnormal like Williamson's) for a fish to reach WR-class potential, much less obtain maximum weight potential (70+lbs) according to the von Bertalanffy model." Sean Landsman Fish Ecology and Conservation Physiology M.Sc. Candidate, Biology Carleton University
  22. Allow me to explain my thoughts which have led me to believe there is a maximum potential. It is from observation,reading studies on cold blooded animals and fish in particular that have led me to from this opinion I have spoken with DR Casselman about his maximum growth chart,even he admits it is a speculated calculated growth chart,there are many variables which are not factored. Like all species in which theoretical growth charts are calculate for. We must understand that in most regions growth does not occur all season,it occurs during the months of June to September in length and October to December for girth,the retention and building of fat and egg development.These factors can be somewhat slowed or increased depending of yearly and seasonal water temps and weather conditions. Keep in mind fish do not gain weight during the course of the summer due to high metabolism in accordance average summer water temps. Un seasonal cool summers will allow the fish to retain a certain amount of weight but generally they stabilize in weight according to their physical features and make up which is somewhat below maximum girth grow potential. also given the cylindrical physical make up and feature of the fish a 55 inch fish would support IN WATER a girth slightly more than have its length which would equate to 27.5 inches in girth,yes there are the exceptions of 28 and possibly 29. Williamson s fish which supported a 31 inch girth measured laying flat and out of the water according to my information was above normal. Allow me to speculate that if the girth was taken in the water ,it would have supported a 29 inch girth which would placed it in the maximum norm. Some fish display great length but slender back ends,the heaviest fish seem to display uniformity from head to tail. The fish that display uniformity could be at maximum health period during their growth years/life while fish displaying great length but slender tail sections or back end may have exceeded or surpassed their maximum health and growth/ life period in their lives We must also factor in angling pressure,many fish have shown signs of sulking and ceased feeding for a period after being angled and displayed avoidance afterward. I suspect that this experience of angling may impact a fish feeding behavior which would equate to lack of growth. From my observation on the Big O and Big Flo and many other regions of fish pictures I have observed,this is a important factor and determining factor which is an addition to all other variables which would allow for maximum growth I do believe and from my observations and measuring from in water to out of water girth measurement there is a discrepancy of 1,5 to 3 inches from in water girth measurement to out of water girth measurements.I suspect many of the big girths we are seeing are out of water measurement. This has led many to weigh there fish instead of girthing them,some do girth also their fish along with weighing them,its seems their weight and measurements seem to correlate with my thinking. I seldom girth and do not weigh fish anymore,simply due to limiting my presence and pressure but most of all ,out of water and human contact to the fish One must stare the ennemy in the eye if he wishes minimize his impact on the fish For one,we must break down each region which is producing great big fish and the physical make up and build of the fish.Each region shows variables in physical build and characteristics. There are many regions which posses and have produced great big fish of 50 pounds or mid to 58 pounds or so. Most if not all those fish were at peak growth and weight gain. The question all ask is : The fish bite again,what says it wont eat more. My reasoning is : Did the fish eat the lure cause it was eating or did it hit the lure because it was invading its space of peace and tranquility. I do not believe fish hit lures because they are eating all the time,I suspect many times they hit lures simply because it disturbs them in there resting area, whether it be shallow or deep. For those that fish above the norm,they will understand my next thinking. Ever notice you catch fish all summer them the fish somewhat disappear then show up gain and they are big! Maybe we are catching them when they are not eating! But catching them when they are being disturbed. I have observed the behavior of fish and its feeding tendency,I suspect a fish that hits a lure from the head or mid body is feeding but a fish that hits coming from behind,I suspect its hit from disturbing the fish.Many times those fish are slight hooked from the inside of the mouth but many times its from the outside in which would indicate an aggressive behavior towards the intruding lure. We are living in the era of the best muskie fishing in history and the era of educated anglers,If there were 60 pounders,we would be catching them on a regular basis There are many of today's guides and anglers which specialize in great big fish,They are not catching them. In all exclusion of the NFWHF First lets understand that in most cold water regions 50 is attained generally between 18 to 24 years.Muskies are speculated to live until 30 years of age. When we factor that most living animals live out their lives to 80% of life expectancy,we can somewhat speculate that most muskies reach the pinnacle of there lives somewhere between 24 and 27 years old.Some do live out to 30 years old. They do not continue growth all there lives some just like all animals cease growth at 48,50,53 and the magical few will attain 58 inches or so. Most cold blooded animals seem to show lack of weight gain in the last year or 2 of there lives. Which would indicate that for a fish to be at its maximum potential the fish generally would be aged somewhere between 18 and 24 years of age. Georgian bay has produced most probably the only 60 pounder ,speculation of Obrien's fish still abound but Williamson fish is un-disputably 61 pounds,It was aged at 17 years old ,which from all indication was a fast growth.Now to make clear the gonads were never verified to my understanding and information so the speculation that this fish was sterile is un-founded. Georgian bay has produced many 50 pound to mid 50 pound muskies but like many regions it faces some environmental issues and the importance of all ,the diminishing of its forage base. The instability of weather which has direct effect on the feeding behavior of fish and most importantly the stability of water levels and temperature. Although it has produced many 50 pound fish,the length or maximum length do not seem to