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Everything posted by Marc Thorpe
Hey Tybo,the 360 is running smooth I even got your Logo all over it
Now thats as romo as you get,should be the cover of the next EA mag Pete could start a new show Queer eye for the muskie guy or instead of the Next Bite it could be called The Next Night Jamie your right Pete across the grass bwahahahahah You gotta do it Hey Petee ,just remember it takes a real man to wear a kilt You are wearing a TUTU
Ya Moose,If I grabbed him in an arm bar,I snap his spine the twig he is Looks like like he is getting raked just like in the photo
I always knew he was a candidate for the Pride Parade You would look good on float Been off line for week or more,they put twin V8 360s in my pc, ,we are peeling out
here's some info http://biology.clc.uc.edu/Courses/bio105/nervous.htm http://taylorandfrancis.metapress.com/cont...mgq6wf8wknuc20/
Some recent, quiet, secret Canadian History
Marc Thorpe replied to holdfast's topic in General Discussion
Hey Holdfast,interesting tks for sharing,my Grand Dad fought at Vimy(Albert Thorpe),He passed on at the age of 84 . he was one of the lucky ones that survived,he went onto WW2 with my dad and uncle My uncle passed away last week in B.C at 85 and my dad goes under the knife today at 83 You are right,not many know about it,seems those that served to liberate freedom are in their last years.Its trully nice to see some recognition to those that fought for what we have today There are only 2 soldiers left,one in TO and the other in the U.S.A A special message is written on my Nana's stone and its has great significance " Gods greatest gift rememberance" Could not be more true -
Ya know what Art I am told they even eat bucktails
An amazing gesture of kindness and generosity Kudos to all for your actions Speedtroll,my thoughts are with you
Hi Leafland,just wanted to say Kudos on your involvement with your son and questions on the board what you bring forth is exactly what fishing needs,revitalisation and continuation of the sport Welcome to the board,look forward to reading your experiences with your son and family The good people here will more than provide informative assistance,they will share their experiences which I think both of you will enjoy
Nice pic,thanks for sharing
Dont have any hot spots,but I would recommend you and your dad or mom spend a day on the water with Rob Hyatt or Dany Columby if you regularly visit the area. They are very familliar with Nippising,I suspect you would learn alot from both these guys and enjoy your day Rob Hyatt http://www.robsfishingcharters.com/ Dany Columby http://www.nipissingmuskies.com/ Might be others on the board which may provide further help
I thought you were gonna say look at his Pecker
Hey Mike it all comes down to thinking like kids,too many times we think like adults and try to get kids involved in adult ways Fishing is more than angling,more than catching Its everything in the surroundings of fishing that makes the experience what it is Watching your son on the ice that day quickly brought out what it is they seek in fishing BTW,I got your minnow net
Now thats nice Day of resurecting props
Those were the days when Checkered shirts were cool I guess 10 000 cats wore em out
I suspect if we privatized our natural resource with regional volunter watch dogs and administrators and financial equality upon all regions within their needs and contribution We would be far better than govermentally runned Simply run it like we are expected to run our households and business Biologist could go out and do what they studied and love to do,work in the field and progress instead of worrying about what their budgetary defencies
Kennyman,I always look at my glass as half full I enjoy everyone opinion or perspective on all matters no matter what my perspective is What Aniceguy did is good,I mearly pointed out what the political party he approached did He did approach the opposition which is not in power,great move no questions,take it with a grain of salt Rick O understood what my message was,he explained it correctly Ken,the prob financially stems from the top of the ladder all the way down for all departements Till you see what I have posted reached among all goverment levels and departments,Dude minute accomplishements will be reached because the monies that could be used to fully succeed are derived into nothing studies,nothing inquiries and so on Ken face it,50% of all tax earnings in every provinve and Canada is wasted You think a PM deserves 250 000$ in salary,I dont think so They are civile servants living off our means (something wrong with that equasion) and earning more than the average ? Just so you know,they work less hours per year than most of us and when they do more they are well compensated Does this not mean we should halt our efforts,no just be aware of expect Dont be fooled with all you read in the media I think you have taken my post wrong,seems others understood my message Yes I dont believe in the goverment,why its created a whirlwind of waste and un-accountability and un-retributional towards its wrong doings I've been witness to it in many aspect of govermental runned departements I understand and plight with some of the lacking in our natural resource but the heart of the prob comes from within the Gov The solutions suggested are good,but once again Co self financed by violation fines will lead to funds being derived towards other departments or quotas being instilled (you think thats a joke/dude its reality) I do agree fishing licenses should increase,I have no probs supporting this Fishing licenses and the use of these funds is under funded What do you really think I can do,not much Become Prime Minister,the entire political and govermental structure must be changed and become integral Not in my lifetime Rick could not have said it any better I do agree with his suggestion,first better clean up goverment because they will squander it Ken I am speaking up about the true matter of the problem I think you failed to see it Ken,I just earn a living and pay child support from this way of life,nothing else I share my experience withh all simply because I am common and simplistic as all just as others share their livelyhood or life experiences and knowledge Ken,in reality our finacial and goverment structure cannot last in this worldwind of waste,unfortunatly we as servants should halt