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Everything posted by JPD

  1. Happy Birthday Lew, all the best JP
  2. Johnny, that's a perfect boat to fish the 115 and unders in. Just get a good fish finder/GPS unit like the Humminbird 787c and you'll be set. That and a good strong trolling motor and you'll be fine. Good Luck with it. JP
  3. Hey Mike, don't even bother with digital..there are too many variables that effect the calibration of the unit such as humidity and barometric pressure. Go with a good spring scale that is certifiable. I have been using the Chatillon scales for a bit now and think they are the best that I have ever used. I have a 6 pound scale for tournaments that weighs to the ounce, a ten pounder for Lake Erie Bass in case I get a giant and a 50 lber for carp and salmon etc... just get the 50 lb and you wont regret it... here's the link... http://www.scalesgalore.com/chfish.htm#in
  4. Hi Mark, glad you are getting hook ups... The 8 lb Trilene XL that we set you up with actually breaks at better than 12 lbs of pressure so it should be fine if you are patient. We typically land big Kings in the Niagara running 6 pound and in rivers very often 4 lb. I don't recommend going any heavier because the line diameter will increase thus decreasing your spool capacity. Further, don't use any braided line for this application. It is way too stressful on your equipment with the lack of stretch and the power these fish possess. You don't need it. To make matters worse, 30 lb Power pro has a thicker diameter (0.11) than 8 lbs mono (0.10) even though it is a tiny difference it still means less line and no stretch and IMO won't cast nearly as well. You have that great 10 foot rod, let the rod take the load and don't rush it. You'll figure it out I'm sure. Good luck and I hope you land one on your next trip out!!! JP
  5. Corey, just to give you a heads up, the cable providers make all of the decisions whether or not to carry a station, believe me that there isn't a station out there that wouldn't want to be in an area WFN has been added to every major digital provider from coast to coast and hopefully will become more readily available in the more remote or smaller areas. JP
  6. Lew, that is more of a processor problem than a signal problem. The Unit is trying to read the map off of the MMC Card and once and a while it freezes up much like a computer. Not much you can do about it except use the zoom buttons. It has happened a bit to me over the years but all in all not that bad. JP
  7. I've been using GMC/Chev for the last 8 years and haven't looked back. I have a buddy with a Trailblazer that tows a 20 foot bass boat and loves it. They may use a bit more gas but don't sound like they are going to fall apart like every Ford I have been in or driven. JP
  8. Great choice Lew, I changes over 6 years ago and haven't looked back.. way less problems and incredible in the weeds. More torque than Motorguide will ever have!!! JP
  9. Not only are they smaller, up to 45% smaller than regular lead, they are harder so they don't dent and get mangled like lead or cut into your line, also they are louder so when using a rig like a Carolina rig and you are trying to make noise, they excel. The smaller profile allows you to use more weight with less resistance to weeds and branches especially when flipping slop mats, they are phenomenal. The Tru Tungsten company has now come out with painted bullet weights with screw locks for plastics which is very difficult to manufacture since you can't pour tungsten like conventional lead, thus part of the increase in price. They actually press the weights when making jigs and spinner baits etc. I know they are expensive but if you use them like I do, for flipping largemouth, then you really don't break off all that often and the weights can be reused over and over again. JP
  10. I agree with Terry on this one Dan. Use a ground wire from your graph or any other gauge that runs off the battery negative. What goes out, goes right back in!!!