be common,fish in excess of 55 inches. I still believe that Georgian bay given its vastness could produce a fish slightly bigger than any other area. But not 70 pounds and I would be surprised at 65. Green Bay posses the possibility of producing such a big fish also if the angling pressure does not override and cease the potential maximum growth rate. It has produced a few 50 pound fish but once again at its early stage in evolution, maximum length seems to be somewhat of a small minority of fish. It was also stocked some 20 years ago or so which many of the first generation of fish can and will attain maximum growth rate,the second and third generations seem to display a slower and lesser growth rate. What I have not quite understood yet about the Big Green is average water temps and growth rate speed,its seems from my understanding and information that the growth rate is accelerated which would indicate that these fish may not live to full expectancy but this is not yet understood MN has produced some giant fish also,again 1st generation and fishing pressure seems to have created a form of avoidance in some areas.Once again the average maximum length seems to fall short somewhat.Although some giant are caught year to year,I do believe that methods of girthing maybe the variable that we are not looking at. The recent 58 incher and Jonenesi and Dahms fish are example of giants that do exist but once again we are looking at mid 50 pound fish which seem to display the peak of their life and physical being,The only variable which needs clarifying is whether girths were taken in water or out of water which would give a true approximation of their weight . Great big fish none the less The Big O and the Big flo have displayed length but due to specific fishing pressure and current factors these fish display different physical features and make up. The Big O fish have had specific angling pressure which has led to avoidance and somewhat ceased weight gains during the fall months. I have personally observed 3 individual of 58 inches,2 of those were approx 45 to 47 pounds,I do not believe these 2 females posses the the physical make up of attaining 58 pounds or better,There is 1 female which her physical make up and characteristics does meet the needed make to attain possibly 58 pounds,Finding her during the prime maximum weight gain period is like looking for a needle in a hay stack.I suspect avoidance and possibly angling experience may hamper her feeding ability. We did capture her last year at 58x26 (in water girth measurement) (this fish was caught in august)last year due to unseasonably cool waters,the year previous she was 58x25 For all many I suspect angling pressure has affected there feeding ability or willingness. The barbosa fish after many discussion with Mike Lazarus the fish may have been 55 to 57 pounds and the Lapointe fish somewhere around 58 pounds(that fish is now dead from old age) The Big Flo has produced many big fish but the one thing many do not understand is the current things.Many fish that lay in current use there swim bladders to rest upon the bottom to allow themselves to lunge upwards to feed,These fish although show some very nice girth,most have air trapped in their swim bladders which leads to abnormal girths not supported by weight due to the dimension of the fish. Again the methods of girthing whether in water or out of water may lead to discrepancies in the girth of the fish. The Mcnair fish in my opinion is around 55 to 57 pounds and at its maximum growth period at the time of the season and her life,without factoring the trapped air in her swim bladder. Lac Seul and LOTW and Nippising seem to show signs of similar issues as the Ottawa I must add that all these areas display common girth to length ratio which indicates healthy fish When you factor all these regional variables and add environmental issues + weather + water conditions + angling pressure+ maximum life expectancy + maximum life period growth = limited possibilities of a fish exceeding 65 pounds or better One of the most important factors is forage population which by all indications are in far lesser number than the 70's and 80's,many biologist speculate we will never see the abundance and populations we once had. This above all is a critical determining factor C&R is great resource management tool and solutions but it is not the end all of end all, Post Mortality is a big factor and more an individual gets captured year after year or several times a years,Higher are the odds that post mortal release will ensue. I do believe state records can and will be broken if harvested I suspect we may have seen the biggest fish ever captured in Williamson fish There is a possibility that one slightly bigger may exist but unless harvested we will never know In hopes this further clarifies some views on the matter,Although I am not a biologist,I am an enthusiast of the species and understanding its life evolution and behavior. At this point in my evolution of muskie fishing,its goes beyond the great big fish,its about the great big fish and how it evolves . marc thorpe
  23. Could it be slight NE winds and very High pressure
  24. Your Right JPD,never read more into words by email or message board than there are They dont express the meaning of what wishes to place forth Dude ,I dont walk on water nor separate the seven seas When it comes to the resource and protecting it,its what I built my reputation off It is our responsibility to propagate the better and protection of our resource in this environmentally thinking era The crux of my message is really in your best interest,my interest is in you succeeding with your show Given the thread ,you singled out yourself even though its your legal right Like I said,I like to provoke but the essence of my provocation is to educate,sometimes I can convey in a wrong way But wait,I once thoughts I was wrong ,then I realized I was only mistaken I am just a fisherman by trade and through my works I try and educate as many as I can no matter who they are Simply because "When I wake I stare the ennemy in the eye" Someday I will share one of the greatest muskies stories ever told,its far beyond anyone imagination Hopefully most will retain the education and involvement that I took part Words cannot express my emotions nor my smile but they can lead to the thinking by one That is my intent You are correct we would have some good laughs talking about this together and you would see my humor Have a wonderful day I have a date with Big Evil Remember Bad does not measure up to Evil Thats why I fish for Big Evil Be good
  25. Ya but Dude,you are fishing with the immortal one That must have something to do with my Swarthy,Chiseled features I got a bigger Truck now,should be bomb resistant
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