all hand over till finacial accountability is attained. Fact is provincialy (every province exept Alta) and Nationaly the income received is by far more than enough to bring things to stability and accomplishements,the wasting and employee cut backs should be acted upon There are more office workers than field workers at any of the Provinces natural resource departement A prime example of waste Truck plates in quebec are 450$ 225$ for general road fees 225$ anti pollution So if I get this straight, my 225$ Anti pollution tax has gone into Provincial air purifiers so they we can breath clean air from my polluting truck with my 225$ My ars! Lake Simcoe has in re-introduction phase since 1996,we are now 2007 Do you know how much money has been allocated? Do the results equat to the return in investements ? NO Just so you,I sat in a meeting which almost could have set a precedents to selling off one of our natural reproducing fisheries for no other reason than to subsidize budgetary constraints. There was no scientific or natural resource reason to do so I voiced my and others opposition to it and received flack from the natural recorces folks What did I learn from that meeting,disapointement in the reasons some decisions are taken Most of all the wearness of the true information placed forth I called a spade a spade,some did not like it,To bad Carefull at creating or generating more govermental funds I dont think politicians are honest people and I dont think they have our best interest at heart or in responsibility More so their own personal finacial future Yes ,we should keep trying,I dont think handed over more Un-Contralable and Un-accountable monies is the solution Actually Ken its an all around good conversation Ken,I am short crotched and 180 pounds,slim and trim thats all the weight I got Remember this in life,never look up to others,look at them If your ever felt like to look up to someone,there not worth looking at
Well if your heart is really into getting kids fishing Start by looking at what www.takemefishing.org/ does http://www.fishingworks.com/kids_fishing/index.cfm http://www.aa-fishing.com/kids-fishing-trips.html (read each states value in creating intrigue) lots of tips Set your club aside,use it as a collective assembly of aid only Second,I think to innitiate kids in a competitive enviroment is not needed,As Chris S Stated it will naturally come You really want to get kids fishing its simple,take them along the banks,fish a little,walk along the banks turn over rocks ,look for crayfish,frogs,tad poles,insects,bring them back home ,place them in an aquarium so the kids can observe em and nurture them,even put some local tiny fish caught or trap minnows Basicaily ya want to get kids into fishing,get em going the same we did as kids We will not get kids into fishing trying to interest them into adult ways of fishing Its actually pretty simplistic Too much focus on the "fishing " part of it You need the peak their interest in fishings entire surroundings Anyone ever approach Hagens or any other aquarium manifacture to aid in such activities JPD,great effort and works on your part with the kids in your local area schools
Dont want to bust your bubble Keep dreaming,they aint gonna fix it Unless you have a tax grab to offer I hate to tell ya,The Gov only purpose is to grab as much off of its citizens as they can and do little Dont kid yourself waste and non decision occur at all levels and departements If they really have intentions of correcting our financial situation and envirometal situation 1)They would decrease their salaries (mp's) 2)They would trim gov employees by 30-50% and number of MP's 3) They would have citizen watch dogs to ensure good accountibility for all departements 4) They would get more hands on work done and accomnplished,less office work 5) Stop sending money for Foreign aid 6) Stop subsidizing cheap labor across seas Just remember .50$ on 1$ for tax goes towards salaries Dude dont get snowballed by some politician no matter what party they belong to Looks like they listen to your plight for votes Politicians are like asian carp,they are invasive in our lives I applaud your efforts,good luck
What kind of Fluorocarbon Line do you use?
Marc Thorpe replied to 98Fahrenheit's topic in General Discussion
I read a comparative some time back on fluro Seems the Maxima fluro had the best all around abrasion resistance and strength I am gonna try some this year,for muskies I have always used Seaguar -
I thought some of you would like it,its nostalgia Thats from years back,look at the cars in the video Lots of Fish Crisp moments Ya Lew it is pretty good,when you factor in the number of anglers back then harvesting to todays CNR anglers and post mortal release,I kinda wonder if we are not causing more mortality in this day and age than yesteryear Yes some areas were affected heavily by harvest but overall today,our impact may be more significant than yesteryear's Cool oldie nonetheless
Only solution is to sterilize the section of the rivers that contain em I watched the entire video series,the bio is sincere in his quest but I think he's waiting for a miracle In this case they should embark on sterilization of affected rivers and proceed with re-stocking species which would die off from the sterilization Since they know where they originated from,I wonder if a class action suit towards the States that originally had em is in order They have migrated all the way into Ohio,they are moving very fast up the illinois river and mississipi I think all states affected have no choice but to act before they invade the great lakes Although they may not agree with my solution,its the only solution Yes many other species will be affected but in this case,there's no alternative Most disapointing thing is we see our Natural resources people no matter where you live do nothing There are no predators that would control these fish Strerilization the only feasible and viable solution to eradication They could set up barriers and bassin for affected areas with filtration system,yes its costly but compared to a full blown invasion and destruction,its minute
Interesting video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yS7zkTnQVaM...ser&search=
Thats the way to do it,unfortunatly the monies will go to the coffers and not be directed towards the resource Whish all infraction/fines should be directed back into the Natural Resource treasury