  11. I don't know how I didn't see this earlier!!! My deepest condolences Lew. I am very sorry for your loss. JP
  12. 10 Times better guys, great job. JP
  13. Sorry for your loss Brian but in the same breath congrats on a truly rare milestone with the Mrs. JP
  14. Hey fishindevil.. you my friend are a fishing mag junkie JP
  15. You really can't go wrong with the 7'2" Crucial or even the St. Croix AS76MLXF, 7'6" ML X-Fast. Great for picking up line quick and both have lifetime warranty. JP
  16. Terry you make a valid point. I have been doing that (Schools fishing) for the last 10 years with the high schools I have had the opportunity to work at. Typically the schools are from the Jane / Finch area and Scarborough and you wouldn't believe how many kids would sign up. The smallest group that I had out was 28 and the largest was 54 and basically out of the entire group maybe 5 had been ice fishing before. These kids loved it, they would show up and be in complete amazement that they were standing on a lake and staying in a heated hut catching perch on Cook's Bay. We would even organize to have the Operator who was usually Harry in Keswick bring out pizzas at lunch for them. It was very rewarding to take inner city kids who typically hang out at the malls and coffee shops and introduce them to something that wholesome and they genuinely appreciated it. Even if they caught only one perch they were thrilled, they would have snowball fights and play football, just a good time away from the hustle and bustle of city life. That in my opinion is a great way to get them introduced to a great hobby and if they decide to become more serious then that is their choice. No different than a house league hockey player who wants to get better or more serious about it, fishing offers the same opportunities. I myself love to compete and feel that it has made me a better angler but I also still love to kick back and fun fish for every species that swims. No one is right or wrong about how they fish, we just differ in our approaches like the die hard musky guys that fish for only that or a purist fly fisherman or any species specialist. If more and more people become involved in this great sport then it will be better for everyone... less kids being lost to video games or hanging out and getting into trouble and getting some fresh air never hurt anyone!!! Get out and fish for whatever swims. It always beats watching the tube on a weekend!! JP
  17. I have put close to 30000 km on my Oil Bath hubs on my boat trailer in 2 years and have never had a problem. The oil is easy to change and doesn't constantly get low like conventional grease bearings. 50 wt oil does the trick and does it well. There is a reason why just about every trailer manufacturer for high end or large boats have made the switch. They even have a clear outer cap so if your oil looks like a double double coffee then you know you have water in them and need a new seal. One's that fail are due to owner negligence 9 times out of 10. JP
  18. It will get better every day that you don't smoke and I'm not talking about how you feel, I mean about the cravings and thoughts, they will be less and less and then only a once in a while occurrence. Keep at it and you won't regret it.. no one who successfully quits smoking ever regrets it.. many who start again do. Keep at it!!
  19. Fishandchips is bang on... nobody will tear down a motor just for cleaning. 90% of the time major damage has been done if it needs to be rebuilt. Could be from an Overheat that scored a piston, a blown reed that got sucked in and scored the cylinder wall, a blown ring giving the motor poor to no compression, the list goes on and on. If the motor was done by a knowledgeable mechanic then it could be as good as new, just be sure to break it in again like it is new. All of those parts have to seat themselves properly. Run double the oil for the first few tanks of fuel. (25:1) JP
  20. Lifetime warranty on Avids Dude. Over the counter at a good dealer. Get a new one. JP
  21. I agree with charlesn here. I also flip with 65 braid and I too have broken 30, 40 and 50 on hooksets. When money is on the line why not use the heaviest line that you can get away with? 30, 40 and even 50 pound will even slip through the gap of an eye with ease if you don't keep it lined up. The only time I like braid is in the deep weed beds in deeper water however. Other than that, I use either 25 lb Fluorocarbon or 30 lb Big Game. JP
  22. Wish her all the best Lew and a speedy recovery. They (broken ribs) are no fun but luckily mend themselves. Short breaths will help ease the discomfort. JP
  23. Roy, like Charles said, the boat is actually wrapped in a 3M vinyl that has been printed and then they lay it onto the boat and work their magic getting it seamless and wrinkle/bubble free. Very few have the talent to do that however!!! Marks boat is Burgundy and Silver metal flake, but you won't recognize it when it's done. Kinda like what they do to the TTC buses when they wrap them with the Oh Henry wrap or what ever they are advertising. JP
  24. Definitely deserving after the year Mark put down on paper. Congrats Mark and enjoy the cars and trucks that will stay right in your blind spot checking out the boat!! JP
  25. Silverado Sheriff and Clampet, Basstalk ran a promotion on this site with TJ when they gave away 2 tickets to their event which retailed at $150. To call this spam is a bit offensive to say the least. Dave Chong is a member of the board and runs a seminar series to help fishermen. I see the relation to this board.. why can't you??? I always amazes me how some are so quick to judge.. Oh well... let the roast continue with class and style JP
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